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Peanut allergies affect more than 4.6 million US adults, the study says

Peanut allergies affect more than 4.6 million US adults, the study says
Peanut allergies affect more than 4.6 million US adults, the study says


According to a study published Tuesday in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, more than 800,000 (or more than 17%) of these adults developed allergies after they were 18 years of age.

Peanut allergies have generally been considered a pediatric problem, but adults are more allergic than children, according to a research author who is the director of the Food Allergy and Asthma Research Center at Northwestern University in Illinois. Dr. Luci Gupta said. However, studies show that only 15% to 20% of children with peanut allergies overcome the allergy by adulthood.

According to a survey of more than 40,000 adults in the United States, adults who reported developing peanut allergies in adulthood were diagnosed by a doctor compared to adults who reported developing allergies as a child. The chances of receiving it are greatly reduced.

Gupta said he found that adults who had a negative reaction to a particular food tended to avoid eating it rather than doing an allergy test. When she was diagnosed with a peanut allergy, she said she received confirmation that she had an allergy, which would affect your life.

According to a study, of the 2.9% of US adults who reported having a peanut allergy, only 1.8%, or 4.6 million, had a compelling peanut allergy.

Persuasive symptoms include vomiting, urticaria, and dyspnea, among others, says research author Christopher Warren, a research consultant at the Center for Food Allergy and Asthma. Some examples of unconvincing symptoms include bloating and diarrhea, he said.

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Warren added that self-diagnosing adults can also impose an unnecessary burden on themselves to avoid peanuts when they are not needed.

Through regular allergy tests, Warren said, “They may be living as if they could lead to very bad results if the next bite is something that can be avoided very easily. There is. ”

Another reason why getting a diagnosis is important is that your doctor can prescribe epinephrine. This is an emergency treatment for anaphylaxis, which is a severe reaction to allergens.

A study reported that only 44% of adults with adult-onset peanut allergies received an epinephrine prescription, compared with only 56% of adults with childhood-onset peanut allergies.

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The reason why peanut allergies develop in adults is unknown, but the human environment and hormones can play a role, Gupta said. She said studies are being conducted to see if changes in a person’s living environment or changes in female sex hormones during puberty or menopause can cause allergies.

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The study found that adult peanut allergies were far more prevalent than expected, and Steve, senior vice president of food allergy research and education and head of public relations and communications who was not involved in the study.・ Danon said.

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If you suspect you have a peanut allergy, Danone recommended that you see your doctor.

In addition to peanuts, he says you should be tested for other common allergens like nuts. Studies have shown that adults with adult-onset peanut allergies were more likely to report multiple allergies than adults with childhood-onset peanut allergies.

According to Warren, the Food and Drug Administration has not approved peanut allergy therapy for adults, but there is one treatment for children aged 4 to 17 years. This therapy gradually reduces children’s sensitivity to peanuts, and studies with peanut protein intake show that the response is mild or absent.

Another benefit of being diagnosed as an adult is the ability to participate in peanut allergy therapy trials, Warren said. Clinical trials are an important part of the process for peanut allergy therapy to be approved in adults, he said.


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