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Republican donor growth aims to praise the party from Trump’s influence

Trump critics and their supporters are rushing to admire control away from the majority of Trump supporters. Nikki Haley is hosting a Zoom fundraiser for her pack and is expected to attract a large donor who is attracted to Trump’s criticism. Photo: Michael Horahan / AP On February 5, about four dozen Republican donors attended a funding conference call with Liz Cheney, the only Republican member of the House of Representatives, to the Capitol on January 6. Voted for Donald Trump’s impeachment in a mob attack. .. Many of the donors who participated in Cheney’s call donated up to $ 5,800 to the 2022 reelection campaign before the end of the first quarter of this year, to her like Trump’s supporter Matt Gaetz. We plan to avoid major challenges. Michael Epstein, a leading Republican donor in Maryland, said he was encouraged. “I want to show a really big cycle for her to scare the competition,” Epstein said in an interview. “We want people to make decisions based on the right things.” Trump supporters remain supportive of the Republican Party despite Trump’s defeat to Joe Biden in the 2020 elections. It partially reflects the growing movement of Republican fundraising efforts to combat the threat from. Although still a minority in Republican politics, Trump critics, and the rich donors who support them, are trying to praise the party’s rule from those who are faithful to Trump’s line. Is fighting rapidly. Former United States Ambassador to the Trump, Nikki Haley, who is aiming for the 2024 presidential election, is hosting a zoom fundraising campaign for Puck on March 3 and 4, and is attracted to dozens of criticisms of Trump in the Senate. Expected to attract large Republican donors In a trial, Haley told Politico that he was “sick” and “angry” at Trump’s role in the January 6 riot. Haley’s fundraising pack, called Stand for America, is expected to help Cheney and other candidates who voted to impeach Trump, as well as other candidates who voted against the impeachment. I am. A more aggressive effort to take on Trump and his allies and keep Republicans out of their influence also began in late January with a new pack called Country First announced by Illinois General Assembly member Adam Kinzinger. I have. After the Senate convicted Trump, only 10 Republicans who voted to blame Trump Kinzinger, who was accused of supporting Trump’s blame by the local party, spoke frankly. “We encouraged an angry crowd of his supporters to attack the US Capitol to stop counting electoral votes,” Mr. Trump said. But he emphasizes that “there is a lot to do to revive the Republican Party,” and reverses “personal politics.” But election funding experts warn that the fight to reduce Trump’s funding influence will be tough on parties where he maintains a strong grip, and the former president kicks out his critics. He suggested that he would participate in the 2022 race for that purpose. Trump issued an ominous warning in a statement condemning Mitch McConnell, a minority leader in the Republican Senate who acquitted Trump. “I support making America great again and its major rivals in favor of our America’s First Policy. We seek brilliant, strong, thoughtful and compassionate leadership.” Raised tens of millions of dollars for a new pack called Save America before resigning. It is expected that he will spend generously maintaining his political ambitions in 2022 and maintaining accurate retaliation against the impeachment and convicted people. According to public filing, Save America had more than $ 30 million in its vault in early 2021, and Trump raked in tens of millions more through three other committees he manages. .. “It will be difficult for Kinzinger and others who have impeached or convicted Trump to catch up financially,” said Sheila Krumholz, who runs the nonpartisan Center for Responsions. “At the time of the recent submission, Trump had $ 105 million in the bank. He is also a loyal supporter of politics available for donations whenever he needs money. Analysts and Republican donors have the largest list. ”Trump’s ego and money encourage big fights with other candid members who voted to denounce Trump, such as Cheney and Kinginger. I’m expecting that. Alaskan senator Lisa Murkowski, facing a New Year’s reelection, voted to convict Donald Trump in the impeachment trial. Photo: Rex / Shutterstock Republican operative is one of the seven Republican senators who voted for Trump’s conviction, and Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski, the only Republican senator to be reelected in 2022. It states that it could be the target of another Trump. Sarah Palin Former Alaskan Governor, who gave Trump significant support in 2016, is believed to be a potential major challenger to Murkowski. However, some Republican sources say McConnell can help defeat a major challenge to Murkowski: McConnell is willing to help the party’s best candidates for the future. After voting to approve Trump, Trump clearly stated that he was “practical and moral” and was responsible for the riots in the Capitol. ” Some Republican agents say Trump has a significant responsibility for the party’s future with a wider range of voters, even though it continues to have a high approval rating of nearly 80% for Republican voters. I’m trying to persuade you. “Republicans need to focus on nominating candidates who can win in the fall of 2010 and stop Trump’s Litmus test,” said veteran operative Scott Reed. Other operatives have pointed out that the National Republican Parliamentary Commission, the Republican campaign division of the House of Representatives, seems to be on track to support Cheney and others who voted to impeach Trump. “The NRCC is trying to help Cheney. I think it will benefit others who voted for the impeachment,” said long-time Republican operative Charly Black. Still, Krummholz warns that pledged allegiance to Mr. Trump in the short term is likely to trigger Republican candidates to raise money. “The way to raise campaign finances as a Republican candidate, especially from small donors, is to put yourself there as a supporter of Trump,” Krummholz said.

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