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A new approach to epilepsy treatment combining genetics and brain mapping

A new approach to epilepsy treatment combining genetics and brain mapping


Researchers from Professor Vijay Tiwari's research group at the Department of Molecular Medicine at the University of Southern Denmark have developed a new method called MoPEDE that has the potential to improve epilepsy treatment. This method combines brain measurements and genetic analysis, providing deeper insight into the origins and mechanisms of epileptic seizures.

How MoPEDE works: Bridging genetics and brain measurements

Epilepsy is a condition that occurs when the brain suddenly sends irregular signals, causing a seizure. Identifying the exact region in the brain where seizures occur is essential for effective patient care. The MoPEDE method uses SEEG electrodes to not only record electrical activity in the brain, but also to collect biological materials such as RNA and DNA from the affected area.

“We can now extract valuable genetic information from very small amounts of material,” explains Dr. Arun Mahesh Mariappan, adjunct professor in the Department of Molecular Medicine.

-This data reveals why some brain regions trigger seizures while others remain unaffected.

A step towards personalized treatment

MoPEDE was developed in close collaboration with Professor David Henshall's team at RCSI in Dublin. By combining genetic data with detailed measurements of the brain, this method provides doctors with a more accurate map of epileptic areas. This is especially beneficial for patients who do not respond to medications or who require surgical intervention.

-For the first time, we have been able to precisely link specific genetic patterns to epileptic areas in the brain, says Dr. Anuj Dwivedi, a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Molecular Medicine.

This discovery could pave the way for personalized, patient-specific treatments.

Expected results and future prospects

In the long term, this method may not only improve diagnosis but also contribute to the development of new treatments tailored to different types of epilepsy.

For many patients and their families, this means a better daily life with less uncertainty and more effective treatment. Researchers hope that MoPEDE will soon be incorporated into clinical practice, allowing more people to better control their epilepsy.

Facts about the MoPEDE method and its potential

How does MoPEDE work?

MoPEDE (Multimodal Profiling of Epileptic Brain Activity with Explanted Deep Electrodes) uses SEEG electrodes that are placed in the brain during the diagnosis of epilepsy.

Once the electrodes are removed, biological materials such as RNA and DNA are analyzed using advanced techniques such as RNA sequencing and DNA methylation analysis.

The data is combined with brain measurements to create a detailed map of epileptic areas.

What did this method demonstrate?

  • MoPEDE can identify unique genetic patterns in brain regions where seizures occur.
  • This method provides insight into both known and new mechanisms underlying epilepsy and can improve diagnosis and treatment.

Limitations and next steps:

  • Limited data: Results are based on only three patients and larger studies are needed to confirm results.
  • Electrode placement: Genetic data is dependent on electrode placement, which can affect results.
  • Early stage: This method is still in development and requires further testing before clinical use.




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