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Kent’s Medway has become the worst Covid hotspot in the UK as prices have dropped in 250 other regions.


Kent’s MEDWAY is currently the largest coronavirus hotspot in the country, showing amazing new numbers.

In the affected areas, infection rates skyrocketed after more than 1,600 new people tested positive for Covid-19.

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Kent's Medway is currently the worst coronavirus hotspot in the UK


Kent’s Medway is currently the worst coronavirus hotspot in the UKCredit: London News Pictures

The news comes from the fact that most of England (250 out of 315) has recorded weekly declines.

Medway recorded 1,620 new cases in the seven days leading up to November 30. This is equivalent to 581.6 cases per 100,000 people.

According to data from Public Health England, this increased from 449.5 for 7 days to November 23.

The proportion of Swale (also in Kent) is the second highest, rising slightly from 561.7 to 567.7, with 852 new cases.

Boston, Lincolnshire is in third place, with rates rising from 453.2 to 503.0, with 353 new cases.

The yellow district is still at Tier 2 and all other districts are at Tier 3.


The yellow district is still at Tier 2 and all other districts are at Tier 3.

The new stats occur in a warning like this Capital may be on the verge of entering Tier 3.

Professor Kevin Fenton, director of the British Public Health Department in London, begged people to follow the rules as the numbers show that the decline in cases has leveled off.

He states: “The promising cuts we have begun to see in recent national regulations across the capital are showing signs of a slowdown recently, which is a clear reminder of how delicate our situation is.

“I’m planning to go out this weekend, shopping, eating out, meeting friends outside, so stay alert and remember that the virus is still there.”

In 10 of London’s 32 districts, infections have recently increased, with cases increasing in areas such as Camden and Burking.

When the first round of Tiers was announced, London was immediately upgraded to Tier 2 after being placed in Tier 1.

When the new tier set was announced last week, London was returned to tier 2 just before the end of Britain’s second national blockade on December 2.

However, the director of health warned that when Londoners were reviewed on 16 December, they needed to stick to the rules to avoid facing stricter restrictions.

It was reported on friday Coronavirus cases are increasing by 16,298, The UK totals 1,690,432.

The death toll increased by 504 as it was confirmed that a 15-year-old with no underlying health died from a bug.

Due to the increase in the number of deaths, the total will be 60,113.

This number is higher than the 16,022 reported last Friday, but lower than the 20,252 recorded two weeks ago.

The death toll was slightly lower than the 521 deaths seen a week ago, and slightly below the 510 deaths recorded on 20 November.

This was after another figure showed that an additional 274 deaths were recorded in UK hospitals, bringing the total to 41,879.

One of the victims was a 15-year-old with no underlying health-just one day after the “healthy” 19-year-old was killed by a bug.

In North East & Yorkshire, 77 people died the most in hospitals, and in eastern England, 12 people died.

In the UK Covid case, a teenager at age 15 had an increased death rate of 16,298 and 504, with no underlying health status.

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