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Southern California Coronavirus Update: Long Beach Opens Walk-Up Clinic, Preparing for COVID-19 Patient Spike


The current number of new cases of coronavirus across Southland is:

  • Los Angeles County: 5,940 confirmed cases, 132 deaths
  • Orange County: 834 cases, 14 deaths
  • Riverside County: 799 confirmed cases, 19 deaths
  • San Bernardino County: 372 cases, 13 deaths
  • Ventura County: 221 cases, 6 deaths
  • San Diego County: 1,326, 19 deaths
  • Don’t miss the latest update of COVID-19 Register for e-mail magazine.

    April 6, 2020

    4 am.
    Long Beach is taking additional measures in preparation for a potential surge in COVID-19 patients.

    The Walk-Up Rapid Assessment Clinic will open on Monday at Long Beach City College on the Pacific Coast campus. The clinic is open from 10am to 6pm. 7 days a week until further notice.
    The service is for those who seek medical attention immediately and there is another area for those who are experiencing coronavirus symptoms.

    Long Beach Sports Arena is also a temporary field hospital accommodating approximately 100 infants. If you need to relieve pressure on a nearby hospital, it’s ready.

    There are also mobile tents outside the emergency rooms at the Long Beach Memorial Medical Center, St Mary’s Medical Center and College Hospital. The service is intended for patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 symptoms.

    April 5, 2020

    5:30 pm.
    Skilled riverside Nursing facilities face outbreak of coronavirus County health officials say at least 30 patients are positive.

    2:30 pm
    Los Angeles County officials confirmed an additional 15 deaths and 663 cases, bringing the county to 132 deaths and a total of 5,940 cases.

    April 4, 2020

    6:30 pm
    Authorities say the Los Angeles Police now has a total of 43 employees who test positive for coronavirus. The Los Angeles Fire Department also has 13 coronavirus-positive members.

    One LAPD employee has recovered and returned to full work. Two have been hospitalized and all other employees are recovering in isolation at home. Two LAFD employees have recovered and resumed work, and one member is currently hospitalized and receiving treatment. The remaining 10 employees are recovering at home.

    2:30 pm
    Los Angeles County officials confirmed an additional 28 deaths and 711 cases, bringing the county to 117 deaths and 5,277 cases.

    April 3, 2020

    1 pm.
    Los Angeles County officials confirmed another 11 deaths and 521 cases on Friday, bringing the county to 89 deaths, for a total of 4,566 cases.

    The county’s director of public health, Dr. Barbara Ferrer, said the seven individuals who died were over the age of 65, and all had basic health conditions. Three are 41-65 years old and one is 18-40 years old, highlighting the fact that the virus does not discriminate based on age.

    The county is investigating coronavirus outbreaks in more than 67 facilities, including nursing homes, nursing homes, shelters, treatment centers, nursing homes, prisons, and prisons.

    Governor Gavin Newsom has announced the latest coronavirus count in California. The number of ICU patients was 10,710, and the number of hospitalized patients was 2,188, 901. This is 10.4% higher than the day before. According to Newsom, litigation in California is expected to peak in early to mid-May.

    Following a $ 150 million commitment to state homelessness assistance, Newsom said 7,000 hotel rooms had been reserved and home to 15,000 rooms to accommodate California homelessness.

    Newsam has announced that chefs Jose Andres and World Central Kitchen will serve homeless people in a coronavirus pandemic.

    He added that Californians who want volunteers, including blood donations, can do so by signing up here.

    In addition, Newsom has said that 38 million N95 masks have been distributed in the state so far.

    6 am.
    Los Angeles County opened three more drive-up coronavirus test sites on Friday, but plans are at least three more.

    New locations are at Pomona Fairplex, South Bay Galeria and Antelope Valley Mall. Testing is by appointment. No walk ups planned.

    Other sites at Northridge, Long Beach, Lancaster, and Pasadena are in the planning stages, and the Lancaster and Glendale sites are already up and running.

    The County’s COVID-19 test is restricted to the most vulnerable residents (over 65 years of age or an underlying condition, including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, chronic lung disease, or moderate to severe asthma).

    Testing has also been performed on immunocompromised individuals, including the results of cancer treatments, and / or individuals with confirmed cases of coronavirus, and a mandatory 14-day quarantine period for further symptoms. Limited to those who are eligible. 7 days for the remaining 2 week isolation period.

    If you are interested in taking the test, you must first register at the screening website

    April 2, 2020

    6 pm
    Los Angeles police officer Michel Moore said civil servants would begin wearing surgical masks and non-medical face covers. “This is for our security and your safety,” Moore tweeted. Mayor Eric Garsetti has already recommended that all Angelenos cover their faces in public.

    1 pm.
    Los Angeles County officials confirmed another 13 deaths and 534 cases on Thursday, leaving county deaths of 78 and a total of 4,045 cases.

