How to prevent acne and skin irritation when wearing a face mask
Face masks are an important tool in our fight to suppress COVID-19, but face masks don’t fit anyone’s skin.
Wearing a mask for an extended period of time can cause adverse skin reactions such as acne and contact dermatitis, even though these conditions are usually not annoying.
Masks increase temperature, moisture and friction, making skin more irritating.
It’s difficult to give prescriptive advice because everyone’s skin is different, but there are some simple things that anyone can do to prevent skin problems caused by masks.
Who can expect to see changes in their skin?
People who are prone to acne are more likely to get worse, but those who usually do not have a breakout are more likely to be “slightly acne,” a skin-based Australasian Dermatologist Association (ACD). Says Rosemary Nixon. Health Research Institute.
This is because the skin’s oil (oil) secretion increases as the temperature rises. Also, when the breath is trapped under the mask, the moisture is definitely hot.
Some people may also notice redness and dryness where the mask touches the skin. Sensitive skin and eczema are more likely to cause this condition.
Unfortunately, Nixon is said to have existing skin disorders such as rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis that almost always cause the skin to deteriorate with prolonged use of a mask.
Simple skin care
Dermatologists always say that, people generally use so many products on the skin (serum, oils, day and night creams, exfoliators, mask peels….the list goes on).
Following such a complex regime is tough on the skin at best, but adding a mask to the mix can cause the skin to seek help.
Dr. Nixon recommends sticking to a mild skin cleanser to avoid toner drying out on the skin and moisturizing before and after removing the mask.
As an added bonus, moisturizers provide a barrier between the mask and the skin, preventing friction.
Also, skip makeup if you can, as it’s more likely to clog your pores under the mask.
Wear the correct mask
Find the best mask possible — Not too tight and causes deep depressions (which can cause hives and hives). Don’t be too loose, it will slide around your face causing friction.
Don’t forget to Take a mask break whenever possible.. As a guideline, the American Dermatological Association recommends taking a 15-minute break every 4 hours.
Also, how the mask feels inside is really important, says Dr. Nixon.
“Some masks can be really frustrating. It’s like the difference between an itchy wool jumper and a cashmere jumper… some make no difference and some cause problems. “
The best cotton material inside Because it is highly breathable, synthetic fibers are likely to irritate the skin.
If you are using a cloth mask, Wash each time you wear, If possible, with hot water.
Allergic reactions are rare
Any reaction is probably just an irritant, not an allergy, as Dr. Nixon says the chemicals used in the mask are very low.
However, according to ACD, some masks contain adhesive bands along the nose and cheek areas, which can cause a reaction in some people.
Also, the metal wires that can form the mask on the face may be made of nickel (a common contact allergen), so some people find it easier to attach a fabric layer to the inside of the mask or to find one without wires. I will consider.
What to do if it happens
Mask-related acne, or maskene, as the Internet calls it, is a type of obstructive acne that occurs when pores become clogged with dirt and sweat.
The best you can do to treat it is:
- Try products containing antiseptics such as salicylic acid or benzyl peroxide gel or azelaic acid
- Avoid greasy skin care products and make moisturizers easier to use
- Avoid make-up that clogs pores (mineral-based may be better)
- Consider Drying Your Skin With Toner
Commercially available acne gels containing ingredients such as zinc and niacinamide may help. However, in severe cases, ACD states that prescription products such as topical retinoids may be needed.
What if the mask irritates the skin?
Dr. Nixon states that irritant contact dermatitis is most often the cause of mild redness and dryness from masks.
Here’s what you can do to mitigate this:
- Change the brand or type of mask to a softer type
- Put two layers of gauze inside the mask where irritation occurs
- Increase the use of moisturizers, especially at night when you may choose to use a greasier variety
- If severe dermatitis persists, low-intensity topical steroids (commercially available steroids) can be used
However, if the irritation worsens, consult a dermatologist.
How to relieve injury
Most indents from the mask are resolved naturally. However, to alleviate the pain, Dr. Nixon recommends using a cold compress every 2-3 hours for about 20 minutes.
For severe indentations, betadine diluted 1:9 with saline can be used with a compress.
The important thing is not to use hot water in a pressured area.
If the pain is behind your ears, US dermatologist Daniela Kroshinsky recommends buying some masks with different types of ties and ear loops.
From a plastic extender on the back of your head to a more creative solution, you can try a variety of tricks.
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