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Vaccine update: 5% of Prince George’s shot

Vaccine update: 5% of Prince George’s shot


Prince George’s County, Maryland — Coronavirus indicators are plummeting in Prince George’s County. New infections are only part of the January peak and hospitalizations continue to decline.

The main problem area remains vaccine repellent.Prince George’s County Brought Leading Immunologists Dr. Anthony Fauci Last week I answered a general question about vaccines.

Others want to be vaccinated, but have been waiting due to limited supply. Some lawmakers Difficulty of registration..Another Leader Called Maryland Vaccine DeploymentRacist.. ”

Last week’s 1,437 infections were down 240 from the previous week. The virus killed 30 counties last week, according to the Maryland Department of Health. This is four more than last week. Let’s see where the numbers for Prince George’s County are.

Vaccine renewal

  • the current: 5.3 percent
  • Trend: 1.24 percentage points increase

The state counts the number of vaccinated Marylanders This website.. To date, 48,179 Prince George’s County residents have taken their first shot. This is an increase of 11,282 from last week, or 5.3 percent of the population.

Prince George’s County maintains the lowest vaccination coverage in the state. The second slowest jurisdiction adjacent to Charles County has already vaccinated 7.76 percent of the population. Kent County is leading with 19.98 percent inoculation.

The second dose reached 15,038 Princes of Georgia. That’s 7,149 over a week ago, or 1.65 percent of the county’s total population.

Click for more information on Prince George’s vaccination program Here..To find out when you are eligible for vaccination, please read below Patch explainer..Check us out How-to guide Learn how to sign up for a shot.

Coronavirus case rate

  • the current: 18.79
  • Trend: 7.56 down

Health officials are focusing on several indicators to assess the coronavirus pandemic. The most commonly used are case rates, hospitalizations, and positive rates.

Case rate is a per capita index that makes it easy to compare different populations. Jurisdiction case rates are the average number of new coronavirus infections per day registered per 100,000 people per week.

Prince George’s County Case rate It is still above the summer lows, but has fallen to 18.79. This is a 7.56 decrease from this time last week, the lowest since November 8, 2020. Case rates have plummeted since January 14, when Prince George’s hit a record 58.83.

The county case rate reached a previous peak of 38.85 on May 7, 2020. It reached a record low of 7.57 on July 2, 2020.


  • the current: 174
  • Trend: 25 down

Coronavirus-related hospitalization It has declined for the sixth straight week, but it is still skyrocketing. The illness hospitalized 174 Prince George’s County residents on Monday. This is a 25 decrease from the previous week, the lowest since the week of November 29, 2020.

Prince George’s has eased from its December 27 peak of 217 hospitalizations, the second highest ever. The record high of 244 occurred in the week of May 3, 2020. Hospitalizations reached a low of 44 overall in the week of September 20, 2020.

ICU hospitalization

  • the current: 58
  • Trend: 11 down

Covid ActNowThe Coronavirus Statistics website, Prince George’s County Intensive Care Unit, is estimated to have 122 beds. Hospitals need to save some of these beds in case of an emergency unrelated to the coronavirus.

Last week, Prince George’s had 58 viral patients in the ICU. This is a decrease of 11 from the previous week, the lowest since December 6, 2020.

This ended the county’s three-week increase in ICU numbers. ICU hospitalization peaked at 75 in the week of December 27, 2020, after bottoming out at 11 in the week of August 2, 2020.

Positive rate

  • the current: 5.74%
  • Trend: 1.9 percentage points down

The county’s positive rate dropped slightly. This is the percentage of coronavirus tests that returned positive in the 7 days of travel.

Statistics also measure whether the area has sufficient tests to identify most of the infections. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said a positive rate of less than 5% indicates that the area is well tested to control its outbreak.

The positive rate in Prince George’s County dropped to 5.74 percent on Monday, down 1.9 percentage points from this time last week. The positive rate has not been so low since November 7, 2020.

The rate has been steadily declining since January 3. At that time, the positive rate peaked at 11.92 percent, the highest since June 5, 2020. The positive rate has fallen from its May 2, 2020 high of 41.95 percent, but is still rising. Low of 3.46% from September 24, 2020.

Total number of cases and deaths

71,216 coronavirus infections in Prince George’s County are the most common in the state. The virus has accused the death of 1,264 counties.


Do you have a story idea?Please contact me at [email protected] If you have any pitches, tips or questions. Follow us on Twitter @JacobBaumgart And on Facebook @JacobBaumgartJournalist To keep up to date with the latest news from Anne Arundel County and Prince George’s County.

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