Mutations in the predominant Arizona coronavirus strain may make it more infectious
With more than 90% of new Arizona coronavirus samples in recent genetic analyzes mutated, researchers hypothesize that the virus will be more infectious.
So far, researchers have analyzed more Identified 1,400 samples of the virus from patients with COVID-19 that were considered potentially explanatory Explosion of the incident It is in a state.
This genetic mutation affects the outer spike of the virus that it uses to attach to and infect host cells.
According to David Engelthaler, Co-Director of the Pathogen and Microbiome Division of the Translational Genomics Research Institute, the significant location of the mutation changes the way spikes work to infect people, making the virus more contagious. There is a possibility.
“It may be the reason for the predominant tension that we have certainly seen in Europe, the US, and here in Arizona,” he said.
Mutants of this virus are Researchers first identified in April It seems to have occurred in Europe as the dominant strain of Arizona. Researchers initially thought that this strain was not more infectious than the other strains, and it was due to chance.
However, given the additional data, researchers believe that this strain behaved differently than other strains.
“Previous strains that entered Arizona did not have this mutation, and in most cases these strains did not cause any type of persistent outbreak,” Engeltaler said. “They usually popped.”
The mutation itself is called the D614G mutation, and Dr. Anthony Fauci acknowledged as appearing to improve the replication capacity of the virus.
The next important question is whether this more readable strain is as deadly as other strains.
so interview Fauci, with Dr. Howard Baucher of the American Medical Association Journal, “is irrelevant to whether this makes an individual worse. The virus seems to replicate better and be more contagious.”
In an interview, Fauci confirmed these theories and warned that mutations needed to be further analyzed.
Engeltaler believes this mutation may reduce the lethality of the virus.
“It’s really difficult to relate mortality directly to virus strains,” he said. “But I think there is more evidence that the mortality rate is decreasing.”
According to the data released by Arizona Department of HealthBy May 15, a total of 14,796 confirmed COVID-19 cases had been confirmed in Arizona, resulting in 802 COVID-19-related deaths. Governor Doug Ducey’s home order has expired. This corresponds to a virus mortality rate in the state of approximately 5.4%.
As of July 9, a total of 112,671 COVID-19 cases were confirmed, and there were 2,038 COVID-19-related deaths across the state, with a virus mortality rate of approximately 1.8%.
However, this lower mortality rate may be due to increased testing across the state, which allows the state to better track the total number of coronavirus cases.
More cases have been identified among younger patients, who generally have lower mortality.
May 15, 20 to 44 years old Accounting 39% of all confirmed cases in Maricopa County. As of July 9, Accounting 53%.
But Engeltaler noted that mortality rates in high-risk age groups are also declining. According to Maricopa County data, As of May 15, 17% of people aged 65 and older with the disease had died. Today, the mortality rate for infected people within that age group is approximately 10%.
“It’s not always directly linked to a particular mutation in the virus,” he said. “But right now, it’s relevant.”
However, he stressed that this does not mean that the state should relax its precautions against infections.
“We still need to do everything we can to protect the highest risk people,” he said.
It is also important to keep track of viral mutations and better understand the mutations in this spike protein. Mutations can significantly affect the effectiveness of vaccines and treatments.
In particular, many vaccines and therapeutics target the outer spikes of the virus, so harmful mutations in the spike proteins can render the vaccine useless.
So far, no mutations have been found to interfere with ongoing vaccine development, including this mutation, according to Engelthaler.
“We can’t say for sure whether mutations will adversely affect these vaccines,” he said. “But at this point there is no evidence that they have a negative impact or that the vaccine will not work.”
Each time the virus infects a new host, there is another opportunity to mutate. The new coronavirus had the opportunity to move rapidly around the world, so this is likely to create multiple versions of the virus, Engeltaller said.
These different versions have different properties or not all respond to the same vaccine or treatment.
“If you can use vaccines, you can reduce the amount of vaccines and the total number of infections,” he said. “I think trying to make it disappear completely is certainly out of reach at this time, even if there is a good vaccine program.”
In addition to creating a new coronavirus genetic pedigree, TGen uses its genetic analysis to track COVID-19 contact in the state so researchers can better understand and study different strains. Improves work accuracy.
Engelthaler said TGen wants to see how the various strains of the virus are spread so that they can better limit the infection.
“The virus itself will tell us what we should focus on,” he said. “And obviously what we’re seeing now is that this particular mutation is and will probably continue to dominate.”
Amanda Morris covers everything in bioscience, including healthcare, technology, new research and the environment. Submit Tips, Story Ideas, Dog Memes [email protected] Follow her on Twitter Azuki Latest bioscience updates.
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