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Hospital tested as COVID-19 strain ICU


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With the spread of COVID-19, Texas hospitals are running out of space. Getty images
  • In Texas, there was a surge in cases where ICU bed availability fell to just 4%.
  • Similar gains have been seen in some other states.
  • If the situation is not immediately under control, the United States can have a repeat of the tragic situation experienced New york city..

A few months after the COVID-19 outbreak peaked in New York, new disease surges can be seen in the southern and western states, including Florida, Texas, and California.

These states had the advantage of being able to prepare for the surge in COVID-19 for many months and learning important lessons about how New York was affected by the outbreak of the virus.

However, the latest data, Many hospitals in these states are starting to get nervous. In Texas, there was a surge in cases where ICU bed availability fell to just 4%. Similar gains have been seen in some other states.

If the situation is not immediately under control, the United States can have a repeat of the tragic situation experienced New york city, When there were insufficient medical resources to support everyone in need.

Hospital ICUs were reportedly filled with 54 hospitals in 25 of 67 counties in Florida. Reuters..

COVID-19 deaths have been reported to have increased by over 100% in Texas, Arizona and South Carolina over the past four weeks Washington PostInfections in Mississippi, Tennessee, California, and Louisiana have also increased significantly.

Healthcare facilities throughout the United States claim to be preparing for the revival of COVID-19.

In California, tents have been set up to address the potential rush of new patients.

Scott Rocco, director of emergency department of Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital in California, Press democratStand outside a tent with six medical bays and prepare for a new wave of patients.

In some Florida hospitals number Adult ICU bed According to state data, a spokesperson for one of Central Florida’s largest healthcare providers can expand capacity as needed.

“Our ICU capacity is running at about 85-90%, but we can turn some of our progressive care units into ICU units as needed,” says CEO Terry Shaw. AdventHealthSaid in statement..

Austin, Texas,Surge planIt will become active when the traditional hospital reaches capacity. Under this plan, patients will receive hospital-level care in the building that formerly housed the clinic and health facilities.

When these are full, the patient is treated in a surgical hospital or facility similar to a large ward.

“We hope that hospitals have come up with ways to quickly increase bed capacity, especially ICU bed capacity, in the last few months, but it is certainly possible that alternative temporary medical facilities will be needed again. ” Dr. Kenneth C. Ronderro, Associate Professor of Public Health and Emergency Management at Adelphi University, told Healthline.

Rondello emphasized that there is no easy answer to prepare for the wave of patients with COVID-19, but lessons are learned from the experience of large and early-hit hospitals not only in this country but around the world. You can learn

“Currently, the available supplies have better met the needs of the United States,” explains Rondelo. “Many states and healthcare systems are starting to stockpile what they can supply above their current burn rates.”

He said he had “hope” that the stored supply would be sufficient for a surge in the expected case this fall. However, “Unfortunately, most of the underlying supply chain problems have not been solved, such as 95% of all N95 masks used in the US are manufactured abroad. That is our supply Achilles. It remains in the heel.”

“What we see with this virus is that there is great regional variation in the approach. This also applies to hospital readiness,” he said. Dr. Tista Gosh, Epidemiologist, dean of medicine Grand round.. “Given the Vice President’s recent proposal for healthcare professionals to reuse PPE, there is a certain possibility that shortages may still exist in different parts of the country.”

Gauche recommended that healthcare facilities in the region with a surge of cases consider canceling the elective procedure “to release both the bed and the ventilator.” You should also be prepared to use “pre-identified alternative medicine sites”, such as Central Park in New York City, if necessary.

When asked if the recent surge in COVID-19 cases was the second wave of infection, Gauche replied: “Not yet — this is the first wave in many places yet”

For example, Texas and Florida states: Instead, they are experiencing it now. “

Mr Gauche said he should expect “regional variations in virus circulation and surges in cases based on policy, travel, population density, etc.” That is, if a second wave occurs in a particular region of the country, other regions will continue to be the first wave.

“Fall and winter can be challenging for the healthcare system, as both COVID-19 and the flu are likely to affect people and require medical resources,” Ghosh concluded. “How bad it gets is up to us as a society.”

She emphasized that the only tools we now have are physical distance and hygiene and the use of masks. “The combined use of these tools will determine how bad the fall and winter conditions are.”

Rondello agreed: “It’s not the second wave of the infection that is happening now — it’s just a continuation of the first wave.” He said he was hoping that the rate would drop “significantly” and “provide an opportunity to regroup before the second wave expected in the fall.”

However, while the number of cases fell in the blockbuster regions of the country that adopted “rigorous, early, and ongoing precautions,” the surge in case numbers elsewhere in the United States offset the benefits of that decline. It was

“In the end, we can expect to continue to see different regions of the country with large spikes in case loads, regardless of the first/second wave semantics, or best practices for infection control. It is universally adopted.”

The increasing number of cases during the summer, when few cases of respiratory tract infections are seen, also poses an embarrassing problem with the cold climate just a few months ahead.

“No one can be certain how bad the autumn case load is, but most of us in public health are convinced it’s not good,” Rondello confirmed. He explained that coronaviruses like SARS-CoV-2 tend to reproduce in cool weather. “People spend less time outdoors and gather in places where there is a higher risk of infection.”

“Continuing COVID-19 in parallel with the coming flu season only exacerbates the situation,” he warned. “The individual’s immune system can only accommodate a lot at a time, and fighting two severe respiratory pathogens at the same time will be more than they can withstand.”

According to Rondello, patients with severe influenza will see an increase in COVID-19 cases, while at the same time increasing demand for hospital beds and other healthcare resources.

A few months after the COVID-19 outbreak peaked in New York, southern and western states have their own spikes.

The recent increase in COVID-19 in several US states has raised concerns about the second peak and overwhelming healthcare systems.

Experts say that the surge in cases is actually a continuation of the first wave, and hospitals should have a good supply so far.

They said that the combination of COVID-19 and seasonal flu could have disastrous consequences for the health system and many vulnerable people this fall if physical distances and mask usage guidelines are not strictly followed. I warn that there is.


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