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US Coronavirus: Covid-19 Deaths Are at Unprecedented Levels in the Country

US Coronavirus: Covid-19 Deaths Are at Unprecedented Levels in the Country


Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear said the state “has actually significantly increased the incident and our positive rate from a gathering of people on vacation.”

“This surge we are facing now is at least twice as fast and serious as the previous surge we have seen,” the governor said on Friday. “This is our most dangerous time.”

Colorado state epidemiologist Dr. Rachel Harley warned on Friday about the “early signs” of an increase in Covid-19 cases. “We are starting to see the effects of holidays appearing in our data,” she said. Health experts believe that one in 105 residents is currently contagious, Herlihy added.

“Most of Colorado’s population is actively infected with Covid-19 and can be mutually infected, so the risk of personal contact remains high in the state,” Herlihy said. I am.

Warnings have been repeated in other states since the beginning of 2021.

Earlier this month, the Governor of Arkansas said the state was “certainly booming after Christmas.” Mississippi officials also said on Monday that the state has experienced more Covid-19 patients in the ICU and is preparing for a further increase in virus numbers after vacation.

Health officials also on Wednesday Raid on the US Capitol It can affect the pandemic.
Director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Riot on friday It can be a “surge event” that has a “public health impact”.
The latest information on coronavirus pandemics and vaccines
“You had an individual who was all through the Capitol and was mostly unmasked in a distanceless manner,” said Dr. Robert Redfield. McClatchy Newspaper Group.. “Then all these individuals are now home by car, train or plane all over the country.”

“So I think this is probably a big event,” he added.

According to Johns Hopkins data, the United States recorded an average of about 247,200 Covid-19 cases per day last week as of Friday, the highest ever, with a summer peak set in late July. It is 3.7 times or more.

According to Johns Hopkins, the country killed an average of 2,982 people a day last week. This is the largest pandemic number.This week also the United States first reported More than 4,000 coronaviruses die in one day, Thursday.
On the other hand, hospitalization Push some facilities and medical staff to the limit.. Approximately 131,889 Covid-19 patients were admitted to US hospitals on Friday, according to data from the COVID tracking project. This is the third highest number recorded.

California is struggling

California In particular, it suffers from a brutal surge in cases and hospitalizations.
And every day death At a very overwhelming rate, the state sent 88 refrigerated trailers to hospitals and counties to provide coroners with the space they needed to store their bodies. Said Friday.
Coroners hold the bodies until they can be sent to funeral workers-and trailers are needed to “mitigate the bottlenecks caused by the surge in deaths,” the state paramedics office. Said
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Los Angeles County, the most populous county in the United States, estimates deaths from Covid-19. Every 8 minutes, Mayor Eric Garcetti said this week.
The hospitals there are so tense that the county health department has issued new guidelines on how the county’s four public hospitals can do it. Assign a triage officer Decide which patients will receive which treatment.

When the hospital reaches a stage called “crisis management mode,” triage personnel allocate fear resources such as ventilators to critically ill patients, focusing on “doing the best for most people.” Responsible for deciding how to reassign. Guidelines.

Already in the county, hospitals are tense, so ambulance crew Generally instructed not to transport patients with cardiac arrest If they cannot be resuscitated in the field first.
On Friday, county health officials report The most Covid-19 deaths ever reported in one day: 318.

CDC shoots down speculation of “USA variant”

On the other hand, more than 60 cases Covid-19 variant first identified in the UK According to CDC data, it is currently identified in eight states in the United States.

The CDC said it was not the total number of cases prevalent in the country, but only those found by analyzing positive samples. The variants appear to spread more easily, but there is no evidence that they are no longer fatal or cause more serious illness, officials said.

The CDC states that severe allergic reactions to coronavirus vaccines are rare
CDC January 3 report also shot down From the White House Coronavirus Task Force, who speculated on the existence of an easily contagious “USA variant”.
There is still no evidence that such a homemade variant exists, The CDC said on Friday.

“There are likely to be variants in the United States, but weeks or months to determine if there is a single variant of the virus that causes the Covid-19 surge in the United States. That could happen. It surged in the UK. “

For task force guessing, It started with a phone call with the governor, Authorities were discussing whether the country’s surge in Covid-19 cases was due to a more contagious mutation similar to that detected in the United Kingdom, officials told CNN.

Speculation turned it into a written report. Like the CDC, officials have emphasized to CNN that no such variant has actually been identified.

Scott Hensley, a virus and immunity expert at the University of Pennsylvania, said he was confused by speculation.

“There are many reasons for the rise in infection rates from autumn to winter,” Hensley said. “The increase in cases does not necessarily require a genetic explanation.”

State seeks help from non-traditional vaccinators

In the United States, as of Friday morning, approximately 6.7 million people were receiving the vaccine for the first time, with more than 22 million distributions. According to the CDC..The dose to be administered Much shorter The amount that some officials have ever wanted.
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Dr. Steven Hahn, Food and Drug Administration Commissioner, said Friday that some states use only about 30% to 35% of vaccines, encouraging them to increase vaccination standards for Covid-19. Stated.

However, the state is struggling to secure enough people to provide shots, Currently, some people rely on non-traditional vaccinated people to help. California authorities have approved an emergency exemption that allows dentists to vaccinate people over the age of 16.

In other parts of the country, the healthcare system is drawn from wells of newly trained nursing, medical and dental students to support its efforts. Others are looking for retired healthcare professionals who have the skills to administer vaccines and are not actively participating in Covid-19 patients.

CNN’s Gisela Crespo, John Bonifield, Stella Chan, Lauren Mascarenhas, Naomi Thomas, Betsy Klein, Jim Acosta, Maggie Fox, Michael Nedelman and Melissa Alonso contributed to this report.


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