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Diabetics with poor control and diet habits are more susceptible to coronavirus-Edexlive


Poorly controlled diabetics are more vulnerable to COVID-19 than those who routinely have and control diabetes. Diabetics should avoid trendy diets such as intermittent and keto diets and focus on a balanced diet of green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.

Indian Chamber of Commerce (Assocham) concludes the third edition of the “Illness to Wellness” series on “Diabetes Management in COVID-19” with a prominent panel of diabetes experts to hold a dialogue on illness I was invited. Experts in the galaxy emphasized that patients with poorly controlled diabetes with comorbidities are more likely to develop severe symptoms of COVID-19.

According to the International Diabetes Foundation Diabetes Atlas, India is currently ranked second in many diabetes cases worldwide, following China. It is said that there are about 77 million diabetics in India.

Ambrish Mittal, Chairman and Head of the Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes at Max Healthcare, emphasizes the importance of regulating and monitoring diabetics during Covid-19, saying: .. Poorly Controlled Diabetes If you’re well-managed or otherwise well-suited, your risk of getting a COVID is not as high, but the same protocols as other protocols are strictly prevented. need to do it.

“If a diabetic is found to be COVID-positive and asymptomatic, then they need to be quarantined. If they have mild symptoms, they may need to contact their doctor and may need tests from time to time. However, it is still manageable and is isolated from home. If you are very vulnerable to the elderly or conditions such as kidney disease, diabetes, heart disease or blood pressure, we recommend that you be hospitalized.”

Taking the discussion further, Fortis C-DOC President Anoop Mithra focused on coordinating and monitoring blood glucose levels in diabetic patients during Covid-19. “Stay on your medicine and constantly check your sugar levels. Get your home monitoring kit and use it to monitor your levels. Do the test now It is not advisable to go to the lab because of.

“Sugar management and control is a sign of what you’re doing with a COVID, and is of utmost importance, whether mild or severe. This is because many people are gaining weight this time. This also applies to diabetics. They tend to pick up diabetes.”

Emphasizing the importance of maintaining a healthy diet consisting of an adequate supply of protein, fiber, and micronutrients, Misra added, “Intermittent fasting and fad diets like the keto diet. A normal balanced diet of 3-4 servings of fruit and green leafy vegetables are enough. People also eat a lot of nuts and seeds, and have enough fiber and trace amounts. Nutrients must be included in the diet.”


What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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