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COVID-19 Double Masking: CDC recommends wearing two masks at a time

COVID-19 Double Masking: CDC recommends wearing two masks at a time


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Kirito-chan / Getty Images

For the latest news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, WHO website..

Two masks are better than one.New guidance to slow the spread of COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears It is to double mask. First, Dr. Anthony Fauci approved it because the president’s chief medical adviser, “it’s just common sense.” NBC News told today.. Now, Recommended by CDC the same.

According to CDC findings, wearing a cloth mask over the surgical mask will improve the fit of the surgical mask. The closer the mask fits to the face, the smaller the gap between the mask and the face where respiratory droplets carrying the coronavirus can enter. In this study, “Wearing a modified medical procedure mask on the source and receiver significantly reduced receiver exposure (> 95%). These laboratory-based experiments optimize mask performance. It emphasizes the importance of proper mounting for. “

Porosity will decrease if you put on masks Face cover, It’s also likely to do a better job of protecting you from those infectious respiratory droplets-just as a layered jacket protects you from the cold, and just N95 (less porous) like Have a better shot to protect you from environmental smokeAlthough cloth masks (more porous) have no chance.

But that’s not just common sense. The concept of double masking is supported by some scientific research, no, wearing two masks does not choke. Here’s what you need to know about wearing two masks to slow the spread of COVID-19:

Science behind double masking

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Overlapping masks can reduce the infection of infectious particles.

Yeuhen Romanenko / Getty Images

Dr. Forch’s recommendations are in the light of a new strain of SARS-CoV-2, a coronavirus that causes COVID-19, which is considered to be more infectious than the primary strain of SARS-CoV-2.

“For more contagious viruses, it means that all exposures are more likely to lead to spread,” he said. Andrea Love, Immunologist and microbiologist. “We now have to be more rigorous in our actions, such as social distance, minimizing travel to public places, avoiding indoor spaces, and always wearing masks.”

“But not all masks work,” Love emphasizes. “Quality is important.”

The mask works by trapping and blocking respiratory droplets containing viral particles, Lab explains. “The more physical barriers we implement, the more we can block these droplets, reducing the risk to ourselves and others around us,” she says.Ideally, the more layers you have, the better, especially if you’re wearing something thin. Cloth mask.. Rab says that even if you usually wear a surgical mask that already has two thin layers, doubling it will benefit you.

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It’s important to understand that cloth masks, like most people wear on a daily basis, were intended as a temporary measure, says Love. Many fabric face covers provide little or no protection, she says. Depends on material, number of layers and fitThat’s why health professionals recommend stratification.

In fact, three layers are really great: A Recent (not yet peer-reviewed) studies Tested 11 mask materials and found that mask protection is enhanced when the mask is sandwiched between 3 layers, 2 layers of tightly woven cloth, and a non-woven high efficiency filter material. Did. If you don’t have a three-layer mask yet, you can mimic this by wearing a cloth mask and a surgical mask. See below for more information.

When wearing two masks

If you’re walking outdoors and you’re not near people outside the house, one mask is enough. However, even outdoors, if you’re near someone who isn’t at home, “a simple solution is a double mask.”

Does wearing two masks make breathing difficult?

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Wearing the two masks does not block the flow of oxygen.

Westend61 / Getty Images

Ai says wearing two masks shouldn’t make breathing difficult. Some studies have Wearing a mask does not interfere with oxygen consumption (((Even adults over 65). “The size of the oxygen molecule is orders of magnitude smaller than the pore size of the mask,” Lav said, but the problem is that “many people are unaware of the difference between discomfort and true physiological effects.”

You can also use two face masks to get the oxygen you need and get rid of carbon dioxide from your body. The two masks may not be comfortable at first, but they are still safe to wear.

Certainly, it can take some getting used to, especially if you wear two masks while exercising. When the weather warms up, you may sweat more than usual. However, a little discomfort is far better than being infected with COVID-19 or responsible for spreading it.

How to properly double mask

50-Homemade face mask

If you have multiple cloth face covers at home, just wear two.

Chase Evans / CNET

Simply layering one cloth mask on top of another may provide better protection for the face cover, but different combinations may be even more effective.

Wearing a cloth mask over a surgical mask can mimic a filter-cloth combination that studies have shown to be more protective. Surgical masks act as filters, and cloth masks provide an additional layer of protection while improving fit, says Love. If the two masks fit well, this combination “should produce over 90% overall efficiency for particles larger than 1 micron. This is of paramount importance in mediating SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Corresponds to the average size of respiratory aerosol. “

As Dr. Fauci said today, “It is common knowledge that if one layer is physically covered, another layer is likely to be more effective.”

The information contained in this article is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended to provide health or medical advice. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about your medical condition or health goals.

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