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Vaccine trials in Brazil give hope to the world


Abranches was the first of 5,000 Brazilian key workers expected in the healthcare system to receive a coronavirus vaccine trial from Oxford University and a multinational pharmaceutical company. AstraZeneca, With British and South African volunteers.
Throughout the city, frontline medical personnel like her have fought against the pandemic and enrolled in a Phase 3 trial of vaccine efficacy. 2 million Brazilians.. And Oxford isn’t the only one testing vaccines in this vast human petri dish. Chinese company Sinovac Trials started in Sao Paulo last week, leading US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Plans to do so will bring competition between powers to prove that their vaccine works first.

Still, while countries are worried about securing access to vaccines, the potential geopolitical implications mean nothing to this ward. “Aspiring is an act of love, donating some of ourselves to others,” Abranches said. Like many health workers, she has been away from her family for months in a Brazilian pandemic to avoid the spread of the virus and sheds her tears when asked about the loved one she missed. I couldn’t.

“The feeling of loneliness is greater for suffering patients,” she said. “By staying here all the time, I see patients dying-often without saying goodbye to their family-it moved us all here. I mainly wanted to help, and the vaccine Testing requires people like us, and the risk of contamination is high.”

As a dentist at São Paulo Hospital, her days spent soaking in infected saliva made her one of the highest-risk subjects in the trial when she was injected in late June. Many others in her ward also participate in this globally significant trial.

As we observe the daily lifesaving procedure of tracheotomy and extubation in 30 days every day, more and more staff members reveal that they have experienced jabs and endure regular checks and tests thereafter. I am. I’m planning on taking a test vaccine this week. The other one is thinking about it. Their boss, Professor Flavia Machado, said she was about 1000 recipients.

Ward safety procedures are still strict. They don’t yet know if the vaccine works. Also, since it is a double-blind study, no one knows whether the vaccine was given or the placebo was given.

Vaccine developed with “warp speed”

In short, after relieving the pain of five months, one of the world’s most devastated cities, health workers in São Paulo are now being asked to help bring hope to the rest of the world. I will.

Scientists have endeavored to create vaccines in record time. Absorbs $1.9 billion To the Pfizer project. However, after the virus’s spread in Europe has diminished due to the severe blockade, Western researchers have sought a farther distance to the heavily infected population to test the vaccine.
In Brazil, The virus is widespread. President Jay Abolsonaro dismissed this threat despite his own contract. The country reported more than 50,000 new Covid-19 cases over the last few days. Officials here are looking for unfortunate opportunities and have allowed companies in the United Kingdom, China and the United States to conduct trials so they can expect faster local production of the final vaccine. The faster the population is vaccinated, the sooner the economy can resume.

The Sinovac trial started last week and was attended by a few examinees who were part of the health care system in São Paulo. However, unexpected side effects are emerging. Geopolitical competition, not a vaccine. A small border of angry Brazilians has hit social media against the “Chinese vaccine.” Critics say they are imitating Brazil’s president, President Bolsonaro, and the Trump administration’s earlier word for the “Chinese virus.”

João Doria, Governor of Sao Paulo, will exhibit a box of COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by Chinese company Sinovac Biotech at Hospital Das Clinicas (HC), State of Sao Paulo, on July 21, 2020.

“God helps me not take the vaccines made by the people who made the virus! #nothanks #chinesevaccineNO” reads a Twitter user’s post about the Sinovac vaccine in Portuguese. “Don’t allow my friend, myself to be a Guinea Pig for a Chinese dictator and Doria,” using the same #chinesevaccineNO hashtag, referring to Governor São Paulo Joandria.

As a result, the Sinovac project encouraged their contributors to hide their identities. “This is our biggest concern,” said Dr. Esper Calas, a leading epidemiologist and presiding judge for Synovak. “Some people have strange reactions to volunteers who recently participated in a conceptualized vaccine at a Chinese company.”

Crow added that he did not consider the vaccine options Chinese, British, or American. “These are human vaccines,” he said. “We need to make them available to fight this pandemic around the world, and perhaps the ultimate solution will be a combination of them, rather than a single vaccine.”

Of the participants in the Sinovac trial, only Stephanie Texieira Porto has spoken publicly so far. A young doctor, she has also been out of the family for the past five months, and her eyes are cloudy when she refers to her 90-year-old grandmother, whom she hadn’t seen.

Stephanie Texeira Porto

She received only kind words about her decision to participate in the Sinovac trial on social media, but says the trial organizer warned that it could be different. “They told me not to over-expose themselves and to tell everyone what this study would look like. It’s all weird and all. [some people] I hate China.”

She is reluctant to discuss the role that Bolsonaro and his supporters played in promoting anti-Chinese rhetoric. “President, everything he says is important and the public believes in him. He says he’s…flu. He says bad things about China. I want to talk about him. Absent.”

If successful, the two vaccine trials already underway will bring a mass-produced vaccine to Brazil sooner. AstraZeneca has agreed that the Brazilian Fiocruz Center will manufacture the vaccine locally and mass-produce it before the trial is over, and Sinovac has agreed to share the technology with its Brazilian partners. Brazil’s provisional health minister has also expressed interest in purchasing the drug, which Pfizer is developing, but trials in São Paulo have not yet begun. The company asked for comments but did not respond.

For crows, the story of competition between countries and businesses is a futile distraction to the global work at hand. “This is a threat to all of us, and the only way to find a solution in one go”

Porto agreed. The world’s powers may feel that they are in competition, but it is a common endeavor so that mankind returns to our lives again.


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