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Non-medical masks, PPE, ventilators and all other coronavirus terms you should know



The coronavirus has given us a new word to live.

Angela Lang / CNET

For the latest news and information about the Coronavirus pandemic, WHO Website.

of Coronavirus pandemic He puts words in the mouths of billions of people around the world. Ventilator, BiPap, face covering, homemade mask, PPE. These words are rapidly becoming part of our everyday language Disease COVID-19,now Killed more than 74,000 people It continues to spread all over the world.

Learning about science and social response can help you understand the situation and explain it to others. If you know them all, you’ve done well with being so thoroughly informed. If not, this guide will help you brush up the ever-changing lexicon you need to work in the coronavirus world. We continue to update this story as our social response to the virus evolves.

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New coronavirus and SARS-CoV-2

No, the virus known to have infected more than 400,000 people is not actually called a “coronavirus.” This word has the structure Shows a spike like a crown when viewed under a microscope. The term “new coronavirus” is a general term of the type we are working on. Before the virus was officially named, it became a fixture: SARS-CoV-2.


You may want to use COVID-19 as a synonym for coronavirus, but that confuses the problem. COVID-19 is the name of the disease What the new coronavirus does. Abbreviation for “Coronavirus disease 2019”.

The disease causes flu-like symptoms, but quickly fills the lungs with fluid, which can have dangerous effects on the lungs. Extremely ill patients may need a ventilator and oxygen, often for several weeks, to assist in breathing. Fear is Dead If the patient needs a ventilator, it will exceed the supply.


N95 Masks Masks are effective in stopping coronavirus transmission but are currently lacking.

Photo by Nora Tam / South China Morning Post via Getty Images

Non-medical masks and face covers

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the United States health policy authority related to infectious diseases and recommends that people: Wear face cover voluntarily in public places It’s not an option when you’re six feet from others outside your home.

The important point is that the material used to cover your nose and mouth is not the medical grade mask needed by public health workers. Face coverings can be made in a variety of styles, including cotton, washed T-shirts, and bandanas. Here is all you need to know Coronavirus prevention and homemade maskResource guide on How to make your own face cover or mask.

N95 and surgical face mask

COVID-19 is a respiratory disease, and coronavirus spreads through vaporized droplets. N95 mask The most proven type to protect you from obtaining SARS-CoV-2. Other varieties, including surgical masks and homemade, have not proven to be effective in blocking the smallest particles that can carry the virus. Stay in the air for up to 30 minutes.

The homemade cover (top) is considered to be effective in protecting others from large droplets spouted by coughing and sneezing. If you have an N95 or surgical mask at home, the medical community Seeking donations to reduce shortages Of the mask.

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A ventilator is a machine that helps breathing when it is very difficult for a person to expand their lungs and supply oxygen on their own. With COVID-19 disease hospitalizing tens of thousands of people worldwide, ventilators are very low and physicians are increasingly forced to decide which patients will receive help and who will not. lose. This is the reason Ventilator is crucial in fighting COVID-19.

BiPap machine

Ah BiPap machine A type of ventilator that some hospitals use or are considering using to help breathing COVID-19 patients. BiPap stands for bi-level positive airway pressure and is similar to CPAP or continuous positive airway pressure. These machines are commonly used for conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea and pneumonia. If effective, it could be used to treat more patients who need ventilator support.

Home coronavirus testing

COVID-19 test kit that can be managed at home Investigated by the medical community and the FDA. The advantage of being able to see if you have acquired the virus without leaving home and whether it is possible to expose others or yourself is attractive. However, at this time, direct consumer test kits have not been approved by the FDA and if the test result is false negative, the tester is actually positive for SARS-CoV-2, There are concerns that they could endanger the environment.


Personal protective equipment, or PPERefers to all gear necessary to minimize human exposure to harmful substances that can cause illness or injury-gloves, full body suits, protective glasses, etc. For coronavirus pandemics, N95 masks for healthcare professionals are very scarce.

Zoonotic disease

Coronaviruses are transmitted between humans and animals. That ’s the “zoo”ZoonThe virus is thought to originate from shoehorn bats before transmitting to another animal, and then to humans. The SARS-CoV-2 virus can spread to several individual animals. New York Bronx Zoo Tiger -By direct contact with infected humans. However, domestic pets are not currently considered reservoirs for spreading disease. Other Zoonotic disease Anthrax, rabies, Lyme disease, H1N1 (“swine flu”), West Nile virus, Salmonella, Malaria.


of World Health OrganizationIs a global organization, often referred to as WHO, that serves as an information center for information, research and safety guidelines. SARS-CoV-2 was simply called a new coronavirus at the time, First reported to WHO on December 31, 2019, A few days after the first patient was hospitalized in Wuhan, China.

