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Why the CDC issued a warning about measles and what you need to know

Why the CDC issued a warning about measles and what you need to know


  • The CDC has issued a new health alert urging citizens to get vaccinated before traveling abroad.
  • Measles cases are on the rise in countries popular with tourists.
  • In unvaccinated people, measles can cause severe illness requiring hospitalization and, in some cases, death.
  • Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself from disease.

This month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a Health Alert Network (HAN) health advisory message to provide the following guidance: measles For those who travel abroad this summer.

The message comes amid a rise in measles cases not only in the United States, but also in areas popular with American tourists, especially in Europe.

Measles is a highly contagious viral infection that can be fatal. according to According to the World Health Organization (WHO), most measles-related deaths occur in children under the age of five.

CDC issues several messages through HAN, but health advisories are the most serious.

The new message encourages people to ensure they are vaccinated against the disease, especially if they plan to travel abroad. Clinicians and public health officials are also being asked to make people aware of the transmission risks and potential consequences of measles.

It comes at a time when measles cases are rising at the fastest pace in decades. 2000 measles epidemic Declared Something that would be excluded from America. However, in 2019, 31 states reported about 1,300 cases, all of which were due to international travel.

recently, 16 measles patients There have also been reports in the United States this year, 14 of which are related to overseas visits. The CDC estimates that twice as many Americans are planning to travel abroad this year compared to last year.

In recent years, there has been an increase in measles cases in popular tourist destinations. The number of infected people in India is by far the highest, 73,536 reported From November 2022 to June 2023.

Meanwhile, WHO said As of January and February of this year, it was revealed that the number of infected people in Europe had already exceeded the number of infected people in 2022. A particularly high number of cases in Turkey has been noted, and cases are also rising in the United Kingdom, Austria and Serbia.

Participate in activities in places where large numbers of people gather, such as museums or tourist visits attractionrestaurants increase the likelihood that a person will come into contact with an infected person. infected Individual.

However, he said travel to, from, and within areas with high numbers of cases also poses risks. Dr. David Bergera board-certified pediatrician and founder of a health education company, Dr. David is the founder of Holistic Pediatrics & Family Care, a private family clinic in Tampa, Florida.

“As a result of traveling, [people are] You could be on a long flight or on a bus with someone who is contagious in an enclosed space,” Berger told Healthline.

Why measles cases are on the rise

As a result of lockdowns and medical delays related to the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly 40 million Children around the world have missed their first or second dose of measles vaccine, making them more susceptible to contracting measles.

While there is a curfew, avoid crowds Although measles cases declined significantly in 2020 and 2021 (13 and 49, respectively), the relaxation of these measures resulted in a resurgence in transmission.

Another potential factor, he said, involves “increased reluctance to vaccinate and consequent immunodeficiency.” Dr. Michael ChangPediatric Infectious Diseases Specialist at UTHealth Houston and Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital.

Expert believe Anti-vaccine messages spread through social media likely played a role in the decline in vaccination, he said.

Brian LavasAn assistant professor of public health at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Public Health, said a lack of awareness of the disease may also contribute to lower vaccination rates.

“A successful vaccination campaign means that measles is rare in the United States and not what people usually think,” he told Healthline.

“Successful measles control means that parents don’t feel as much urgency to get their children vaccinated as they once did.”

immunity It is essential to prevent measles transmission and eliminate the disease. “High rates of vaccination (>94-95%) are needed to maintain herd immunity,” Chan told Healthline.

“If even 10% of the population is susceptible to measles, an outbreak could occur,” he said.

The measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine is usually given in two doses during childhood.

“It is recommended that the first measles vaccine be given at 12 to 15 months of age,” he said. Doctor.Iran Shapiropediatrician, Chief Health Correspondent and Medical Secretary for Altamed Health Services in Los Angeles.

“The second dose is usually given by age 4 to 6,” he told Healthline. ” Immunization schedule Very important for building lifelong immunity. “

Infants aged 6 to 11 months who travel abroad to areas with ongoing measles outbreaks may be offered an earlier first vaccination.

However, “even children who received one dose of measles vaccine before 12 months of age still need to receive two routine doses on their normal schedule,” explained Chan.

Once you have completed two doses, there is usually no need for further “boosting”.

After two doses, “the vaccine is 97% effective,” said Chan, adding that its level of protection remains high for years to come. He added that the risk of infection is still less than 5% 10 to 15 years after full vaccination.

However, “If you are immunosuppressed, your doctor will see if two doses of the vaccine are sufficient. antibody We need to be properly protected against viruses,” Shapiro said.

Berger said there are about 20 different genotypes of measles, which are thought to be indistinguishable from each other. “So this vaccine covers all the circulating measles viruses,” he explained.

As for the potential side effects of vaccination, Chan said the risk is low.

“The most common side effects are pain at the injection site, fever (less than 15%) and rash (5%),” he explained. “If he has a fever (about a week after vaccination), the fever may last him a day or two.”

Chan said fever could be associated “very, very rarely”. febrile seizures. These attacks can occur in young children whose body temperature exceeds 102 degrees Fahrenheit.

However, “it’s important to remember that when a child has measles, they are actually more likely to have a febrile seizure,” he continued.

“Measles is the most contagious disease we know of,” Labs said.

One person with measles can infect 9 out of 10 people who have no protection against the disease. According to the CDC.

Measles is transmitted between humans through respiratory droplets. These droplets are released through actions such as talking, singing and coughing and “can remain in the air for hours after an infected person leaves the room,” Labs added.

Chan says the disease affects about 90% of susceptible children. It can take up to two weeks after infection for any symptoms to appear.

Early symptoms are similar to those of a cold or the flu, and are alike in adults and children.

  • high fever
  • snot
  • conjunctivitis
  • cough
  • sore throat

The measles rash does not appear until 3 to 7 days after the first symptoms appear.

“It usually starts as a flat red patch on the face and hairline and then spreads downwards. Occasionally, there may be small raised bumps on top of the flat red patch,” Berger reveals. made it

“Another characteristic sign of measles is ‘Koplik’s spots,’ which are small white spots with a bluish-white center on a red background that can be seen on the inner lining of the cheeks,” he added.

If your child has symptoms, it’s important to stay at home. “this is [also] Whether or not the cause of the symptoms is measles, it is important to avoid contact with children with viral symptoms,” Chan argued.

In some cases, the measles infection becomes more serious, requiring hospitalization and, in some cases, death.

“About one in five unvaccinated people with measles will need hospitalization,” he said. Dr. Daniel Zhaa pediatric infectious disease specialist at Seattle Children’s Hospital, Pediatric Pandemic Network.

“Young children, adults over the age of 20, pregnant women, and those with compromised immune systems are more likely to experience serious complications,” she told Healthline.

These include “pneumonia and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), which can cause hearing loss, blindness, or permanent brain damage.”




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