    According to the county’s director of public health, Dr. Barbara Ferrer, 12 people died over the age of 65, 11 of whom were in basic health. One was between the ages of 41 and 65, and the virus prompted her to repeat not distinguishing based on age.

    “All people infected with COVID-19 at all ages can get very seriously ill, which may mean they need to be hospitalized,” she said.

    Two-thirds of hospitalized patients have no underlying illness and span all elderly people. Five people in the intensive care unit are under the age of 35, some of whom are not in good health.

    5:30 am

    is more than 6.6 million Americans applied for unemployment benefits Last week a report from the Ministry of Labor was given. Last week’s figures are much higher than the 3.3 million previous records reported last week.

    4:11 a.m.

    U.S. Government Enhances Dr. Anthony Fauci’s Safety as Top U.S. Medical Expert on Coronavirus Pandemic Faces threat to his personal security. Justice Department officials have been recommended by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, and recently the U.S. Department of Justice has directed more than six special investigators to provide Approved special proxy request. ABC News

    April 1, 2020

    7:20 pm

    Ventura County, a region less vulnerable to viruses than neighboring counties, has taken steps to protect farm workers who are deemed essential for maintaining their homes throughout the state.

    Authorities on Wednesday announced that each farm worker would receive a card to identify them as such. Farm workers also practiced at physical distances, plowed fields in every other row, and were given long lunch breaks.

    As of Wednesday night, the county had identified a total of 160 COVID-19 cases, most of which were found in Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley, Camarillo and Oxnard. There are a total of five deaths associated with the coronavirus in this region.


    Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garsetti, Angelenos In public places, wear non-medical face covers and masks For essential reasons.

    At a press conference Wednesday afternoon, Garsetti said that wearing or masking masks would still leave physical distance guidelines.

    “This is not an excuse to get closer,” he said.

    Medical grade masks, such as the N95 mask, need to be reserved for health professionals at the forefront of the coronavirus crisis to avoid shortages.

    In addition, Garcetti has announced that he has instructed the L.A. Water and Electricity Department to suspend service to all non-essential businesses that violated the “Safe Home” order. He stated that eight city businesses were referred to a city lawyer on charges of misdemeanor crime.

    1 pm.

    Health officials reported 11 additional coronavirus-related deaths and 513 new cases in Los Angeles County, resulting in 65 deaths and 3,518 cases in the community.

    Dr. Barbara Ferrer, county public health director, also announced that the five new cases are individuals experiencing homelessness who tested positive for COVID-19.

    Nine of the dead were people over the age of 65, seven of whom were in basic health. The other two were under the age of 65, but also had underlying health, Ferrer said.

    12:30 pm.

    Governor Gavin Newsam on Wednesday California schools confirmed not to reopen After State Superintendent Tony Thurmond said students might not be able to return to campus He said the class would remain during the session-for the rest of the school year.

    School closures do not mean schools are closed year-round. According to Thurmond, distance learning from home is still ongoing.

    The inability of millions of students to access the Internet at home has emerged as a major concern among parents and educators amid school closures throughout the state.

    Newsom announced its partnership with Google, offering 100,000 Internet access points throughout the state and thousands of Chromebooks that “virtually” ease the digital inequality.

    He said the company promised to provide at least three months of access to broadband connections. Still, Newsom added that more would need to be done.

    He added, “It covers a slightly wider area needed in remote areas of the state.”

    6 am.

    Union Rescue Mission workers tested positive for COVID-19.

    Officials had been treated at the Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center and were on ventilators, but have improved, officials say.

    The executive director of the mission stated that 95 residents and several employees were isolated on the third floor. Workers’ recent contacts are also tracked.

    12 a.m.
    Rents and mortgages will be paid to most people on April 1, and many jobs affected by the coronavirus crisis are concerned about paying. However, some safeguards are in place to ensure that residents do not face evictions or foreclosures.

    Governor Gavin Newsom has issued an order allowing local governments to limit evictions and foreclosures by 31 May for those who are unable to pay.

    Both Los Angeles City and County leaders have implemented temporary suspensions. Mayor L.A. Eric Garsetti has signed an ordinance to suspend evictions in the city for the remainder of the coronavirus crisis.

    In addition, tenants of up to 12 months can repay rent and business for up to 3 months.

    In addition, landlords have announced that while the coronavirus pandemic continues, landlords cannot raise rent for thousands of apartments in the city.

    According to the statement, the order applies to residential units covered by the city’s rent stabilization ordinance, which includes approximately 624,000 units.

    The moratorium does not mean that tenants and homeowners do not have to make final payments because all rents and mortgages must be fully repaid.

    See this article for updates to the Southern California Coronavirus prior to March.

    Copyright © 2020 KABC-TV. all rights reserved.


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