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The entire UK research on blood tests for blood tests recruits the first participants.

The entire UK research on blood tests for blood tests recruits the first participants.



A major new study aimed at identifying blood tests that are more accurate and prompt to diagnose dementia diagnosis more accurately and quickly, rather than the current method is being held this month.

In the results of the actual word dementia (reading) research, we investigate blood tests that are promising in research but are not used on a daily basis in diagnosis of dementia. Tests how accurate and reliable to these blood tests can be used, and give researchers an idea of ​​how blood tests work in the “real world”.

The DECEMENTIAS PLATFORM UK (DPUK) research team led by Professor Vanessa Raymont is based at Oxford University and Cambridge University. In addition to the adaptation trial, reading is part of it Blood Biomer Challenge -The millions of pounds supported by Alzheimer's Association, Alzheimer's disease UK, National Health Research Institute, Gates Venture, and postal lottery players.

The first volunteer of reading is currently recruited from Warneford Hospital in Oxford. Ultimately, the survey team aims to register more than 3,000 people from 28 NHS memory clinics and community buses throughout the United Kingdom.

How does reading work?

The team examines the range of dementia types such as Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, frontal head dementia, and levy body, and evaluates multiple new and existing blood tests. Researchers also need to interpret the results in different ways in which blood tests can help detect these diseases at various stages, and in different ways of people with different ethnic backgrounds and other health conditions. Consider whether or not there is.

Reasons why it is necessary to bring a revolution in diagnosis of dementia

Dr. Sheona Scales, Research Director of Alzheimer's Research UK, emphasizes why it is an important step to revolutionize dementia.

“It is essential to receive a formal diagnosis of dementia, and people access personally personalized care and support, make future plans, and have the opportunity to participate in medical research and clinical trials. It is also important to receive an early and accurate diagnosis to access the new, similar treatment. “

“Sadly, at this time, one in three of the three dementia will not be formally diagnosed, and the diagnosis of dementia has not changed for nearly 20 years, and an urgent rehole. Necessary.

“Blood tests have significant promises, and they may move the dial for the diagnosis, giving people a desperate answer.”

Sophie Evans lost his father, Vincent in 2021, as a mixed dementia. If he had a previous diagnosis, Sophie believes that this will help the family to manage Vincent's condition better.

“Our family could not live a functional life because it was very difficult to get a long journey to the diagnosis and the support that my father needed.

“My dad began to show symptoms when I was 15 and 60 years old. He forgot to watch the program many times and turn off the tap, and remember why he came to the room. I didn't.

“We tried to meet a doctor, but he didn't want to go. He said it was stressful and he was OK. His listening began to decline. Sometimes I found that he was crying or what he was doing.

“I was convinced that he would eventually go to the GP. He went on a variety of tests, but it took a long time to be diagnosed with vascular dementia.

“When he was diagnosed, he did not believe it. If he had a previous diagnosis, we were convinced that it would have been easier for us. He developed Alzheimer's disease. Continuing, sadly, I went downhill very quickly.

“Probably, I want to encourage people who do not want to check out to find advice from GP. For those who are struggling to accept symptoms, it will help blood tests to receive diagnosis. You cannot discuss blood tests.

“I moved the earth and stopped passing through what we had experienced. Dementia diagnosis must be a more open topic. It is very important to get an early diagnosis.

“Blood tests that support the diagnostic process will have an early opportunity to gain support from people, and probably to consider participating in research on dementia. Why is the research closer to treatment? is.”

It's not too late to change the ending

Discovering such research helps to change the end of a very large number of people affected by dementia.

Such research results can help you change the ends of many people affected by dementia. Blood bio marker issues depend on incredible volunteers to make their valuable research happy. If you want to know more or participate in reading, please see

You can do it too Sign up to participate in dementia researchAnd promote new discoveries to help many families affected by dementia.




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