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Santa Clara County steps up efforts to eradicate dangerous Aedes aegypti mosquito

Santa Clara County steps up efforts to eradicate dangerous Aedes aegypti mosquito


SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO) — aegypti mosquito was first discovered in Santa Clara County in 2022, with two discovered in North San Jose at the time, and now the species is making a comeback, raising great concerns about what this aggressive invasive mosquito will do as its population grows.

“If Aedes aegypti becomes established in our community, it poses a serious and real threat to the health of our community,” said Monica Roy, assistant health director for the Santa Clara County Department of Public Health.

In April, Santa Clara County Vector Control found several of these mosquitoes along Machado Lane in the hills east of San Jose, but it's unclear how they got there.

Related: Dangerous disease-carrying mosquito discovered in Santa Clara County

Despite efforts to control the pests, the population numbers at least 12 females.

This species differs from the more common mosquito population in that it is more aggressive and active during the day.

It is a small mosquito with black and white stripes on its hind legs.

They also do not fly long distances, traveling less than 500 feet from where they hatched.

Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are not easy to eradicate, raising concerns about a first-of-its-kind infection in the county's history.

“Aedes aegypti eggs have a much higher survival rate than other mosquitoes,” said Edgar Nolasco, director of the Santa Clara County Department of Consumer and Environmental Protection. “You can liken it to the cockroach of mosquitoes. They can survive extreme temperatures and periods of extreme water deprivation.”

more: Genetically modified mosquitoes and vaccines – what you need to know about dengue fever

To get rid of them, more extreme methods will be required.

Attempts to eradicate adult mosquitoes have been ineffective in controlling the vector.

So the county is moving to a daytime, broad-spectrum larvicide spraying method that uses a bacterial insecticide to target mosquito larvae.

“This machine, by itself, has the potential to reach sources that are not so easy for us to access,” said Nayyar Zahiri, Santa Clara County Vector Control District Manager.

Communities can do their part by removing standing water from their homes and removing preferred habitats for Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, such as plastic sheeting.

more: West Nile virus positive mosquitoes found in parts of Santa Clara County

The goal is to prevent Aedes aegypti from becoming established in Santa Clara County, along with 19 other counties in California.

Mosquitoes carry diseases such as chikungunya, dengue, yellow fever and Zika – viruses that are usually only transmitted during travel, but may become more common if mosquitoes are not eradicated from the region.

“With the discovery of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Santa Clara County, we are concerned that in the future we may see a similar situation here where people don't have to travel to get these diseases, they are at risk of contracting them just by being here,” Dr. Roy said.

The county says pets and people should remain indoors during scheduled treatments over the next few months.

The first spraying is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. on May 29th.

County officials will be holding a community meeting at the Alum Rock Branch Library on May 28 at 6 p.m. to answer residents' questions.

more: Are you prone to mosquito bites? Scientifically explain why you are more susceptible to them than others

The latest advice provided to the community by Santa Clara County Vector Control is:

Residents must also:

  • Properly seal rainwater tanks, water storage tanks and irrigation drains to prevent mosquitoes from entering.
  • Fix leaky faucets and broken sprinkler heads, and avoid overwatering your lawn and plants.
  • Make sure your window and door screens don't have any holes or tears and fit tightly.
  • Make sure the pool water level is sufficient for proper circulation and filtration.
  • To prevent mosquito bites:

  • Be sure to apply an insect repellent that contains an EPA-registered ingredient such as DEET, picaridin, IR3535, or lemon eucalyptus oil, following label directions.
  • When mosquitoes are most active, wear long-sleeved shirts, pants, socks, and shoes.
  • Make sure your window and door screens are in good condition.
  • Residents who experience mosquito bites during the day should report them immediately to the Vector Control District at (408) 918-4770 or [email protected].

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