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Eating foods containing flavanols may improve cognition and memory

Eating foods containing flavanols may improve cognition and memory


Woman eating a bowl of green grapes rich in flavonolsShare on Pinterest
Consuming flavanols may enhance cognitive performance in older adults, according to new research results.Lumina/Stossy
  • Research findings shared by a multinational team suggest that flavanol consumption may improve cognitive performance in some older people.
  • Previous studies have suggested that the association between flavanol intake and cognitive aging may depend on diet quality.
  • Some researchers warn against drawing unintended conclusions from research.

Dietary flavonoids are natural chemicals found in a variety of foods such as grapes, cocoa, and tea.

New study published May 30 Proceedings of the National Academy of Scienceswith the intake of flavanol supplements, improve memory in some older people.

The research was conducted by researchers from various institutions including Columbia University, Harvard University, New York University, and the University of Reading in the UK.

The study was funded in part by the Mars food company and studied flavanol supplements rather than flavanol foods.

In this study, more than 3,500 participants were divided into two nearly identical groups.

One received a flavanol supplement and the other a placebo.

Researchers determined baseline health and memory scores using tools such as the Alternative Health Eating Index (aHEI) score and the Modified Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (ModRey) test.

Participants were followed for 3 years.

The researchers found the greatest improvement among people with the lowest aHEI scores (below 38), which “reflects the quality of diets in the U.S. average to slightly below average range.” .

They found that people who received flavanol tablets despite poor diet had a sustained increase in baseline memory levels compared to those who received placebo tablets.

The tablets contained about 500 milligrams cocoa-based flavanolsa naturally occurring compound.

Adam BrickmanOne of the study’s authors told Healthline that while many studies of memory in older adults tend to focus on diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, research like that of his team is more focused. He said it was important to note that This is the so-called “cognitive aging”.

“Based on the experiments we’ve done over the last 15 years or so, I think we’re using a memory system that we think changes with normal aging,” Brickman said.

“Some normal, relatively healthy older people have reduced flavanol levels.”

Those whose test results included moderate and high aHEI scores did not see similar improvements with the pill.

Kelsey CostaA registered dietitian dietitian told Healthline that health care professionals and clients will better understand how diet impacts cognitive performance, and research like this will have a major impact on the field. said it was possible.

“Just as certain nutrients are essential for brain development, certain nutrients are essential for maintaining cognitive function as we age,” says Costa.

“It is important to prioritize preventive nutrition that promotes healthy aging, and incorporating flavanols into the diet is an integral part of this strategy.”

Researchers have studied the effects of cocoa-based flavanol supplements, but nutrition experts say it may be possible to increase intake from foods containing flavanols. Compound. These may include:

  • tea
  • berry
  • grapes and red wine
  • broccoli
  • kale
  • tomato

Maya FerrerA registered dietitian nutritionist told Healthline that it’s important to make sure you choose a method that’s accessible to you to increase your intake of flavanols.

“Flavanols are found in a variety of plants, including fruits, vegetables, tea, cocoa, and fermented grapes,” she said.

“I generally recommend starting with affordable, accessible, culturally relevant, and delicious plants as a gateway to incorporating them into your eating patterns. It’s an option for adding more plants to people’s dietary patterns.”

Note that some experts are less certain that this study shows significant benefits associated with increased flavanol levels in people other than those on less-than-ideal diets. is important.

Naveed SattarA professor of metabolic medicine at the University of Glasgow, said in a statement shared by the journal. Science Media Centerargues that such studies may give an “illusion of benefit” and that the general public is far better off not seeking a significant increase in flavanol intake immediately.

“People shouldn’t rush into such drinks and diets, but rather do what we know 100% of the time that many diseases can be prevented: eat better (and eat fewer calories if you’re overweight), Walk a little more, sleep well, test for traditional risk factors, and improve if needed,” Dr. Sattar continued.

Aiden Cassidy A professor at Queen’s University Belfast School of Biological Sciences, who was also not involved in the study, said in the same media release that the doses the researchers suggested should be met if most people feel they need it. Shared that it is quantity. change your diet.

“The amount you need to eat to improve your brain health is easy to achieve. [or] Together, apples provide approximately 500 mg of flavanols…”




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