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Adult depression rates double in UK during lockdown


The Bureau of Statistics, which evaluated the same 3,527 adults before and during a pandemic, said feelings of stress and anxiety were the most common ways adults experienced some form of depression, with about 85% of them symptomatic. I am reporting.

“A review of this same group of adults before and during a pandemic gives us unique insights into how the symptoms of depression changed over time,” said statistician Tim Bizzard. It was

During the lockdown imposed on March 23, people were isolated from friends and family, and often alone, during the past few months, only mitigated. Background of isolation that can cause mental harm.

In addition, people are clearly worried about the spread and spread of coronaviruses in the country with the highest number of COVID-related deaths in Europe, with more than 40,000 casualties.

Many people are also worried about their jobs and future economic well-being, as the economy suffers from the limitations of their daily lives.

Although all age groups reported elevated levels of depression, this study found that young adults between the ages of 16 and 39 were more likely to be proportionately more likely to have three of the symptoms of depression. Nearly one-third has been reported. health.

Simon Wesley, a psychiatry professor at King’s College in London, expressed concern that this had happened, even before the recession actually bites “when it is expected to worsen”.

During the pandemic, the economy shrank by one-fifth, but the government said people who were unemployed by special salary assistance programs used by more than one million companies to hold more than nine million workers. Has succeeded in reducing the number of. I was fired. I am worried that many of these jobs will be lost due to the job retention system at the end of October. In addition, there are many young people who enter the labor market during particularly difficult times.

Vizard was most likely to experience some form of depression among young adults, women, or persons with disabilities during a pandemic, with people who were unable to purchase the equivalent of £850 ($1,100) on a one-off basis. Similarly so.

Studies show that 1 in 8 adults, 12.9%, develop moderate to severe depressive symptoms during a pandemic, but an additional 6.2% of the population continue to experience this level of depressive symptoms. It was We also found that about 3.5% of patients improved during the pandemic.

Charlie Baker, an associate professor of mental health at Nottingham University, said the results were “not surprising” and emphasized as the most struggling factor was anxiety and other symptoms. He said it was already considered vulnerable.

“Perhaps we all need to reach out to proactively support people, rather than expecting them to reach out when things are even harder than during non-COVID,” she says. Said.

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