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Doctors consider when the COVID-19 vaccine can change the daily life of a pandemic

Doctors consider when the COVID-19 vaccine can change the daily life of a pandemic


Doctors consider when the COVID-19 vaccine can change the daily life of a pandemic

Two doctors at the University of California, San Francisco are excited about the early results showing that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine could be 90% effective. “My first words were’wow’,” said Dr. George Rutherford, Head of UCSF, Department of Infectious Diseases and Global Epidemiology on KCBS Radio. “The 90% efficacy is astounding. The measles vaccine I’ve used as the best vaccine ever is 95%. If I can maintain this, this will be a real home run.” UCSF Coronavirus Expert Dr. Bob Wahter expressed similar excitement. .. “90% effectiveness is far superior to most optimistic predictions. Election analogy: these are the result of CA, not PA,” Wachter said in his regular Twitter thread covering the pandemic. I wrote in one of them. Approved and distributed by a credible process, “I bet that uptake will be like 70-80%.” Wachter also said that people still wear masks and are healthy while the news is encouraged. I warned you that you need to follow the instructions. It’s worth remembering that a properly excited vaccine will probably not make a significant difference in the lives / schools / economies of everyone until next summer, “Wachter wrote. .. “If so, that means that the time from now to that time is equal to the time since the first COVID case in the United States.” Why is it so long? Wachter said the next big step would be to see safety and why the vaccine won. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration will have to wait two months for researchers to observe at least half of their volunteers until later this month. I don’t think there is. He hopes that this vaccine will not raise any safety concerns. The other three vaccine trials were “interrupted at various times to analyze safety concerns,” but “Pfizer’s study was uninterrupted, with so many serious side effects that it defeated approval.” Unlikely”. “Pfizer states that it will be able to vaccinate 50 million times by the end of the year and 1.3 billion times by the end of 2021,” Wachter wrote. “This is a two-dose vaccine, which means enough vaccine for 25 million people who aren’t all in the United States by January,” he said. Vaccine deployment wouldn’t be an easy task. It was. Dosage should be packaged, frozen, shipped and tracked. “This means that in an ideal situation, most of the vaccinated population will not be seen until spring or summer (of course, other vaccines work as well, on the timeline),” Wachter said. writing. “This means there are still so many COVIDs in front of us and there are deaths. Stay safe!” Read Wachter’s full thread on Pfizer vaccines here. Please give me.

Two doctors at the University of California, San Francisco are one of those who expressed excitement with the early results showing that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine could be 90% effective.

“My first words were’wow’,” Dr. George Rutherford, Head of Infectious Diseases and World Epidemiology at UCSF, told KCBS Radio. “90% efficacy is amazing. The measles vaccine we use as the best vaccine ever is 95%. If they can sustain it, this will be a real home run. . “

Dr. Bob Wahater, a UCSF coronavirus expert, expressed similar excitement. “90% effectiveness is far superior to most optimistic predictions. Election analogy: these are the result of CA, not PA,” Wachter said. I have written In one of his regular Twitter threads covering the pandemic.

However, if the vaccine is approved and distributed by a reliable process, “I think the intake will be around 70-80%,” he added.

Wachter also warned that while the news was encouraging, people still needed to wear masks and obey health orders.

“While properly excited about vaccines, it’s worth remembering that it probably won’t make a significant difference in everyone’s life / school / economy until next summer,” Wachter said. I have written.. “If so, that means that the time from now to that time is equal to the time since the first COVID case in the United States.”

Why is it so long?

Wachter said the next big step is to consider safety, and the reason why vaccines aren’t considered an emergency license by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration until later this month is for researchers to observe at least half. Volunteers said it was because they had to wait two months.

He hoped the vaccine would not raise safety concerns, and noted that the other three vaccine trials were “interrupted at various times to analyze safety concerns.” Pfizer’s research was uninterrupted, so it is unlikely that it will be high enough. ”The number of serious side effects that upset approval. “

So when is the vaccine actually ready?

“Pfizer says it will have 50 million doses available by the end of the year and 1.3 billion doses by the end of 2021,” Wachter wrote. “This is a two-dose vaccine, which means that by January, 25 million people who are not in the United States will have enough vaccine.”

He said deploying the vaccine is not an easy task as all doses need to be packaged, frozen, shipped and tracked.

“This means that under ideal circumstances, most of the vaccinated population will not be seen until spring or summer (of course, other vaccines will work as well, which can shorten the timeline. There is sex), ”Wachter wrote. “This means that we still have so many COVIDs in front of us and there are dead people. Stay safe!”

Read Wachter’s complete thread on Pfizer vaccines here.


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