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Overweight Yorkshire Ripper “Serious Illness” in Hospital with Coronavirus


Peter Sutcliffe, known as Yorkshire Ripper, is a “serious illness” in the hospital with a coronavirus (Photo: Rex).

The coronavirus could “end” Peter Sutcliffe in Yorkshire Ripper, sources familiar with his condition said.

The mass murderer, 74, was returned to the hospital for his second visit this month and is reportedly “severely ill.”

Sutcliffe was diagnosed with Covid-19 on Friday and is also suffering from heart problems.

A few years ago, a serial killer who “found God” reportedly believed he would “go to heaven” when he died.

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He is said to be refusing treatment and has some existing health conditions, including obesity Diabetes It makes him susceptible to serious cases of the virus.

Sources Daily mail:’He is seriously ill. Sutcliff’s 70s is overweight and has an existing health condition. Covid could easily finish him.

Serial killers killed at least 13 women in the 1970s and 1980s and were recently detained at HMP Frankland in Durham.

He stayed in the hospital for five nights with heart disease but was discharged on Tuesday. After returning to the prison medical isolation unit, he began to develop symptoms such as shortness of breath and chest pain.

He was quarantined in prison after being tested and returning positive on Friday. However, security guards decided to re-admit him to the hospital on Sunday when his health began to deteriorate.

Peter Sutcliffe is sentenced to 20 life imprisonments (Photo: REX)

Sutcliffe is said to be “fearing” the coronavirus and keeps visitors away throughout the pandemic for fear of potential pandemics.

However, he has so far refused to allow doctors to treat him and is trying to fight off the infection without potentially life-saving drugs.

One source told The Sun: ‘Doctors warned that nothing could be done for him unless he agreed.

“One remedy is the steroid dexamethasone, but if he refuses all help, he’s really dead and dancing.

“It will be a question of whether his body is strong enough to fight the virus on its own.”

Sutcliffe taken in 1983 (Photo: REX)

In recent years, Sutcliffe has suffered from angina, diabetes, and almost blindness after being bitten by a fellow prisoner.

He spent 32 years at the High Security Psychiatric Broadmoor Hospital after being diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.

He was transferred to HMP Frankland in 2016 after a psychiatrist said he was stable enough in prison.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Justice said: “We do not comment on individual prisoners.”

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