Drinking decaf can reduce distressing symptoms
- A new study found that even decaffeinated coffee can reduce caffeine withdrawal symptoms.
- Caffeine withdrawal symptoms include headaches, fatigue, and upset stomach.
- I saw a reduction in symptoms even though I knew I wasn’t drinking regular coffee.
- Researchers suggest this is due to an open-label placebo effect.
- This effect may make it easier to consume less coffee.
statistics show About 75% of people drink coffee every day.
However, drinking too much can have negative health effects, including:
If you want to stop caffeine withdrawal symptoms — Headache, fatigue, irritability, upset stomach — often make it difficult.
If this applies to you, a group of scientists at the University of Sydney have some potentially good news.
According to the lead author of study, Llewelyn Millsa drug and alcohol researcher at the University of Sydney School of Medicine, says drinking decaffeinated coffee can temporarily reduce caffeine withdrawal symptoms.
And even if you are conscious of drinking decaf, this effect exists.
“It sounds like voodoo, but now that it’s been observed in three separate studies, we believe it’s real,” Mills said.
To study the issue of caffeine withdrawal, Mills and his team looked at 61 heavy consumers who drank at least three cups of coffee a day.
All participants went caffeine-free for 24 hours while withdrawal symptoms were measured.
The study participants were then divided into three groups. Two groups were given decaf coffee, but he was the only one of the two groups to be told that he was drinking decaf coffee.
The other group was tricked into thinking they were receiving regular coffee.
Finally, a third group was provided with drinking water.
When asked to rate their symptoms 45 minutes later, the group who thought they were drinking coffee on a regular basis reported experiencing symptom relief.
When asked how much they expected their withdrawal symptoms to improve before drinking their assigned drink, they answered that regular coffee was the most effective, followed by water and decaf.
But this was not what happened. Water didn’t help at all, but decaffeinated coffee gave people a great sense of relief.
Mills pointed out that there is no pharmacological reason why decaffeination helps reduce withdrawal symptoms, and that there must be another reason for the observed effects.
Mills said he attributed what happened to what he called the “open-label placebo effect.”
The placebo effect usually occurs when people believe they have taken a pharmacologically active substance and expect to see an improvement in their symptoms.
“The open-label placebo effect is an interesting exception to this rule,” said Mills.
As to why the open-label placebo effect occurred in this case, Mills believes it was due to conditioning.
“Daily coffee drinkers drink thousands of cups of coffee in their lifetime. You consciously associate all the stimuli that surround it (tastes, smells, warmth of the cup, heat of the liquid) and subconsciously reduce caffeine cravings.”
Over time, these stimuli could cause a reduction in withdrawal without the presence of caffeine, he explained.
According to Mills, this effect can be helpful when you’re trying to cut back on your coffee intake.
“[A] A cup of high-quality decaffeinated coffee at the peak of your symptoms may help you overcome your worst cravings and resist temptation,” he said.
Dr. Devabratha MukherjeeTexas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso Chief of Internal Medicine and Professor of Internal Medicine .The Positive and Negative Effects.
“Moderate amounts of caffeine — up to two 8-ounce cups of coffee — can make people less tired and more alert. “However, high doses can make people feel anxious, raise blood pressure, and cause heart palpitations and sleep disturbances.”
Further, Mukherjee said:
“Moderate coffee is reasonable, but too much seems to be a health risk. [it is] It is good to reduce the consumption of these individuals. ”
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