WHO tells Americans to stop hugging as COVID-19 rates skyrocket
- Coronavirus was the leading cause of death in the United States last week.
- The situation is so dire that the World Health Organization has told Americans to “avoid those hugs” this holiday season.
- The virus spreads well, especially indoors, when people come into close contact, hug, kiss, and share long conversations.
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The situation with the coronavirus has become so dire in the United States that the World Health Organization is now saying that Americans should “avoid these hugs” this holiday season.
“It’s scary to think we’re here because the World Health Organization is telling people’don’t hug’,” said Dr. Mike Ryan, director of emergency at WHO, at a press conference. Said in. “That’s terrible, but it’s a brutal reality in places like the United States today.”
Coronavirus is now Major causes of death in the United StatesAccording to a recent report from the Institute for Health Metrics, People are dying every minute Diseases caused by the new coronavirus from COVID-19.
Hospitals in hotspots across the country have reached their limits Distribution care, And leave People waiting for a stretcher at ER, Like them Both beds are missing For the patient and health Staff to take care of them..
“It’s frankly shocking to see one or two people die in a minute in the United States,” Ryan said. “A country with a great, strong medical system and amazing technical capabilities.”
It’s a bad idea for now to hug someone who doesn’t live with you
Hugs are not the only way to spread the coronavirus. Share the air Most often, people get sick.
However, if the infection rate is high, as in the United States today, it is quite likely that you will catch the virus by approaching someone, perhaps for a hug.
CDC as well People now avoid hugging others, If even those who live in the bubble of the same household are at high risk of coronavirus complications.
“Being in the same place for a long time with others,” Ryan said, is one of the most dangerous things you can do right now, “because of the increased chances of the virus jumping during that period.”
The short masked hug itself may not be inherently more dangerous than other masked intimate contact activities, but rather the nature of the relationship with the hugs: they are probably what we do. It means people who want to get closer. Relax for a while and give enough time for the virus to spread.
“What we know is that most infections occur among people who tend to spend a lot of time together,” said Maria, WHO Technical Lead at COVID-19. Van Kelhob said on Monday that staying indoors with people for long periods of time, such as at home or at work, is one of the most dangerous places.
“If you’re hugging someone, kissing someone, taking care of someone, especially if they’re sick, they’re all really important,” she said.
Only hugs and kisses are not responsible. The situation where people relax about coronavirus prophylaxis is a recipe for increasing the spread of the virus.For example, there is evidence of health care Workers are less infected in the clinical setting, but when they are spending time in the hospital break roomIn places where the mask is off, people are often talking and eating and the space is often tight.
Homes and cars are also small spaces where people spend a lot of time together. In a comprehensive study of coronavirus cases in Singapore, 30 minutes of conversation, car rides, and bedroom sharing were some of the most risky activities, When it comes to catching and spreading COVID-19.
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