Small household gatherings are driving a surge in coronavirus cases, experts say
Video above: Dr. Birx said a small group of people warning that a new threat is coming in the fall is becoming a source of spread for COVID-19 infections, key health experts said. At least 36 states are currently reporting an increase in viral cases, and hospitalizations are increasing. “Public squares are seeing higher levels of vigilance and mitigation in many jurisdictions,” Robert Redfield, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in a meeting with the Governor on Tuesday. The voice of the call was captured by CNN. “But what we see as an increasing threat now is actually the acquisition of infections by small household groups,” Redfield said. Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, repeated Redfield’s warnings last week, urging Americans to stay vigilant. During the holidays, it is especially important to get together with close friends and family who appear to be virus-free and to keep in mind when college students return home. Experts warn that young students, who often have mild or no symptoms, can contribute to domestic transmission of the virus by infecting their parents. Parents can then infect their home or other parts of the community. In the U.S., an early sign of what experts say is another COVID-19 surge, which can overwhelm the healthcare system and kill thousands more Americans in the coming months. I see it. Dr. Anthony Fauci said this week that rising COVID-19 test positive rates across the country may be predicting recurrence of cases: “less than 3%, optimally less than 1%. It is hoped that. ” At an event hosted by the American University of Pathologists, “We are beginning to see many states far beyond that, which historically highly predicts the recurrence of cases, as we know it. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, the United States has an average of more than 49,000 new infections each day, up 13% from the previous week. Governor Gary Herbert of U.S. states that the state is “We are facing the most tragic episode of this pandemic ever,” he said, announcing a new COVID-19 surveillance system for the county. “We use 15.8% of the ICU bed to treat patients with COVID-19, more than double the previous rate, and our total ICU utilization is 69.6%,” the governor tweeted on Tuesday. Stated. “This makes our hospitals more unstable to treat COVID and non-COVID patients in need of critical care,” said the governor. “In Wisconsin, hospitalizations have been in the past month. Almost tripled, he added that residents should do as much as they can. It helps control the virus and prevent the state’s healthcare system from being overwhelmed. In Washington, one public health official warned of a dramatic increase in cases. “More than 140 cases have been reported daily in the past week,” said Dr. Jeff Duchin, a health officer at the Seattle and King County public health agencies. “This is more than double what was seen in late September.” Increasing incidents encourage limits Some local leaders called for new measures following the increase in incidents. Health officials said Oklahoma City leaders extended the local mask ordinance until at least December 7 as COVID-19 hospitalizations increased. Heather Yazdanipur, director of community health care systems, told CNN that the city is currently in a booming environment and hospitals are experiencing it. New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham announced on Tuesday several restrictions to curb the spread of the virus amid heightened “warning” of cases in the state. The virus is out of control and we are rapidly approaching that point. Our only option is to simply block the chance of the virus, “the governor said in a statement. Bars and restaurants serving alcohol must be closed by 10 pm. Friday and public meetings are limited to 5 people. “Rollback has paid a great deal of suffering and sacrifice, which means more financial turmoil for so many workers and business owners in our state that already have s.” “But this is the only chance to prevent more catastrophic illness and save lives.” Fauci is on a very good track despite the news that the second COVID-19 vaccine trial has been put on hold this week. Announced “Fauci: Vaccine Development” on board. According to a voice obtained by CNN.US, the governor’s phone call on Tuesday said that the vaccine development effort was “on a really good track.” “Some vaccines are very close to getting some kind of information,” he said. Health officials need to know if there is a safe and effective vaccine by November or December, Forch added, “I think we may know before that.” Experts said the vaccine should be distributed first when it is considered safe. Before it eventually becomes widely available to the American public, among healthcare professionals and vulnerable people. During the call, Secretary of Health and Welfare Alex Azar said the deadline for providing the CDC with a vaccine distribution plan was approaching. “As we approach the deadline for submitting a vaccine distribution plan to the CDC on Friday, October 16, we want you to stay in close contact with the CDC liaison throughout the process,” Hazard said.
Video above: Dr. Burkes warns that a new threat will enter the fall
With at least 36 states reporting an increase in viral cases and hospitalizations increasing nationwide, small gatherings are becoming a source of spread for COVID-19 infection, leading health experts say. Stated.
