Colon cancer screening every 15 years may be safe for some people
- If your colorectal endoscopy is negative for colorectal cancer and you have no family history, you may not need to be tested again for 15 years.
- General guidelines recommend 10 years between colonoscopies, but healthy people may want to wait longer.
- Changes to colorectal cancer guidelines could ideally reduce the cost and potential harms of unnecessary colonoscopies while maintaining cancer prevention.
Most colorectal cancer screening guidelines recommend getting a colonoscopy every 10 years, but healthy people with no family history of the disease have the option of waiting longer.
A Swedish population study suggests that adults with no family history of colorectal cancer who test negative for colorectal cancer after an initial colonoscopy may not need to be retested for 15 years.
The research results were announced today.
“Fifteen years between the first negative colonoscopy and the second test could be as safe and effective as the current recommendation of 10 years. This can free up resources for important tasks. Colorectal cancer screening program” Mahdi Farah, MD; The study's senior author, a researcher at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, Germany, told Healthline.
However, other experts dismissed the findings, noting that while the findings were robust, the conclusions may not be easily generalizable to diverse populations living outside of Sweden, such as the United States.
“This is good research from a large database, and their recommendations appear to be valid for their population. Whether or not these are translatable to the U.S. and other populations. There is reason to believe that this may not be the case.” Reid Ness, MD, MPH; An associate professor of medicine at Vanderbilt Health told Healthline. Ness was not involved in the study.
Fara and his colleagues leveraged several large health and population databases in Sweden to scrutinize cancer outcomes over nearly 30 years.
The researchers' goal was to compare people with no family history of colorectal cancer and a negative initial colonoscopy to people who had never had a colorectal cancer outcome.
The study included a cohort of more than 110,000 Swedish adults, nearly 60% of whom were women, who underwent a first colonoscopy between 1990 and 2016. The average age of the participants was 59 years. In addition, participants inflammatory bowel diseasedocumented Colorectal cancer risk factors.
Members of this group were then compared to members of a control group who did not undergo a colonoscopy to compare the results.
The researchers focused on two things in particular: the 10-year standardized morbidity rate and the 10-year standardized mortality rate. This means the prevalence of colorectal cancer (incidence) in a population and how often deaths related to colorectal cancer (mortality rate) occur.
They found that the group whose initial colonoscopy was negative had a “significantly lower risk” of developing and dying from colorectal cancer over the next 10 years. Their findings allowed him to further extend the standard interval of 10 years for colonoscopies, and in this healthy population he concluded that a 15-year interval was sufficient.
“If we waited 15 years instead of 10 for a second colonoscopy in this population, we might only miss 2 additional cases of colorectal cancer and 1 colorectal cancer death per 1,000 people. “However, this would significantly reduce the number of unnecessary colonoscopies, with about one test per person required.”
If you're reading this and wondering why doctors would suggest reducing the number of colorectal cancer screenings instead of increasing them, that's a valid question. As with any type of medical procedure, colorectal cancer screening and colonoscopy have risks and benefits that need to be evaluated.
“Ultimately, the review of recommendations is a value judgment that society makes. What is an acceptable risk under the CRC? [colorectal cancer] What diagnostic and mortality rates justify extending the interval between colonoscopies and reducing inconvenience costs? I don't think there is ever really a right or wrong answer. ” Dr. Christopher Chen, He is an assistant professor of oncology and director of early drug development at the Stanford Cancer Institute at the Stanford School of Medicine, told Healthline. Chen was not involved in this research.
Redefining goals
Because of the potential harms of colonoscopies, there is a legitimate concern about having colonoscopies less frequently. In addition to the burden of having to schedule, prepare, and pay for a colonoscopy, you may also:
“Obviously, it's not a trivial issue,” Chen said.
“First of all, there's the risk of injury from the procedure. Then there's the cost to society. Additional colonoscopies cost a lot of money,” Ness added.
People with negative colorectal cancer colonoscopy results and no family history of colorectal cancer may have to wait 15 years for their next screening, a new Swedish population-based study concludes.
This finding adds an additional 5 years to the standard recommended 10-year screening interval.
But experts caution that the findings may not be generalizable to more diverse populations, such as those in the United States.
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