Why do black men have worse prostate cancer outcomes?
Genetics may have less to do with why black men are more likely to die from prostate cancer than white patients, a new study suggests.
in order to Research, published in the June 2023 issue lancet digital healthResearchers examined tumor biopsy data from approximately 13,000 men with advanced prostate cancer. Scientists also analyzed detailed clinical information, including screening and treatment histories, for a subset of about 1,200 men in this group. About 12 percent of the men who participated in the study were of African descent. Most of the other men were of European descent.
More than one in five black men, like the white patients in the study, had a gene mutation that guides prostate cancer treatment. But before a black man gets a genetic test that tailors his treatment to his specific tumor type, he often gets two different treatments, at least, and until a targeted cancer drug becomes available, whites can’t afford it. I waited longer than men.
“This study suggests that genomics may not drive disparities in advanced prostate cancer,” said the study’s senior author. Dr. Brandon MahalPh.D., Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Florida.
“When men with similar disease characteristics are treated with similar therapies, they tend to have similar outcomes regardless of race,” says Dr. Mahal. “Thus, this study suggests that genomics may not drive disparities in advanced prostate cancer, but rather systemic structural issues that may ultimately influence prostate cancer risk.” While addressing barriers to treatment, there are still reasons to study genomics as a risk factor for developing cancer.”Death. “
Prostate cancer in black men is often diagnosed at a more advanced stage
Black men are almost twice as likely to develop prostate cancer and more than twice as likely to die from it than other American men, Mahal said. This is likely due in part to environmental factors such as stress and systemic racism. But it is also due to low prostate cancer screening rates and lack of access to the most effective cancer treatments, Mahal added.
The study found that black men were tested when their prostate cancer was more advanced, and that these men received some of the most advanced treatments commonly offered at academic medical centers. They found that they were much more likely to receive treatment in hospitals in areas where they could not. The study also found that black men had very limited access to clinical trials that could offer new drugs in development.
One of the limitations of this study is that it focuses on men with advanced tumors that are much more difficult to treat and have worse survival outcomes. Results may be different in men whose tumors are found early by screening.
Structural racism contributes to poor health in black communities across multiple settings
Still, he said, the study’s findings provide new evidence that systemic racism is taking a toll on black men’s health. Dr. Daniel SpratProfessor and Professor of Radiation Oncology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland.
“For centuries, people have associated countless observations with African Americans and thought they were driven by their genetic code, but it actually seems that . Most of the observed differences in health outcomes are caused by structural racism And large disparities in the social determinants of health,” says Dr Spratt, who was not involved in the new study.
One thing black men can do to overcome barriers to care is getting what they call care. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) test Spratt advises getting tested for cancer. We recommend the following for men between the ages of 55 and 69: Discuss the PSA test But these conversations are especially important for black men.
“Most men never get prostate cancer, and many who do may not even need treatment,” says Spratt. “But early detection is key.”
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