“Public squares have higher levels of vigilance and mitigation steps in many jurisdictions,” said Robert Redfield, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in a meeting with the Governor on Tuesday. The voice of the call was captured by CNN.
“But what we see as an increasing threat now is actually the acquisition of infections by small household groups,” Redfield said. “We believe it is very important to emphasize the vigilance of these ongoing mitigations in the home environment, especially as Thanksgiving is approaching.”
Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, reiterated Redfield’s warning last week, urging Americans to meet with close friends and family who appear to be virus-free and stay alert during the holidays. did.
It is especially important to remember when college students begin to return home. Experts say that young students, who often have mild or no symptoms, can infect their parents and then infect their home or elsewhere in the area, so the virus at home. It warns that it may contribute to the spread of the virus.
The warning comes when the United States sees another early sign of what experts say is a surge in another COVID-19. This can overwhelm the healthcare system and kill thousands more Americans in the coming months. Dr. Anthony Fauci said this week that rising COVID-19 test positive rates across the country may foresee a resurgence of cases.
“You want to see them below 3%, optimally below 1%,” he said at an event hosted by the University of American Pathologists.
“We are starting to see many states far beyond that. This is often-in fact always-highly predictive of case recurrence. This has historically led to increased hospitalizations and ultimately. Dead (number. “
An average of 49,000 new infections occur daily in the United States
According to data from Johns Hopkins University, the country currently has an average of more than 49,000 new infections daily. This is an increase of 13% from the previous week.
In Utah, Governor Gary Herbert Said The state “is facing the most tragic episode of this pandemic to date,” and announced a new COVID-19 surveillance system for the county.
“We use 15.8% of the ICU bed to treat COVID-19 patients, which is more than double what it used to be, and the total ICU utilization is 69.6%,” said the governor. Tuesday Tweet. “This will make it unlikely that our hospital will be able to treat COVID and non-COVID patients in need of critical care.”
In Wisconsin, hospitalizations have nearly tripled in the past month, the governor said, and residents should do everything they can to control the virus and prevent the state’s health system from being overwhelmed. Added.
In Washington, a public health official warned of a dramatic increase in incidents.
“More than 140 cases have been reported daily over the past week,” said Dr. Jeff Duchin, a health officer at the Seattle and King County public health agencies. “This is more than double what we saw in late September.”
Rising cases encourage restrictions
Some local leaders have promoted new measures following the increase in incidents. Health officials said Oklahoma City leaders extended the local mask ordinance until at least December 7, amid increasing hospitalizations for COVID-19.
Heather Yazdanipur, director of community health care systems, told CNN that the city is currently in a booming environment and hospitals lack the equipment, space and staff to accommodate visiting patients. Told.
New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham announced on Tuesday some restrictions that would help curb the spread of the virus amid an increase in “warning” incidents in the state.
“When the spread of the virus to the community is out of control and we are approaching that point, our only option is to simply block the virus’s opportunity,” the governor said in a statement.
Alcoholic bars and restaurants must be closed from Friday to 10 pm and mass gatherings are limited to 5 people.
“Rollback will mean more economic turmoil for so many workers and business owners in our state that are already suffering and sacrificing a lot,” the governor said. “But that is our only chance to prevent more catastrophic illness and save lives.”
Fauci: Vaccine development is “on a really good track”
Despite the news that the second COVID-19 vaccine trial was put on hold this week, Meanhwile said in a call from the governor on Tuesday that the vaccine development effort was “on a really good track.”
“Some vaccines are very close to getting some information,” he said, according to a voice obtained by CNN.
U.S. health officials need to know if there is a safe and effective vaccine by November or December, Forch said, “I think we might even know before that.” Added.
If the vaccine is considered safe, experts said it should first be distributed to healthcare professionals and vulnerable populations before it is finally widely available to the American public.
During the call, Secretary of Health and Welfare Alex Azar stated that the deadline for providing the CDC with a vaccine distribution plan was approaching.
“As we approach the deadline for submitting a vaccine distribution plan to the CDC on Friday, October 16, we want you to stay in close contact with the CDC liaison throughout the process,” Hazard said.
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