May endanger people whose arteries are narrowed by exercise
- A new study finds that an elevated heart rate can trigger a stroke in patients with severely blocked carotid arteries.
- However, in patients with no or minimal obstruction, exercise helped maintain healthy blood flow.
- Further research is needed to understand the relationship between increased heart rate and adverse effects in patients with moderate to severe carotid artery stenosis.
- For patients with moderate or higher stenosis levels, exercise such as walking, yoga, and balance training are recommended to avoid falls.
Exercise is generally thought to be good for your health, but elevated heart rates can be detrimental to people with certain health conditions.
According to the new study was announced in fluid physics With an increase in heart rate, stroke in patients with severe symptoms carotid artery blockage.
However, in healthy patients or those with minimal arterial blockage, exercise can help support healthy blood flow.
The researchers used computational models to simulate carotid artery blood flow during the stenosis stages of no occlusion, mild 30% occlusion, and moderate 50% occlusion. They analyzed the effects of heart rate during exercise and resting heart rate.
Exercise was beneficial for simulated carotid arteries when there was no occlusion or mild occlusion.
However, in patients with moderate obstruction, exercise increases the stress in the obstructed area, which can lead to rupture of the stricture.
If this damage reaches the brain, it can eventually lead to ischemic stroke.
“Exercise is a very common activity that should be avoided.” cardiovascular diseaseSomnath Roy, study author and associate professor of mechanical engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, told Healthline. “Existing literature shows exercise-induced increases in locomotion. pulse rate Improves arterial wall stress levels and prevents the formation of stenotic occlusions. Through numerical predictions, we observed similar features for healthy arteries. ”
However, arterial models with pre-existing stenosis or advanced stenosis showed higher WSS vibration levels (known as the oscillatory shear index), Roy explained.
This can increase the risk of further stenosis along with very high shear stresses if the levels are so high that stenotic plaque is disrupted and stenotic plaque is formed. blood clot Or an embolus can reach the brain and block small blood vessels, causing a stroke.
“The authors report the hemodynamic effects of increased heart rate.[how blood flows] Diagnose healthy versus stenosed carotid arteries by deploying computational simulations based on physiologically relevant data.that is no It’s a clinical study,” said Dr. Joseph C. Maroon, M.D., FACS, Clinical Professor and Vice President of Neurosurgery, University of Pittsburgh, Heindl Scholar of Neuroscience. “The observations are interesting. They suggest that 50% or more stenotic lesions are present. in May It increases the risk of blood flow obstruction, which can lead to stroke or heart attack. ”
As future research, the research team high heart rate Roy also described other artery models such as coronary arteries and aorta.
In addition, we plan to investigate the effects of changes in blood viscosity on flow characteristics and stress levels. The viscosity of blood can be altered by disorders such as anemia, leukemia, sepsis They are also investigating the effects of exercise on people with conditions such as: heart valve replacement.
As observed in this study, strenuous exercise may adversely affect patients with moderate or higher stenosis levels.
“Flow does not decrease until the artery is 90% or more stenotic, but the shear and flow obstruction caused by 50% stenosis of the artery destroys the inner lining of the artery (the intima) and precipitates the arterial intima. clotting and blockage occur despite normal blood flow,” Maroon said. “This is an important observation that needs further research to confirm.”
To further understand the relationship between exercise and constriction, it is also important to note potential differences between human heart rate and computer models.
“Significant variations in human heart rate (compared to computer models) can occur during different impact training, sports and exercise processes. isometric exercises‘ said Dr. Dr. Sandra Narayanancommittee-certified vessels neurologist Neurointervention Surgeon, Pacific Stroke and Neurovascular Center, Pacific Neuroscience Institute, Santa Monica, CA. “Further studies will be needed to understand the relationship between the duration of sustained elevated heart rate and its adverse effects on cerebrovascular risk in patients with moderate to severe carotid stenosis.
Narayanan also explained that it would help identify whether certain activities cause more lifestyle risks, or whether risks come from more factors. Tachycardia And the cause is irrelevant.
The study authors suggested a carefully prescribed exercise regimen for people with moderate to severe stenosis or a history of stroke.
“For healthy people, exercise is good for preventing arterial degeneration,” says Roy. “light or moderate exercise” increased heart rate It may also be good for people with moderate strictures. ”
However, a very high heart rate can be fatal in people with severe stenosis. For athletes and performers, arterial occlusions are often unreported and high heart rate situations occur. Therefore, regular check-ups and managing exercise patterns will be important for them, Roy added.
Low-impact exercises such as walking, yoga, and Tai Chi are recommended.
“Walk at a normal pace and gradually increase distance, walk at a comfortable pace that doesn’t leave you out of breath on your elliptical or stationary bike, and wear a stretch and flexibility band,” Maroon said. I was. “Yoga, Tai Chi, and balance training also help prevent falls.”
A high heart rate can trigger a stroke in patients with severe carotid artery occlusion, according to a new study. However, in patients with no or minimal obstruction, exercise resulted in healthy blood flow.
Further studies are needed to better understand the relationship between exercise-induced heart rate and stenosis.
Experts recommend walking, yoga, and balance training for patients with moderate or higher stenosis levels.
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