682 new cases, 8 new known deaths
Arizona reported 682 new COVID-19 cases and eight new known deaths on Tuesday. This is because indicators such as the number of cases of this disease and hospitalization remain stable.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Arizona’s 7-day case rate per 100,000 people ranked first and second in most of January, followed by Monday among all states and territories. Was ranked 42nd. COVID data tracker..
The states with the lowest case rates in the last seven days were Texas, Wyoming, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Kansas, New Mexico, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Hawaii, and California. Arizona was ranked 51st out of 60 states and territories on March 28, but that rank has fluctuated.
The state’s seven-day average of newly reported COVID-19 cases on Tuesday was 716. According to state data, the January average reached 9,800.
Arizona’s seven-day mortality rate per 100,000 people ranks 11th in the country as of Monday. According to the CDC..
The positive rate, which indicates the positive rate of the COVID-19 diagnostic test, varies slightly depending on the measurement method.
According to the Arizona state, last week the positive rate in Arizona remained at 6% for the second straight week, followed by 5% for the next six weeks. Unique calculation method Percent positive. The state-wide weekly positive rate peaked at 25% in December.
Johns Hopkins University As of Tuesday, we calculate a 7-day moving average positive rate of 3.4% in Arizona. This shows that the state’s positive rate peaked at 24.2% in December.
A positive rate of 5% or less is considered a good benchmark for controlling the spread of the disease.
State-wide COVID-19 mortality and case rates since January 21, 2020 are still at their worst in the country.
The COVID-19 mortality rate in Arizona since the outbreak of the pandemic was 237 per 100,000 as of Monday. According to the CDC, The state ranking that separates New York City and New York State, is the sixth in the country. According to the CDC, the US average is 171 dead per 100,000 as of Monday.
New York City has the highest mortality rate, with 385 deaths per 100,000, followed by New Jersey, Massachusetts, Road Island and Mississippi.
Arizona Case rate Since the beginning of the pandemic, per 100,000 people have been ranked 6th in the country as of Monday.
Eight newly reported deaths in Arizona bring the known COVID-19 deaths to 17,276. The state exceeded 17,000 on April 7, after passing 16,000 on March 2, 15,000 on February 17, 14,000 on February 6, and 13,000 on January 29. .. Deaths (Number. The state exceeded 10,000 known deaths on January 9. The first known death in Arizona from the disease occurred in mid-March 2020.
Many of the reported deaths occurred days or weeks ago due to delays in reporting and matching death certificates.
A total of 860,169 COVID-19 cases have been identified throughout the state. There were relatively low case reports in March and April. Of the cases reported in the last 51 days, 48 ​​were less than 1,000.
Arizona Data dashboard Eighty-five percent of all ICU beds and 86% of all inpatient beds in the state are used on Mondays, with 11% of ICU beds and 7% of non-ICU beds occupied by COVID-19 patients. Indicates that you are. 253 ICU beds and 1,178 non-ICU beds were available throughout the state.
Hospitalizations for this illness have generally declined for about 13 weeks, appearing to have leveled off slightly these days, and have increased slightly recently.
The total number of patients admitted to COVID-19 cases known or suspected in Arizona was 615 on Monday, up from 611 on Sunday and well below the record 5,082 inpatients on January 11. I did. One of the surges in the summer of 2020 was July 13, 3,517.
The number of suspected or known patients with COVID-19 in the Arizona-wide ICU was 185 on Monday, about the same as Sunday, but well below the record high of 1,183 on January 11. I will. The peak in use for COVID-19 was 970.
COVID-19 was confirmed on ventilator, and the number of suspected Arizonas recorded 78 on Monday, down from 91 on Sunday, well below the record high of 821, which reached 13 January. patient.
On Monday, 900 patients with COVID-19 were seen in the Arizona emergency room. This is well below the December 29, 1-day record of 2,341 COVID-19-positive or suspicious patients seen in the state-wide emergency department.
Arizona began the first COVID-19 vaccination of healthcare workers, long-term care facilities, and front-line first responders in mid-December. The state in early March moved to a predominantly age-based development, and in late March, anyone over the age of 16 was able to start registering reservations.
The state reported that nearly 2.9 million people in Arizona had been vaccinated at least once as of Tuesday, and nearly 2.2 million were fully vaccinated against COVID-19. There are about 5.6 million adults over the age of 18 in Arizona.
