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COVID-19 kills 1,500 nurses in 44 countries: International Council of Nurses

COVID-19 kills 1,500 nurses in 44 countries: International Council of Nurses
COVID-19 kills 1,500 nurses in 44 countries: International Council of Nurses


According to the Toronto-International Council of Nurses (ICN), about 1,500 nurses worldwide have died of COVID-19. They believe that this number is only a small part of the number of health care workers who may have been killed by the virus.

ICN Said in a press release on Wednesday They surveyed 44 countries around the world and found that 1,500 nurses had died from the virus so far, from the 1,097 deaths recorded as of August.

However, they believe that the actual cost is likely to be close to 20,000 among healthcare workers worldwide, taking into account unreported deaths and countries lacking data. .. And it assumes that the case fatality rate of infected healthcare workers is only 0.5 percent.

According to ICN analysis, approximately 10% of all cases worldwide are healthcare professionals, and more than 2 million healthcare professionals worldwide may be infected with COVID-19.

Not all countries track the number of infected healthcare workers, so it is a difficult number to identify.

Canadian Institute of Health Information (CIHI) Reported in SeptemberUsing data up to July 23, we found that 12 people died among Canadian healthcare workers.

The same CIHI report found that 19% of all cases of COVID-19 in Canada at the time were health care workers, almost twice the average for ICN.

The Canadian Federation of Nurses’ Unions (CFNU) has counted 16 deaths of Canadian health care workers as of July, but it is unclear if these numbers are included in the ICN number electronically on I told you by email. With their new analysis.

The higher infection rates of Canadian health workers compared to other countries indicate that they did not learn from SARS. For recent research commissioned by CFNU.

The ICN has been tracking nurses’ COVID-19 deaths since the outbreak of the pandemic. In April, they reported that more than 100 nurses had died. By May, 260 nurses had died and 90,000 health care workers were found to be infected. The death toll in June reached 600.

Howard Catton, CEO of ICN, said at this week’s virtual conference that the impact on healthcare professionals needs to be better tracked.

“The fact that as many nurses died during this pandemic as they died during World War I is shocking,” he said in a press release. “Since May 2020, we have called for a standardized and systematic collection of data on infections and deaths of healthcare workers, but the fact that it has not happened yet is a scandal.”

ICN data is collected through the Nursing Association, which holds its own information on infection and death. They also looked at government resources and numbers, and trusted media sources, conducted a survey of countries with high caseloads, and received responses from 32 countries. For their August results.

The term “healthcare professional” is defined differently around the world, so according to a report published in September, the definition of ICN is for both public and private healthcare facilities such as doctors and nurses. Refers to all staff working at. Assistants and hospital support staff.

According to Catton, the pandemic was an awakening call for the importance of health care and healthcare workers.

“This is a great lesson for the future,” Catton said. “When this is over, we should never take our health care system for granted, and we must invest more in them and our health care workers. ”


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