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Oxygen therapy in newborns can affect susceptibility to influenza through the circadian clock in the lungs

Oxygen therapy in newborns can affect susceptibility to influenza through the circadian clock in the lungs



A new preclinical study by researchers at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) found that the side effects of neonatal oxygen therapy increase susceptibility to influenza infection by eliminating circadian clock protection of the lungs. ..The· Survey results It was published in eLife.

Premature babies are born with very immature lungs and require life-saving oxygen therapy. However, the inadvertent side effect of this treatment is a condition known as hyperoxia. Hyperoxia is a major risk factor for developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) due to poorly developed lungs. It is chronic diseases that make these patients more susceptible to other lung diseases in later years, such as asthma, COPD, and respiratory infections such as the flu.

Previous studies conducted at the University of Pennsylvania and CHOP have shown that circadian rhythms provide protection against influenza, reducing mortality when animal models are infected in the morning rather than in the evening. I will. But so far, researchers have not established a relationship between neonatal hyperoxia, circadian clock disturbances, and influenza infection.

To that end, researchers analyzed adult mice exposed to neonatal hyperoxia and influenza during adulthood at different times of the day. Researchers have found that adult mice exposed to high oxygen as newborns lose time zone protection from circadian regulation of influenza infection. Adult mice, on the other hand, exposed to high oxygen during the adult period did not lose time protection. This led the researchers to conclude that neonatal exposure represents a unique and fragile window for the development of circadian networks, and thus exposure to high oxygen during neonatal period alters this function.

Shaon Sengupta, MBBS, MPH Shaon Sengupta, MBBS, MPH
The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is the master of the circadian pacemaker in the body, but peripheral tissues, including the lungs, also have their own circadian clock. To locate the clock responsible for increased susceptibility to influenza, researchers knocked out the core clock gene Bmal1 in adult mouse models. They found that disruption of Bmal1 in alveolar type II (AT2) cells, which is important for maintaining lung function and integrity, produced the same phenotype as the mouse model exposed to neonatal hyperoxia. did. Lung response to hyperoxia by AT2 clock.

“Our study here suggests that the lungs in the early neonatal period have unique windows that affect circadian regulation throughout life.” Shaon Sengupta, MBBS, MPH, Go to a neonatologist Neonatology Department At CHOP. “Children suffering from preterm birth and mild BPD have a persistent adverse effect on lung function beyond adulthood, so current research is moving to new treatments and chronobiological strategies for this vulnerable population. May pave the way for. “

/ CHOP media release. This material is from the original organization and may be of a particular point-in-time nature, edited for clarity, style, and length.Fully visible Here..


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