What you need to know about Tuesday numbers
Cases reported in Arizona: 860,169.
Cases since the outbreak began increased by 682 or 0.08% from 859,487 identified cases on Monday. These daily cases are grouped by the date reported to the state health department, not the date the test was performed.
Cases by county: Maricopa 535,436, Pima 114,956, Pinal 51,105, Yuma 37,056, Mojave 22,607, Yabapai 18,636, Coconino 17,677, Navajo 16,153, Cochise 11,893, Apache 11,299, Santa Cruz 7,914, Gira 6,869,5 According to state numbers, there are 2,454 in Graham, 570 in Lapas and 570 in Greenlee.
According to state data, the per 100,000 case rate since the outbreak of the pandemic was highest in Yuma County, followed by Apache, Santa Cruz, Graham, and Navajo counties. The incidence in Yuma County is 16,114 per 100,000. By comparison, the average rate in the United States since the outbreak of the pandemic was 9,604 per 100,000 as of Monday. According to the CDC..
Navajo Nation report As of Friday, there were 30,435 cases and 1,263 confirmed deaths. Navajo Nation includes parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.
Arizona Correctional Bureau report As of Monday, 12,271 prisoners were COVID-19 positive, including 2,241 in Tucson, 2,030 in Aiman, 2,014 in Yuma, 1,303 in Lewis, and 1,163 in Douglas. 46,331 prisoners were tested throughout the state. A total of 2,759 prison staff were positive on self-reported tests, the agency said. Forty-three people imprisoned in Arizona have been confirmed dead in COVID-19, and another 12 are under investigation.
Race / ethnicity is unknown for 17% of all COVID-19 cases across the state, but 38% of positive cases are Caucasian, 30% are Hispanic or Latino, 5% are Native American, 3% are Black, 1 % Have been diagnosed with Asian / Pacific Islands descent. ..
Of those who have been positive in Arizona since the onset of the pandemic, 16% are under 20 years old, 44% are 20-44 years old, 15% are 45-54 years old, 12% are 55-64 years old, and 13% are 65 years old. I was over the age. ..
As of Sunday, the institute completed 4,226,962 diagnostic tests on unique individuals with COVID-19, of which 13.4% returned positive. That number includes both PCR and antigen testing. The percentage of positive tests over the past week was 6% for the second straight week, following 5% for the last 6 weeks.State code Exclude data From a lab that does not report electronically.
The State Department of Health includes potential cases as a positive person Antigen test, Another type of test to determine the current infection. An antigen test (not related to an antibody test) uses a nasal swab or another fluid sample to test for the current infection. Results are usually produced within 15 minutes.
Positive antigen test results are believed to be very accurate, but false-negative results are more likely, says Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic officials say doctors may recommend a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test to confirm negative antigen test results.
As of Monday, Arizona had the sixth highest case rate in the country since January 21, 2020. North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Utah have outnumbered Arizona in per 100,000 cases since the pandemic began. According to the CDC..
According to the CDC, the infection rate in Arizona is 11,798 per 100,000 people. The national average is 9,604 cases per 100,000 people, but states that were hit hard in the early stages of the pandemic may be underestimated due to the lack of tests available in March and April 2020. there is.
Reported deaths in Arizona: 17,276
Death by county: Maricopa 9,840, Pima 2,391, Pinal 868, Yuma 830, Mojave 711, Navajo 527, Yavapai 501, Apache 426, Coconino 329, Coconino 284, Gila 227, Santa Cruz 175, 80 77 for Lapas, 77 for Graham, 10 for Greenlee.
People over the age of 65 account for 12,947, or 75%, of the 17,276 deaths. After that, 15% of deaths were 55-64 years old, 6% were 45-54 years old, and 4% were 20-44 years old.
6% of deaths were of unknown race / ethnicity, but 50% of deaths were Caucasian, 28% Hispanic or Latino, 8% Native American, 3% Black, 1% Asia / Pacific Islands It was a people. Performance.
As of Tuesday morning, the world’s death toll was 3,123,645. According to the report, the United States has the highest death toll than any other country in the world, at 572,715. Johns Hopkins University.. A total of 17,276 deaths in Arizona represent approximately 3% of COVID-19 deaths in the United States.
Contact the reporter at [email protected] Or at 602-444-4282. Follow her on Twitter @alisteinbach..
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