Irregular menstrual cycles are linked to heart disease risk
Women with menstrual cycles shorter than 22 days or longer than 34 days were more likely to experience this symptom. cardiovascular disease including events heart attack again Atrial fibrillation (afib)according to new information Research May 24, American Heart Association Journal.
These findings are interesting and highlight the importance of the menstrual cycle as a marker of health, especially heart health. Dr. Stephanie Fabion, Director of the Mayo Clinic Women’s Health Center in Jacksonville, Florida.
Irregular menstrual cycles ‘not always benign’
“This study adds to the body of literature that shows that irregular menstrual cycles are not necessarily benign,” says Fabion, Ph.D., medical director of the North American Menopause Society, who was not involved in the study. do not have. “Previous studies have linked irregular menstruation to multiple cardiovascular disease risk factors. insulin resistance, high cholesterol, hypertension, chronic inflammation. ”
How long is a “regular” menstrual cycle?
Menstrual cycles are counted from the first day of one period to the first day of the next. The average total menstrual cycle is 28 days, and anything between 21 and 35 days is usually considered normal. Long or short menstrual cycles are considered irregular, and about 1 in 5 women experience them. merck manual.
A regular menstrual cycle reflects normal functioning of related hormonal systems such as the hypothalamus. pituitary glandAccording to the authors, this is an important indicator of overall health.
Irregular cycle length was associated with a 40% higher risk of atrial fibrillation
The researchers used data from approximately 60,000 women enrolled in the UK Biobank to determine women’s menstrual cycle length, overall heart disease, and investigated for relevance. Researchers defined a normal menstrual cycle as 22 to 34 days.
Participants had an average age of 46 years at enrollment, 92% were Caucasian, had no heart disease, and were not yet menopausal. Health data were collected from 2006 to 2010, 2012 to 2013, 2014 and through his four follow-up visits in 2019.
During a median follow-up of 12 years, there were 1,623 cardiovascular events, including coronary heart disease, heart attack, and heart attack. atrial fibrillationstroke, and heart failure.
Key findings from the study include:
- Menstrual cycles shorter than 21 days or longer than 35 days were associated with 19% higher menstrual cycles. heart disease risk and 40 percent higher atrial fibrillation risk longer than the normal menstrual cycle.
- Shorter menstrual cycles are associated with a 29% higher risk of CVD events such as coronary heart disease, heart attack, atrial fibrillation, stroke and heart failure. Longer menstrual cycles were associated with an 11% higher risk of CVD events compared to normal length menstrual cycles.
- Compared to normal menstrual cycles, short menstrual cycles were associated with a 38% higher risk of atrial fibrillation, and long menstrual cycles were associated with a 30% higher risk of atrial fibrillation.
- Researchers found no association between menstrual cycle length and increased menstrual cycles. risk of stroke or heart failure.
These increased risks of cardiovascular disease were found after researchers controlled for many factors that could influence study results, including age, ethnicity, BMI, smoking status, alcohol consumption, physical activity, and baseline. was also observed. cholesterol levelhistory of hypertension or type 2 diabetes, history of oral contraceptive use or hormone replacement therapy, family history of heart disease or stroke.
Findings highlight importance of menstrual cycle monitoring
Given these results, the lead authors said women with irregular menstrual cycles should be informed about their possible increased risk of heart disease. Huijie Zhang, M.D., Ph.D.Chief Physician and Professor of Southern Hospital, Southern Medical University of China, press release.
“These findings have important public health implications for the prevention of atrial fibrillation and heart attacks in women, and highlight the importance of monitoring menstrual cycle characteristics throughout a woman’s reproductive life,” said Zhang. said Dr.
This is especially true given the prevalence of heart disease in Western countries, he added.heart disease in the United States #1 cause of death for womenApproximately 1 in 5 people die from heart disease.
This study had several limitations. Physiological data were self-reported by participants, and researchers could not rule out the effects of menstrual cycle dysregulation. transition to menopause about the menstrual cycle. Because nearly all participants were white, the results may not generalize to women and young women of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Stress on the body can cause menstrual irregularities
These findings make sense and support the fact that menstrual irregularities are markers of poor cardiovascular health, Fabion said. “There are many possible reasons for menstrual irregularities in women, some of which include excessive exercise, diet restrictions, and high levels of stress,” she says.
The associations found in the study make sense, he said, but the menstrual cycle itself is unlikely to be the cause of the increased risk. Dr. Monica Sangabi, director of the Women’s Cardiovascular Health Division at Penn Medicine in Philadelphia, was not involved in the study. “Rather, it may be due to underlying cardiometabolic health problems that are causing the abnormal menstrual cycle. Interventions can be targeted,” says Dr. Sangabi.
Reproductive health history is an important part of cardiac risk assessment
The study adds to the evidence that reproductive health history is an important part of assessing cardiovascular health in women, Sangavi said.
“For a long time, women’s reproductive health issues were the exclusive domain of obstetricians and gynecologists and some primary care physicians. cardiologistI believe we should start building bridges to the island and incorporate reproductive health assessments, including menstrual history, pregnancy history and menopause, as part of a comprehensive assessment of women. Otherwise, you are not truly caring for the whole patient. ” she says.
More research is needed, but these findings could be used to start conversations with women. prevention of heart disease It then identifies risk factors that can be treated or modified. Dr. Nieka GoldbergMedical Director of Atria New York City and Clinical Associate Professor at New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine.
Know your numbers, improve your eating patterns, and follow a lifestyle program designed to encourage regular exercise. quit smokingreducing stress and improving sleep are important strategies for preventing heart disease, says Dr. Goldberg.
Not sure if your period is regular? We have an app for that
There are many apps out there that can help you track your period. But these apps also collect tons of data about you. Experts worry about lax privacy practices of some companies. consumer report I recommend a period management app Dripping, hold upand Periodical For good privacy practices.
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