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As the COVID-19 variant spreads, top doctors urge Canadians to stay vigilant


Toronto (NEWS 1130) – Canada’s top doctors say it’s not time to ease efforts to contain the spread, as variants of the COVID-19 virus continue to occur throughout Canada.

Speaking on Toronto’s breakfast television, Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam urges Canadians to stay vigilant.

The latest national COVID-19 modeling data will be released Friday morning, Tam says will show that variants of concern will spread more easily.

“Public health measures work, but we need to keep them,” she said Thursday morning. “If you … relax them too quickly and there are varieties in the middle of you, that’s the ultimate benefit because you’re basically seeing another resurrection.”

Tam says he is concerned about the continuous mutation of the virus.

“We are still learning a lot about these new variants, the so-called concerns variants,” she explained. “I’m concerned about some of them because these viruses appear to spread more easily among people. Therefore, they are more contagious viruses. Even more concerned are theirs. Some can affect the effectiveness of the vaccine. We are very concerned about whether some of them can cause more serious illness, mainly through international data. We are closely monitoring. “

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She states that some data from the United Kingdom suggest that the B.1.1.7 variant may be causing more serious symptoms. She points this out as one of the reasons why she remains vigilant about detecting the presence of such variants in Canada.

Experts warn that daily cases are declining in some states, which can lead to false reassurance. May lead to complacency..

Tam warns that the third wave of coronavirus is a “clear possibility.”

“That’s why I’ve sent a fairly wide range of messages in terms of minimizing interactions,” she explained. “So I’ve said that people should have the least interaction with the fewest people possible, in the shortest amount of time, at the farthest distance, and the least.”

She admits that there are situations where this is not possible. That’s when it’s the key to “stacking all your personal protective gear,” says Tam.

On the topic of masks, Tam emphasizes that these facial coverings are just one layer of protection.

“You have to do everything else. It’s about moving away from or avoiding crowded areas near people. If you can’t avoid them, add everything, including masking. Run the layer, “she said.

The federal government’s recommendation is to use a two-layer, three-layer mask on each side of the central filter.

“But the most important thing is a well-structured and well-fitted mask. The fit is really important. Therefore, you can stack multiple layers. If the fit is not good, the performance of the mask Will be reduced, “added Tam.

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