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A giant virus infecting Naegleria fowlers isolated from sewage in Vienna

A giant virus infecting Naegleria fowlers isolated from sewage in Vienna


Metagenomic studies suggest currently known giant viruses. nucleocyte biricota However, it was previously called nucleocytoplasmic large DNA virus (NCLDV). This virus is highly diverse and can be found in almost every environment around the world. Despite this almost ubiquitous distribution, the number of protist and algal hosts from which the virus has been isolated is very small.

Now, a new report describes the first large virus isolate that replicates within amoeba flagellates. Naegleria—Genus comprising incredibly deadly human pathogens Naegleria fowleri.

A research group at the University of Vienna continued to elucidate the structure and infection cycle of the giant virus known as . Katovirus naegleriensis. The researchers also show how the virus adapted to its environment. Naegleria Analyze the host using fluorescence in situ hybridization, electron microscopy, genomics, and proteomics.

This work, nature communications In the newspaper, “A giant virus that infects the amoeba flagellator Naegleria.

naegleria virus
Diagram of Naegleria virus based on electron microscopy. A cross-section of a virus particle with a star-shaped stargate is shown. [Stefan Pommer]

“The newly discovered Naegleria virus, isolated from the Klosterneuburg sewage treatment plant near Vienna, is only the fourth virus isolated from the group called Klosterneuviruses,” Microbiology – said Dr. Patrick Altopher, former graduate student at the Center for Environmental Systems Science. University of Vienna.

Negreli The species is a unicellular amoeba found in waters around the world. It should be noted that certain Naegleria fowleriwhich grows in warm water above 30°C and causes primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM), a rare but almost always fatal brain infection.

Giant viruses were identified 20 years ago and primarily infect single-celled organisms. These viruses are comparable in size to bacteria and boast unique structural and genetic properties that were previously thought to be restricted to cellular life. Their discovery sparked a debate over the definition of viruses and the origin of life.

Naegleria virus is accidentally introduced as a food source, but destroys the amoeba host within just a few hours. They exhibit the familiar structure of giant viruses and infect host cells through a stargate structure that facilitates DNA entry. Within a few hours, structures known as virus factories form within the amoeboid cell, the virus's genetic material is replicated outside the nucleus, and hundreds of new virus particles are assembled. To keep host cells alive during this process, Naegleria virus may use special proteins that suppress the cell's natural immune response and prevent premature cell death. Cell destruction and virus release occur only after successful viral replication.

“Newly identified Naegleria virus may not be suitable for treatment” Naegleria “Given the difficulty of accessing the brain, where infections occur, the possibility of infection is very high,” said Dr. Matthias Horn, head of the Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Sciences at the University of Vienna. I did. “However, this discovery opens the door to the possibility of preventive treatment of water bodies at risk, such as when treating pool water, but this first requires further research. In any case, these The discovery of viruses will deepen our understanding of both. Naegleria Biology and the viruses that infect it. ”




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