Coming Soon: Weekly Insulin Injection? -Consumer Health News
Monday, March 22, 2021 (HealthDay News) Daily insulin jabs can be a headache for people with type 2 diabetes, but a weekly insulin injection survey It has the potential to be a game changer for these people.
Research is still in its infancy, but a new drug called basal insulin Fc (BIF) is given weekly and appears to be as effective in controlling blood sugar (glucose) as the gold standard insulin degludec. .. Day shot.
According to a new study, weekly injections are as safe as insulin degludec and may be good at reducing the risk of dangerous hypoglycemia (hypoglycemia) day and night.
Dr. John Views, Dean of the Department of Endocrinology and Director of the Diabetes Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said the main benefit of weekly insulin is that more people are willing to adhere to treatment. Better compliance prevents diabetic complications such as heart disease, loss of vision, and kidney problems, he added.
“It’s 52 injections a year instead of 365 to 700+,” said Buse, who wasn’t involved in the new study. “As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin, it is amazing to see the continuous innovation of insulin therapy.”
Both insulin degludec and BIF are forms of basal or background long-lasting insulin. They control blood sugar levels between meals and are released 24 hours a day. Some types of basal insulin are given twice daily. In contrast, bolus insulin is given after a meal or at other times when blood sugar levels rise. Weekly insulin injections do not rule out the need to monitor blood sugar levels and get more insulin as needed.
The 32-week study included nearly 400 people with type 2 diabetes, the form of the disease most closely associated with obesity. Participants were assigned to one of three treatment groups. One of the two doses is a weekly injection of BIF or a once-daily injection of insulin degludec.
Glycemic control was similar for those who received weekly shots and those who received daily shots when measured with hemoglobin A1C. This will provide a snapshot of your blood glucose levels over the last few months.
In addition, weekly shots significantly reduced the incidence of hypoglycemia.
“Daily insulin levels are stable with weekly injections, and improvements are likely to reduce hypoglycemia,” said Dr. Juan Pablo Frias, director of medicine at the Los Angeles National Institute. I explained.
This was a Phase 2 study. That is, there is a way to move forward before or when a new drug reaches the consumer. But if it goes according to plan, it could be available by 2023, Frias said. Weekly insulin injections are being developed by Eli Lilly and Co, who funded a new study.
The findings were presented on Sunday at the Virtual Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society. Findings presented at medical conferences are considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.
Further research is needed to confirm these findings, but medications are difficult to manage, such as the elderly, people with memory problems, and people with disabilities that can interfere with daily photography. Weekly filming can be especially important for people with diabetes, said Dr. Dina Adimurum, a New York doctor and spokesman for the Endocrine Society.
“Many patients with insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes have complex medications that follow different uses of insulin, other injections, and oral medications daily,” said Adimoolam, who was not involved in the study. Says. “Basic insulin, available as a weekly injection, is a much easier option for patients than remembering to take basal insulin daily.”
Buse agreed. “It’s heartwarming to consider the potential benefits of this less burdensome insulin product for more people to stay healthy,” he said.
For more information
For more information about diabetes and how to treat it, visit the following website: Endocrine Society..
Source: Juan Pablo Frias, MD, Medical Director, National Research Institute, Los Angeles; John B. Buse, MD, PhD, Dean of Endocrinology, Verne S. Caviness Distinguished Professor, Director, Diabetes Center, Director, NC Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Deena Adimoolam, MD, Endocrinologist, New York City and Spokesperson, Endocrinology Society; Virtual Annual Meeting of the Endocrinology Society, March 20-23, 2021
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