PCR test

Test protocol to determine if you are infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. This test works by identifying viral DNA through a process called PCR, or the polymerase chain reaction. PCR tests look for distinct markers that differ from this virus strain. Take a sample from the throat, Nasal swabThis is ideal for the type of drive-through test center proposed in countries such as the United States. Learn more about coronavirus testing.

Positive case

How do I know if I have a new coronavirus? Listing symptoms is not enough. Positive or confirmed cases are identified by laboratory tests. The estimated case is not. It shows symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (fever, dry cough, accumulation of fluid in the lungs, etc.) and is considered probable even if there is contact with a confirmed case.


It is essential to keep those hands sterile.

Angela Lang / CNET

Expansion to the community

SARS-CoV-2 is highly contagious and spreads through “respiratory droplets” (coughing, sneezing, migrating saliva) and contaminated objects such as door handles and other shared surfaces. Spreading from person to person refers to the ability to track the pathology transmitted from person to person through direct contact, such as waving. Community spread refers to people in the same place who have been infected with the virus without an apparent sequence of events.

Community spread is an early sign that illness can quickly affect local and even global populations. read more Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Avoid crowds

In addition to Thorough hand washingImmune dysfunction, or underlying condition, especially if WHO and CDC are over 60 years old. Local and central governments have responded by limiting the gathering of people, 10 or less To 50 or 250 Or 1,000.

Self-quarantine, self-quarantine

People who mostly stay in their homes, hotel rooms, or other spaces are said to be self-isolated or self-isolated. For example, many governments are calling on travelers returning to self-quarantine for two weeks from affected areas. However, There are technical differences. Quarantine refers to people who appear healthy but may be at risk of exposure or infection. Separation refers to separating positive or putative cases (see above) from a healthy population.

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Mitigate, not contain

The phrase acknowledges that countries cannot stop the spread of the coronavirus in pandemic proportions. However, social distance, self isolation, and isolation can reduce the burden of COVID-19. In other words, Reduce infection rate Avoid overcrowding, avoid shortages of critical supplies before refilling, and avoid overworking medical staff, increasing your chances of survival. this is Profound account What happens when COVID-19 disease overwhelms health and support systems.

Pandemics and trends

WHO officially Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 pandemic March 11. The word “bread” (which roughly means “all”) refers to the global nature of spreads and affects almost every country and region in the world. An epidemic refers to a more localized area. Before reaching places like the United States, coronavirus was considered an epidemic in Hubei, China, and in the country itself. Click here for details Pandemics and trends.

Flatten curves

Without mitigation, social distance, and all other factors, epidemiologists and other health professionals predict a sharp increase in COVID-19 cases that look like high and narrow spikes on the graph. By following the guidelines, the projected model will look shorter and spread over time. The curve is Flatter, gentler and less noticeable. The hope of flattening the curve is to reduce fatalities by buying time for hospitals to treat and scientists to find a cure and create a vaccine.


Adapted from CDC pre-pandemic guidelines (2017)



March 16, Six counties in the San Francisco Bay Area Ordered residents to “ evacuate to a designated place ”, A directive aimed at keeping people at home for three weeks, the order was spread throughout the state a few days later. it’s snowing Implemented worldwide. All non-essential businesses are closed and locals are required to stay at home, except for shopping for food and medicine and other goods, receiving food, and strolling 6 feet away from others. Can be This is a fairly strict measure aimed at curbing the growth of the community.

read more: Where can I block coronavirus? This is what you can and cannot do

Enough attention

Preemptive closures of offices, businesses, and schools prior to positive cases have often encountered the phrase “due to (excessive) excessive attention.”

70% isopropyl alcohol

Wash thoroughly with soap and water It is the best way to kill skin coronavirus, but can make surface disinfection more difficult. Experts said that disinfecting wipes and sprays, and solutions made with 70% isopropyl alcohol, Also effective in destroying virus structure. But be careful. Make your own hand disinfectant and other cleaning agents Not recommended because it can be dangerous.

Get the latest information Coronavirus update and developmentHelp you, Friends and neighbors dispel myths about the virus Using these 10 practical tips to avoid coronavirus When you need to leave home.

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