California has gone from curving curves to a surge in large coronaviruses. What happened?
Still, she says she sometimes wakes up with the idea of ”how long do we intend to keep this? How long do we face this every day?”
Davis is the Nursing Director of Eisenhower Health in Rancho Mirage, California, a desert town in Riverside County, about 100 miles from Los Angeles. She and her colleagues are approaching fatigue as the surge of coronavirus cases almost overwhelmed staff there.
“In the past (an outbreak of coronavirus), my unit could almost always lose one patient per year,” she said. “Forty people have died in our unit, but we have treated more than 700 patients.”
She said staff are being emotionally and physically spent, with far more fatalities than anyone in her department has ever seen in such a short time. ..
“We actually agreed as staff. If we are happy with it, we will not let the patient die alone. So spend time with them and talk hand in hand. “Davies said.
A US Air Force medical team has been sent to a hospital to help with a surge of patients.
California was moving in the right direction
This was not the way Davis imagined it would be in a normally sleepy summer in her town. California seemed to be on the right track with Covid-19. It was the first state to place a home order on March 19th. Less than two months later, on May 8, the state had fallen enough to begin the first phase of resumption.
But then came Memorial Day. By early June, the numbers had begun to rise. The 7-day average of daily coronavirus cases exceeded 2,600. Then they soared.
By July 11, the seven-day average had increased to 9,400 new cases of coronavirus per day, more than 250%. The numbers fluctuate daily, but this trend indicates a surge in California. By July 13, Newsom reordered the closure of bars, indoor dining, cinemas, wineries, and some other businesses in the state. So what was wrong?
Anne Limoin, a professor of epidemiology at the University of California, Los Angeles, says the answer is simple. Some governments and people were self-satisfied.
“Okay, we opened the store too soon. We couldn’t completely control the virus,” said Remoine.
But “people don’t follow the rules. They don’t wear masks. They’re not socially separated. They’re not doing what they need to do,” she added.
Masks are no longer needed in locations such as Riverside, San Bernardino, and Orange County. In Orange County, which borders Los Angeles County, about 100 people attended the county’s oversight committee in mid-June to discuss the mask’s obligations in just two weeks. All but one speaker wanted to remove the terms of mask.
“This mask’s duty is ridiculous,” said one woman into Mike.
Another woman thought it was all hoax-based. “This is not science-based, but rather a vicious political challenge to silence people and remove freedom from hard-working Americans,” she said.
“Thinner than I imagined”
They got their hope, but now Americans are infected at an alarming rate in their communities. Any epidemiologist will tell you that wearing a mask is based on simple science, not hoax.
But if people don’t believe in public health authorities, they may believe in nurses and doctors charged with caring for the disease in their communities. They are seeing hospital beds full of people suffering from Covid 19.
“They are more sick than you can imagine. Not all people who get the virus get sick and go to the hospital,” said the pulmonologist at Eisenhower Health in Riverside County. Said Dr. Anil Perumbety. “But the numbers are astonishing.”
Los Angeles County remains the hardest hit. It is by far the most populous county with a population of over 11 million. It accounts for over 40% of all coronavirus-positive cases in the state. Masks are mandated there, but experts say it’s clear that some people are ignoring the rules.
The county tests tens of thousands of people every day, but it takes too long to make an appointment and take too long to get a free test by the county.
According to the State Department of Health, the epidemic is driven by people under the age of 40 who are responsible for over 50% of new cases.
“I sometimes got in touch with them because of my mom and dad’s work experience,” Davis said. “Then it goes through the whole family.”
After all, the solution is simple but disruptive. Los Angles Mayor Eric Garcetti said the city was on the brink of another closure order, but Remoine said the state was already there.
“Although there seems to be no other option, California is shutting down right now, really shutting down for a few weeks, so we can control the virus,” she said.
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