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Coronavirus: Strict rules of Oldham, Pendle, and Blackburn


Oldham Masked People

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People can still go shopping and go to work

Oldham, Blackburn and parts of Pendle will face additional restrictions to stifle Covid-19’s spread.

From midnight on Saturday, residents of these areas are not allowed to interact with anyone other than their family members.

Businesses such as workplaces, childcare facilities, restaurants and pubs are open as usual.

Since July, the government has introduced additional regulations following the surge in coronavirus cases.

Other, Birmingham added to government watch list, Northampton “Intervention area”..

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People are advised not to use public transport except for mandatory trips

However, the stricter rules of Wigan, Derwen, and Rossendale will be repealed on August 26.

Wigan and Rossendale originally faced strict regulations with other parts of Greater Manchester and East Lancashire, as they were concerned about the overall prevalence and virus spread across households across households.

However, both maintain low infection rates compared to other regions.

Additional measures in Oldham, Pendle, and some parts of Blackburn do not prevent people from shopping, going to work, or attending daycare centers such as schools.

However, indoor and outdoor social activities can only be shared with people who live and are in your immediate household.

Residents are advised not to use public transport except for basic travel. The number of people who can participate in weddings, citizen partnerships and funerals is limited to 20 or less family members and relatives.

It is also recommended that the restaurant be off-limits and that only reserved people be seated in advance.

“We’re not sure what to expect,” said Secretary of Health, Matt Hancock.

“Our approach is to get as much local consensus as possible and be as targeted as possible.”

This allows local governments to focus resources on wards that require more targeted interventions, he added.

New restrictions on household chores and socializing apply to the following areas of Blackburn with Derwen: Audley & Queen’s Park, Bastwell & Daisyfield, Billing & Beardwood, Blackburn Central, Little Harwood & Whitebirk, Roe Lee, Shear Brow & Corporation Park, Wensley Fold.

Derwen and Blackburn areas with all restrictions removed: Blackburn South & Lower Darwen, Blackburn South East, Darwen East, Darwen South, Darwen West, Ewood, Livesey with Pleasington, Mill Hill & Moorgate, West Pennine

The existing pendle limit remains, but the new rules apply to the following areas:: Whitefield, Wolverden, Southfield, Bradley, Cloverhill, Briarfield, Marsden

Councilor Sean Fielding, leader of the Oldham Council, welcomed the announcement that the town would not face closure.

“In the last few days, we had a clear argument that the blockade of the economy was not the answer for Oldham,” he said.

“instead, [the] Government for another approach-we use our power to increase testing and promote compliance and enforcement among those not currently following the guidelines, intensive visit visits in higher case areas Is what you do. “

He added that he believed the tightened measures would “help reduce the spread of the virus.”

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Oris scarf

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Covid-19 measures strengthened in Oldham, Pendle and Blackburn

Greater Manchester Metro Mayor Andy Burnham said: “I think we have reached a wise agreement with the government and we are grateful for their feedback.

“I didn’t want to see the blockade in Oldham, so I’m glad the government addressed the matter. I’m glad the regulation was lifted in Wigan.”

Burnham also wants to see “more easing” next week in Greater Manchester, adding, “We’re seeing fewer cases in Trafford and Stockport,” he added.

“We’re balancing the protection of people from living their lives-it’s a really difficult question and the government isn’t envious of this,” he said.

Nick Triggle, BBC Health correspondent

With the exception of Northampton, Oldham, Blackburn and Pendle have the newest rates.

They see 70 to 90 cases per 100,000 people. This is about half the speed when Leicester is locked down.

The move is about taking pre-emptive action before the outbreak becomes out of control.

Testing has shown that these locations, as well as many other parts of the Northwest and West Yorkshire, are often infected with communities and are concentrated in specific areas.

The most frequent Northamptons are quite different, as the cases are primarily work-related.

However, in addition to these additional restrictions, there is a lot of work going on without getting the headlines.

Council staff working with community groups knock on doors and encourage residents to be tested and secure. To support this, additional test facilities have been opened.

Testing has also begun on people in uninfected, highly infected areas-one of the main difficulties in fighting the virus is that a significant number are asymptomatic.

But one problem that continues to occur is how to isolate people when they have mild symptoms, and when they are at home they are not paid. Many in the field say this needs to be resolved urgently.

The surge in Northampton “almost completely covered the workforce-related outbreaks at the Green Core plant,” said a health ministry spokesman.

Nearly 300 workers have tested positive, requiring employees and their families to be isolated at home for two weeks.

According to a government spokesperson, the number of cases in Birmingham has been “rapidly increasing” with the majority of the new cases being between the ages of 18 and 34.

The city has recorded about 30 cases per 100,000 in the past week.

Classified as “area of ​​enhanced support”. That means you get additional testing, more local contact tracking, and targeted community engagement.

The West Midlands mayor believes that “some people weren’t strict” in combating coronaviruses.

Andy Street is a city In a “very difficult situation”.

Birmingham City Council leader Ian Ward added that the watch list should be “a wake-up call for everyone.”

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