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WCHHS experts say syphilis cases are on the rise

WCHHS experts say syphilis cases are on the rise


Raleigh, North Carolina — There was a recent monkeypox outbreak. Chicago North Carolina health officials are on high alert over the summer.

What you need to know

  • The prevalence of syphilis is rising nationwide
  • Wake County has 424 confirmed cases in 2022
  • Alonza Pamplin works for the Wake County Department of Health and Human Services
  • Pamplin offers tips for safe sexual health this summer

The rising prevalence of sexually transmitted infections in the last few years has also attracted attention.of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention From 2020 to 2021, the number of people infected with chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis will exceed 2.5 million.

We’ll be seeing these stats all over the place when summer hits. Although this time of year is holiday-filled and fun, Alonza Pamplin’s work requires attention all year round.

“I think in public health, we are servant leaders, but we are also members of the community,” Pamplin said.

Pamplin, infectious disease supervisor for the Wake County Department of Health and Human Services, said sexually transmitted infections are on the rise nationwide.

“Because we are seeing an increase among young people when it comes to all[these]STDs, we are very concerned about young people,” she said.

The biggest local concern is syphilis. Pamplin said her agency counted 424 cases of syphilis in 2022. That’s double what it was five years ago, and nearly half of all cases affect people between the ages of 15 and 30, she said.

“Syphilis can cause long-term, irreversible damage,” says Pamplin.

She oversees a team of disease intervention specialists with a focus on surveillance. Their work will not only help heat her maps of the worst-hit areas in the county, but the data will also be used to fight viruses and germs on the ground.

“This will allow us to take that data and provide it to our outreach and community testing teams so they can do more outreach and education in these areas,” Pamplin said. said Mr.

The LGBTQ community will be celebrating pride month all through June. Pamplin said health officials are using planned outings to educate the public due to a recent outbreak of monkeypox cases in Chicago.

“We see this as a great opportunity to give people the resources to do something,” Pamplin said.

She said she learned about public health through her family. Her grandmother was a nurse. Pamplin also had two uncles of hers who were diagnosed with HIV, one of whom lived during her childhood, she said.

“I saw the stigma he faced. I did,” she said. “It is very important to support public health efforts so that people can be educated and respond effectively.”

Pamplin said if you’re interested in getting the monkeypox vaccine, make an appointment. schedule Working with the Wake Health Department.

She advised single men traveling this summer to:

  • vaccinate
  • Investigate the number of virus infected people at the destination
  • continue regular screenings




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