Are eggs good or bad for you?The truth may be in the middle
Unfortunately, science also seems unable to settle the definitive answer.
A new study of more than 500,000 people now shows that eating even a portion of a whole egg, including a yellow yoke containing cholesterol, increases the risk of dying from all causes, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. I understand.
The expert was skeptical.
“Despite years of research, this question about eggs and health has not been answered. Several observational studies over the last few decades have shown conflicting results, suggesting that moderate egg intake is good. Some do, others suggest that it may be bad, “Riyaz said. Patel, a cardiologist at University College London.
“This study is well done, but unfortunately it only adds more turmoil to the debate,” Patel said in a statement.
“They’re just taking snapshots in time,” said Willett, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.
“The conclusions of this study are exaggerated,” Ada Garcia, a senior lecturer in public health and nutrition at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, said in a statement. “Blaming eggs alone to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease is a simple, reductionist approach to the concept of diet and disease prevention.”
What do you replace eggs with?
The poultry industry has long promoted “incredible edible eggs.” With only 75 calories, eggs provide 7 grams of high-quality protein, 5 grams of fat, and 1.6 grams of saturated fat, along with iron, vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting nutrients such as lutein and zeaxanthin, they say.
Eggs are affordable and are the driving force behind cheap nutrition for families with limited food budgets. Many people on popular low-carb diets, such as Keto, also rely heavily on eggs in their dietary plans.
Of course, the problem is the level of cholesterol contained in the yellow yolk of the egg. One large egg yolk can supply about 185 milligrams of cholesterol.
Cholesterol has a role to play in our diet, but it’s more complicated than we thought it was before, Willett said. He has been studying the effects of diet on the development of major illnesses for over 40 years.
According to Willett, it’s important to look at the overall nutritional strengths and weaknesses of foods, and what foods are replacing in the diet.
Take a fish as an example. Although fish contain cholesterol, they also provide the essential omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for optimal health.
Also, saturated fat from butter, whole dairy products, and cuts of fatty meats has a far greater effect on raising levels of LDL (low density lipoprotein) in the blood than dietary cholesterol sources such as eggs. Gives.
“If someone replaces eggs with donuts, other refined starches, sugar or saturated fats, I would rather want them to eat the eggs,” Willett said.
“But for those who really want to be in optimal health, it’s better to focus on plant-based protein sources such as steel-cut oatmeal and nuts.”
However, certain populations may want to monitor their egg intake.
“People who are struggling to have to take medication because of their blood cholesterol levels are probably better off keeping their eggs low,” Willett said. “It’s not necessary to eliminate eggs altogether, but for most people the old recommendation of no more than two eggs a week is actually still a good recommendation.”
How about egg whites?
Can egg yolks be safely replaced with egg whites? A new PLOS study found that replacing half of the whole egg with the same amount of egg white or egg replaces reduced mortality from cardiovascular disease by 3%.
“In my view, the author’s recommendation to replace whole eggs with egg whites / substitutes is not supported by the entire available evidence,” said UCL Patel.
“Most studies haven’t examined eggs without yolks. The main reason is that the average person consumes much less egg white. The lowest risk is that the eggs are nut or plant-based. To replace it with a protein source. “
Patel added, “Unless you are advised not to do so for certain medical or dietary reasons, for most people, eggs can be reasonably eaten as part of a balanced diet. I don’t think it will change the general advice, “he added.
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