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How Alabama's football roster changed in the spring transfer portal

How Alabama's football roster changed in the spring transfer portal


The spring transfer portal window is closed. Summer can begin for Alabama football.

Compared to certain other times of the year, the spring season has been fairly quiet for the Crimson Tide. The news may not be quite ready yet, as players can still be signed and departers only had to tell UA they wanted to leave before the deadline, with the paperwork sometimes taking longer.

There are guys who were working on us getting visitors or trying to get them to campus, Alabama head coach Kalen DeBoer said Thursday. So I think ultimately I feel good about the direction we're going, with improving the roster, improving the roster. And that's the point.

While things continue to change, here's how Alabama's roster changed during the spring term.

James Brockermeyer TCU

Brockermeyer's departure came as somewhat of a surprise. He was in the Crimson Tides starting job at Parker Brailsford and seemed to take charge of the outing given Brailsford's absence.

Instead, he chose the same destination as his brother, Tommy, another former Crimson Tide lineman who has now retired from TCU due to injury.

Khurtiss Perry Undecided

Perry was a four-star recruit to Alabama out of Pike Road in the class of 2022. He didn't see the field much during his time with the Crimson Tide, redshirting his freshman season before appearing in one game in 2023.

Peyton Woodyard Undecided

Woodyard is a true freshman and member of the Tides 2024 recruiting class. The four-star DB from St. Johns Bosco, California, enrolled early at Alabama before appearing in the Rose Bowl.

He initially stuck around during Nick Saban's coaching transition from UA, but opted to enter the portal toward the end of the spring term.

Tony Mitchell Undecided

Another loss on defense for the Crimson Tide. Mitchell joined the Tide in the 2023 recruiting class.

He mainly contributed on special teams last season. He finished the year with one tackle.

Mrs. Proctor OL

An old friend returned to Tuscaloosa to help shore up an offensive line that DeBoer said was a necessity. Proctor left the Tide after the 2023 season, a year in which he took over the starting job at left tackle as a true freshman.

Proctor was headed to Iowa after a recruitment in which the Hawkeyes self-reported a minor NCAA violation. After a brief stint with the team, he changed his mind and returned to Alabama as soon as the portal opened again.

Graham NicholsonK

Alabama lost its best kicker of the Nick Saban era when Will Reichard became ineligible after the 2023 season. After a battle for the job in the spring, DeBoer opted to buy a proven product.

Nicholson had spent his previous college career kicking for Miami of Ohio. He won last season's Lou Groza Trophy as the nation's top kicker, beating Reichard, who was a finalist.

DeBoer said before the spring season that defensive back was a position of need for the Tide. UA could sign a few more players from the portal, but currently the result of the 15-day period is a net loss, with Howard, who transfers from Charlotte, being the only addition.

Howard had two interceptions for the 49ers last season as a true freshman, playing in . Hell has three seasons of eligibility with the Crimson Tide.




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