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Study finds 45 negative health effects of added sugar

Study finds 45 negative health effects of added sugar


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There are at least 45 good reasons to cut back on added sugar, according to new research.

Numerous studies have shown the negative health effects of excessive sugar intake. As a result, it is recommended that a person limit her consumption of “free” or added sugar to less than 10% of her daily caloric intake.

Still, researchers in China and the United States felt that “a comprehensive assessment of the quality of the existing evidence is needed” before formulating detailed policies for sugar restriction. A study published Wednesday In the journal The BMJ.

Healthy sugar substitute erythritol on gray background

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A large review of 73 meta-analyses, including 8,601 studies, found that high intake of added sugars was associated with 45 adverse health outcomes, including diabetes, gout, obesity, hypertension, heart attack, stroke and cancer. was associated with a significantly higher Asthma, tooth decay, depression, premature death.

free sugar — the type of sugar that the author focused on — that is added during food processing. It is packaged as table sugar and other sweeteners. It occurs naturally in syrups, honey, fruit and vegetable juices, purees, pastes, and similar products in which the cellular structure of foods is disrupted. U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationThis category does not include sugars that occur naturally in dairy products or structurally whole fruits and vegetables.

Table sugar is an additive in many processed foods.

The study “provides a useful overview of the current state of the science on sugar consumption and our health, and confirms that too much sugar is likely to cause problems,” said Health Media Innovations. Director and Clinical Assistant Professor Maya Adam, Ph.D. He received his doctorate in pediatrics from Stanford University School of Medicine. Adam was not involved in his research.

“Studies like this help advise patients that seemingly small changes, such as cutting out excess sugar from sugary drinks, can lead to noticeable improvements in health,” CNN said. said medical analyst Dr. Leana Wen. A professor of public health at George Washington University, who was not involved in the study.

Moderate-quality evidence suggested that participants who consumed the most sugary drinks weighed more than those who consumed the least.

“As a nutrition researcher who has served on both the 2010 and 2020 U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committees, I can confirm that sugar intake in the U.S. is more than double the recommended amount (per day less than 10% of total calorie intake).. Van Horn was not involved in this study.

Evidence for a link between free sugars and cancer is limited, controversial, and needs more research, the study authors said. may be explained by the known effects of on body weight. High sugar intake is associated with obesity, which is a strong risk factor for various cancers.

Behavioral scientist Brooke Aggarwal says, “High sugar intake can promote inflammation in the body, put stress on the heart and blood vessels, and increase blood pressure. told CNN in FebruaryAggarwal, an assistant professor of medicine in the Department of Cardiology at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, was not involved in the study.

Highly processed foods high in free sugars have been shown to increase inflammation. risk factors for depression.

“Whole food carbohydrates take longer to break down into simple sugars, and the fiber that’s part of it can’t be broken down at all,” Adam told CNN in February. , meaning that it does not cause the kind of blood sugar spike that you experience when you eat simple sugar. It can be the underlying cause of health problems.”

The findings align with existing guidance from the World Health Organization, the World Cancer Research Fund, and the National Cancer Institute to limit intake of free sugars to less than 25 grams or 6 teaspoons per day. suggesting that it is necessary.I have that much sugar 2½ chocolate chip cookies, 16 ounces fruit punch, and about 1½ tablespoons honey. Donuts contain about 15 to 30 grams of sugar. Cleveland Clinic.

The authors also recommend reducing consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages to less than one serving (approximately 200 to 355 milliliters) per week. That equates to up to 12 ounces of soda, Aggarwal said in an email.

To change sugar consumption patterns, the authors believe there is an “urgent need for a combination of widespread public health education and policies around the world.”

But there are also some changes you can initiate yourself.

Even for foods you don’t consider sweet, like breads, breakfast cereals, yogurt, and condiments, read nutrition labels when shopping and be aware of what you’re putting into your body. These foods usually have a lot of added sugar, which adds up, Adam said.

Choose water sweetened with fruit slices instead of sugary drinks, and have fresh or frozen fruit instead of cakes, cookies, or ice cream for dessert. is one of the best ways to reduce your sugar intake, says Aggarwal.

Getting enough quality sleep on a regular basis also helps. choose foods high in sugar When I’m tired,” says Aggarwal. Cutting back gradually helps train your taste buds not to crave sugar.

“Our lives would probably be sweeter with less sugar in our diet,” Adam said.




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