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Doctors say the number of sexually transmitted disease infections among newborns is rapidly increasing in the United States

Doctors say the number of sexually transmitted disease infections among newborns is rapidly increasing in the United States


Doctors and health experts warn: Syphilis infections among newborns are rapidly increasing in the United StatesDoctors' associations are now urging all pregnant patients to undergo three tests for sexually transmitted infections.

New guidance released Thursday by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that health care providers perform syphilis testing at three key points during the period: pregnancy: at the first prenatal visit, during the third trimester, and again at birth. Although not mandatory, medical professionals typically follow ACOG's recommendations.

“In the case of congenital syphilis They are definitely on the rise and have continued to rise over the past decade. And it's completely preventable… It's unacceptable,” Dr. Laura Riley, chair of obstetrics and gynecology at Weill Cornell Medical College who helped lead the study, told The Associated Press. process. “

Previously, the organization recommended only one test in late pregnancy, primarily for women considered at risk for syphilis exposure during pregnancy or who live in areas with high rates of syphilis infection. was. However, Riley noted the limitations of this risk-based approach, explaining that it often leads to missed cases.

What is syphilis?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum.


A woman holding her stomach, 8 months pregnant. (Credit: Katie Collins – PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images)

The disease is transmitted from person to person through direct contact with syphilitic ulcers, known as chancre. Syphilis can be transmitted during sex, and pregnant women with syphilis can also pass it on to their unborn children.

More than 3,700 babies with congenital syphilis will be born in 2022, the highest number in more than 30 years. CDC reported.

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Without proper treatment, syphilis can cause serious health effects, highlighting the need for U.S. health officials to call for further prevention efforts, including widespread screening using blood tests.

In its advisory, the obstetrics and gynecology group said that according to CDC statistics, nearly 9 out of 10 cases of congenital syphilis that year “could have been prevented with timely testing and treatment.”

How to treat syphilis during pregnancy

Syphilis infections during pregnancy usually require multiple treatments with penicillin. If untreated, syphilis in pregnant women can lead to serious complications such as bone deformities, anemia, blindness and hearing loss in the newborn, as well as stillbirth and death immediately after delivery.

Related: Rapid increase in syphilis cases among U.S. newborns raises urgent calls for testing and treatment

“I hope people take it seriously,” Riley said. Children with congenital syphilis can suffer from devastating birth defects, and “this is very sad.”

This story was reported from Los Angeles. The Associated Press contributed.




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