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Here’s how fitness improves fat burning:

Here’s how fitness improves fat burning:



The· Survey results The results of a recent study by a team of sports nutritionists suggest that healthy and healthy women are more likely to burn fat when exercising than men. The study consists of two new studies by scholars led by the Center for Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism at the University of Bath, analyzing the factors that most affected an individual’s ability to burn body fat when performing endurance sports. Did.

How the body burns fat is important to all of us to reduce metabolic health, insulin sensitivity, and the risk of developing type II diabetes. However, in endurance sports such as running and cycling, the way the body burns fat can make the difference between success and failure.

A previous study by the same team showed how quickly the body’s carbohydrate stores are replenished during exercise for endurance athletes competing in long-distance events. This means that the ability of athletes to use their fat reserves to refuel is essential to their performance.

The first study, published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Medicine, enrolled 73 healthy adults aged 19-63 (41 men and 32 women). Participants were invited to participate in a cycling fitness test and tested for lifestyle and biological factors for optimal fat burning by measuring key indicators.

Their results found that women and physically healthy people, across age groups, burn fat more efficiently when exercising.

A second related paper, published in the journal Experimental Physiology, took this step further by investigating which molecular factors in muscle and adipose tissue determine how fat is burned. In this experiment, researchers performed fat and muscle biopsies from participants to analyze how differences in adipose and muscle tissue proteins affect their ability to burn fat.

Muscle proteins involved in breaking down stored fat into smaller fatty acids, and proteins involved in transporting those fatty acids to muscle mitochondria (the driving force of cells), have greater ability to burn fat. It turns out to be consistently correlated. However, the molecular factors investigated did not explain why women burned more fat than men.

Ollie Chrzanowski-Smith of the University of Bath, the lead author of both treatises, explains: Being a woman helps explain why it seems to bring metabolic benefits to insulin sensitivity, an important marker of metabolic health. “

Researchers pointed out that the ability to burn fat as fuel appears to prevent future weight gain and ensure proper weight management. However, they warn that the body’s ability to burn fat should not be equated with its ability to lose weight. Weight loss is primarily caused by lack of energy (that is, it consumes fewer calories than we consume). When it comes to weight loss, they emphasize the importance of diet and exercise, especially if the individual is likely to be overweight.

Also, Dr. Javier Gonzalez of the University of Bath School of Health said, “Because weight management is primarily about energy balance, you need less calories to lose weight than resting metabolism and physical activity. The higher ability to burn fat as a fuel seems to be protected to some extent from future weight gain, which may be related to how fat burning affects food intake and energy consumption. There is.

“Ultimately, the ability to burn fat as fuel has the potential benefit to endurance athletes by delaying the time it takes for valuable carbohydrates to run out,” Gonzales added. I did.

This story was published from a news agency feed without changing the text. Only the heading has changed.


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