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Marat Khusnutdinov should use the summer to explore Minnesota – Minnesota Wild

Marat Khusnutdinov should use the summer to explore Minnesota – Minnesota Wild


Towards the end of the 2023-2024 Minnesota Wild season, when it was somewhat clear there wouldn't be a postseason but everyone was still hoping for the mathematical odds, a bright light shone through. Marat Khusnutdinov was finally on his way to North America.

Many fans had watched Khusnutdinov from a distance while he played in the KHL. He was physically strong, could enter into confrontations and score goals. It seemed like a dream, considering the challenges the team has endured with salary cap hell. All eyes were on his team, which failed to make the KHL playoffs. We all sat on the edge of our seats and held our collective breath until the news came out that he had been released from his contract and was headed to America.

After all that waiting, it makes sense how fans reacted when Khusnutdinov played his first game in Minnesota. I was there and can attest to how much fun it was to cheer for everything he did, no matter how crazy it was. His first shift? Cheer when he crosses the boards. Win his first confrontation? Cheer as loudly as you can for a center who might be a reliable faceoff man. (Except Joel Eriksson Ek, but he's on his own level.)

Needless to say, Minnesota fell in love with their new Russian baby, especially when everyone found out he spoke some English. It only got better when he let it be known that he was funny!

With relations between America and Russia (still) as they are, it is believed that Khusnutdinov will spend at least part of the summer in Minnesota. It would be a great opportunity to make the young Russian feel more at home in the state that has already welcomed him with open arms.

Last summer, many Wild players stayed in the Twin Cities and had a great time. They were enjoying themselves everywhere. If that happens again this summer, Khusnutdinov has a group with Brock Faber at the helm to introduce him to the Twin Cities scene. With so many players, it's important to get them to fall in love with Minnesota. Other teams have advantages like year-round summer weather, big cities, or a storied history like the Original Six. But the State of Hockey has year-round hockey spirit and a whole lot more fun.

Khusnutdinov also has access to ice time, trainers and coaching, and he still needs to improve his game. He played well after his debut, but he didn't quite look like Khusnutdinov fans had looked in the KHL. Still, he improved a little in every game he played at the end of the season. Things will undoubtedly get better, but the more time he has to acclimatize to North America and NHL-style hockey, the better.

The other plus for more time in Minnesota is practicing his English. As I said, he has a much better command of English than Kirill Kaprizov did when he came here. Or at least he has a lot more confidence to speak it in public. He has a great sense of humor, and fans would love to hear more of that come training camp next year. Maybe he could take a page from Kaprizov's book and see every possible movie in theaters. It can lead to some interesting vocabulary, but let's broaden its horizons!

No matter what happens, Marat Khusnutdinov deserves a summer where he sharpens his skills, learns more English to make even better jokes, and falls in love with Minnesota and all the state has to offer.

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