COVID-19 vaccine is safe after 22 million vaccinations
- A new report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), based on recent safety monitoring data, shows that Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are safe and have few serious side effects.
- The most common people experience mild pain, malaise, and headache at the injection site.
- Anaphylaxis is rare and usually occurs in people with a history of allergies.
Released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) New report Summarizes the safety of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines.
The report shows that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are safe and have few serious side effects, based on recent safety surveillance data from 22 million people.
As of February 1st 31 million People in the United States are vaccinated.
Most commonly, people experienced mild pain at the injection site, along with malaise and headaches.
Anaphylaxis to the vaccine, or severe allergic reaction, remains rare. Most often, it occurred within 15 minutes of vaccination. The majority of cases had a history of allergies or allergic reactions.
There are reports of deaths after vaccination, but the CDC states that it does not appear to be relevant.
The vaccine is first given to caregivers aged 65 and over, and it is known that a certain percentage of individuals in this group die each month.
In that case, it is expected that by chance, thousands of caregiver residents could die after vaccination.
Now that millions of doses have been administered, researchers are more aware of the situation.
Dr. Daniel FagbuyAn emergency physician who was a biodefense expert in the Obama administration says the vaccine teaches the body to recognize a fraudster, the new coronavirus.
As a result of the body learning how to fight foreign invaders, we may experience pain and pain.
“It doesn’t mean it’s bad, it means the body is reacting and doing what it’s supposed to do — preparing to fight,” Fagbuyi said.
Most commonly, responsiveness included pain at the injection site. Fatigue, headache, and chills have also been reported, more commonly after the second dose.
“It is envisioned that the first dose will stimulate the immune system and allow it to experience the vaccine for the first time.” Dr. Henry BernsteinA pediatrician at the Cohen Children’s Medical Center in Northwell Health and a member of the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization (ACIP) told Healthline.
“Then, the second dose uses the memory of the immune system of the first dose to boost a person’s immunity. This may be the reason for the potential for more side effects.” Explained Bernstein.
More than 15,000 vaccinations for pregnant people have been reported to the CDC.
Data on the safety of vaccination during pregnancy are limited, but are generally considered safe.
The· American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology We recommend that you provide the vaccine to pregnant women.
According to Bernstein, the benefits of vaccination can outweigh the risk of getting COVID-19, so women should discuss it with an obstetrician.
“Pregnant women infected with COVID are at high risk of serious illness and it is important to be aware of it,” he said. “That means being admitted to the hospital, entering the intensive care unit, wearing a ventilator, and even dying.”
There were 50 cases of anaphylaxis reported after the Pfizer vaccine and 21 cases of anaphylaxis associated with the modelna vaccine.
Most events occurred within 15 minutes of vaccination, and one case occurred 20 hours after vaccination.
Over 80% of cases occurred in individuals with a history of allergies or allergic reactions. About a quarter of people with a history of anaphylaxis occurred.
Most cases occurred in women, for unknown reasons.
“With any vaccine, the risk of anaphylaxis is usually 1-2 per million,” Bernstein said. In Pfizer and Moderna, the risk originally appeared to be high, but as more people are vaccinated, the incidence of anaphylaxis is approaching 1-2 per million.
“All other vaccines given to people are closer to what we expect or have seen in the past,” Bernstein said.
As more people are vaccinated, researchers become aware of rare and unusual side effects.
“It’s the law of large numbers,” Fagbuyi said. “As a number [of vaccinations] When increased, it detects small, subtle signals that the trial cannot detect. ”
According to Bernstein, there is always a risk of anaphylaxis with any vaccine, but the benefits usually outweigh the risks.
If an allergic reaction occurs, it is necessary to prepare a place for the vaccine to be administered, Bernstein added.
Several deaths have been reported after vaccination, but the first vaccinated were residents of a long-term care facility.
Often, some residents of a long-term care facility die each month due to heart disease or underlying illness.
The CDC reports that the death of this population after vaccination is a complete coincidence. The CDC will continue to track the safety of the vaccine.
For now, health professionals want to increase the number of vaccinations to build herd immunity against COVID-19.
“The more people who get it, the stronger the community’s immunity, and the sooner it is achieved, the better, especially when new variants are on the market. “I will,” said Bernstein.
A new report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), based on recent safety monitoring data, shows that Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are safe and have few serious side effects. The most common people experience mild pain, malaise, and headache at the injection site. Anaphylaxis is rare and usually occurs in people with a history of allergies. Overall, vaccines are considered safe, and as more people are vaccinated, the greater herd immunity we achieve will help us cope with the pandemic.
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