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Common types and risk factors

Common types and risk factors


Almost 40% of Americans cancer diagnosis However, statistics show that certain types are more common than others.

US facts, Based in Washington The nonprofit organization, which compiles and reports on government data, dug deep into the latest cancer data to identify trends and shared its findings with Fox News Digital.

Of the 1.96 million new cancer cases in 2023, half will be breast cancer (15%), prostate cancer (15%), lung and bronchial cancer (12%), colorectal cancer (8%), and all others It is dominated by five types. Type (50%).

Of the 609,820 cancer deaths in 2023, almost half will be lung and bronchial cancer (21%), colorectal cancer (9%), pancreatic cancer (8%), breast cancer (7%).

The remaining 55% of deaths were due to other cancers.

Although the overall number of cancer cases is increasing due to population growth, the proportion of people diagnosed with cancer and dying from it is decreasing.

“From 2000 to 2019, cancer incidence, or the rate of new cancer cases per 100,000 people, decreased by 5.4%, and annual mortality rates decreased by more than 26%,” the report said.

“This suggests improvements in cancer prevention, detection, and treatment,” said Dr. Brett Osborn, a neurologist in Florida. longevity experthe told Fox News Digital in a statement.

Mr Osborne was not involved in the report but commented on the findings.

Here are five salient observations.

1. Gender-specific risks

As of 2019, men were approximately 15.4% more likely to be newly diagnosed with cancer and 37.5% more likely to die from cancer than women.

However, the gap has narrowed since 2000, when cancer rates were more than 37% higher in men.

Doctors and nutritionists talk about foods you should and shouldn't eat to prevent cancer.

For men, the most common cancers are prostate cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancersays the USAFacts report.

These types accounted for 50.8% of new cancer cases and 45.9% of cancer deaths in men in 2023.

among womenthe most common types are breast cancer, lung cancer, and colorectal cancer.

These three types accounted for 54.6% of new cancer cases and 50.1% of cancer deaths in women in 2023.

2. Cancer incidence by ethnicity

White Americans have the highest rate of new cancer diagnoses, followed by non-Hispanic black Americans, the report said.

However, non-Hispanic black Americans are at greatest risk of dying from cancer.

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Non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander Americans have the lowest risk of diagnosis and death.

Overall cancer incidence rates declined in all groups between 2000 and 2019 except for American Indian/Alaska Natives, where diagnoses increased by nearly 35%.

“The reasons behind these disparities are difficult to pinpoint, but contributing factors include access to health care, environmental conditions, Lifestyle habit and genetics,” the report states.

3. Cancer survival rate

The five-year survival rate for cancer has increased from 63.5% in 2000 to 68.4% in 2015, and is expected to continue rising.

“This improvement is due to advances in better prevention, early detection, and treatment,” Osborne said.

Survival rates vary depending on the type of cancer.

The cancer with the highest 5-year survival rate is thyroid (98.8%). prostate cancer (96.5%), testicular cancer (95.7%), skin cancer (93.6%), and breast cancer (91.0%).

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“The estimated number of cancer deaths in 2023 reflects the five-year survival rate from 2015 to 2020, as deaths in 2023 may be attributable to cancer cases diagnosed before the five-year period. It should be noted that this is not the case,” the report states.

4. Average age at which cancer is diagnosed

According to the report, the most common risk factor for cancer diagnosis is age.

Diagnosis rates steadily increase with each decade of life.

According to data collected by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) between 2016 and 2020, the average age at diagnosis is 66 years and the average age at death is 72 years.

However, this disease can develop at any age. That's why experts recommend: Early screening To reduce mortality.

5. The importance of preventing “complacency”

Despite improvements in cancer incidence and mortality rates, Osborne warned that Americans “should not become complacent.”

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“According to 2024 data from the American Cancer Society, the incidence of the six most common cancers associated with excess weight, including endometrial, liver, kidney, pancreatic, colorectal, and breast cancers, is on the rise. “The mortality rate will decrease in the future,” he warned.

Rising obesity rates Osborne pointed out that cancer is a direct cause in the United States.

“According to recent data from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, it is estimated that more than two in five adults (42.4%) suffer from obesity, which is a gateway to cancer.'' Professor Osborne said.

“Unless we turn the tide and address the obesity epidemic, the observed declines in annual new cancer incidence and associated mortality rates may slow and disappear,” he continued.


“We can only hope we're not going in the wrong direction.”

USAFacts compiled the report using data from NCI, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).

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