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“It’s like not wearing a mask to not get the flu vaccine:” What will happen next flu season?


File flu vaccine syringe photo  Photo: LM Otero, Associated Press

Photo: LM Otero, Associated Press

File flu vaccine syringe photo

It was the last end of the flu season when the COVID-19 pandemic began to pick up speed in the Bay Area in early February and March. Most of the common viral infections that occur each year in autumn and winter go through that process, and the possibility of coronaviruses working with the flu to overwhelm hospitals was not a major threat.

However, as children return to school and August begins to decline, health professionals are still confident about how the upcoming influenza outbreak could affect the current medical crisis. There is none. One thing they agree with is that one of the best defenses is to make sure you get this year’s flu shot.

“Being unable to get the flu vaccine is like wearing a mask,” said Dr. Randy Burgan, clinical leader of the Kaiser Permanente Northern California influenza vaccine program. “I know I’m protecting others, so if you don’t enter the grocery store without a mask, you’ll also need to get a flu shot.”

The CDC estimates that the flu has resulted in 140,000-810,000 hospitalizations and 12,000-61,000 deaths each year since 2010. It’s important to get and get the flu vaccine this year, even where you’re evacuating, as the disease can exacerbate already burdened hospital systems across the United States.

“It’s very important to protect as many people as possible from the flu this year in terms of impacting our overall health care system,” he said.

While both COVID-19 and influenza can be dangerous in their own right, little research has been done into what the body looks like when it develops both influenza and COVID-19 at the same time. Mr Bergan said. Of most concern is the evidence that the immune system may be vulnerable to another disease if it has poor recovery from one. This can cause heart attacks, secondary pneumonia and other complications.

“What we know is that these are viruses that affect multiple organs,” Bergan said. “The effects of influenza and COVID-19 appear to be multifactorial, especially if you have underlying illnesses and recovery can be very long. It may not be common to get all of them at the same time, but I’m worried that getting them in order might not be good for them.”

Due to current COVID-19 test delays and other issues, Bergan was unable to determine if he should be tested for COVID if he believes he has the flu. “Unfortunately, what testing capabilities do you need to tell people what to do if you think you might have the flu but could become a COVID?” In a different world, it’s ideal to find out if they have COVID if they have mild symptoms that usually do not seek treatment, but that may not be a viable option.”

Bergan recommends that you always contact your doctor if you do not know what to do or if you are worried about your symptoms.

The vaccine should be widely available by mid-September, but Bergan said it’s important to remember that the same way to avoid influenza is the same way to avoid COVID-19. It was Wash your hands often and avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes as much as possible. When school started, he said it was particularly important.

“The only significant difference I see between COVID and influenza is children,” Bergan said. “Every year, the flu season begins at school. Children spread it themselves and bring it home. This is an annual pattern. Children’s role in spreading COVID remains There is uncertainty. There is no controversy among the children who are spreading the flu.”

With one silver lining from the pandemic, this year’s flu season may be less devastating than the past year. Early signs from the Southern Hemisphere are encouraging as they approach the end of winter. According to COVID-19 precautions, such as wearing masks and social distances, countries such as Argentina, South Africa, and New Zealand unexpectedly reduced influenza and other seasonal respiratory viral infections in May and June, according to the report. doing. Wall Street Journal.

In Australia, the number of confirmed influenza cases in the last two weeks of June was 85, compared to 22,047 in the same two weeks of 2019. Last year, the total was 132,424 cases, but this year it was only 20,739 cases from January to June. The newspaper reported.

Australian authorities urged people to be vaccinated against influenza as soon as possible in late March, and pharmacists reported that they received more vaccine in three weeks than last year. The country also closed its borders in March and banned nonessential rallies.

A similar decline was seen in Argentina. According to WSJ, the number of influenza cases fell from January to early July to 151,189, compared to 420,737 in the last five years.

“Obtaining the flu vaccine will be in the best interests of you, your friends and family, more than ever,” said Bergan. “You may be worried about leaving the house and doing something, but this year we are trying to get the flu vaccine.”

Tessa McLean is a digital editor at SFGATE. Email her at [email protected] or follow her on Twitter @mcleantessa.

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