Previous studies in the United Kingdom found that previous COVID-19 infections increased the immune response to mutants after a single dose of Pfizer vaccine.
London — A new study in the United Kingdom found that one shot of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine enhanced protection against COVID-19 mutants, but only for those who had previously been infected with the virus.
Studies from Imperial College London, Queen Mary University of London, University College London Release Their study on Friday.
Scientists examined the immune response of healthcare workers at Barts and Royal Free Hospitals after a single dose of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, which requires two doses.
Blood samples were analyzed to measure immunity to the COVID-19 mutant.
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The data revealed that participants who had a previous attack with coronavirus and one shot of the vaccine had “enhanced protection” against COVID-19 mutants in the United Kingdom and South Africa. The study noted that participants had a large number of T cells, B cells, and antibodies that help prevent infection.
Studies have shown that participants who received a single vaccine but had never been infected with the coronavirus had a weak immune response to the mutant. The study showed that after the first dose of the vaccine, lower levels of antibody were produced than in the previous group, leaving an inadequate immune response to the mutants.
“Our findings show that people who have received the first dose of the vaccine and have never been infected with SARS-CoV-2 are not completely protected from the circulating mutants of concern. “We are,” said Rosemary Boyton, a professor at Imperial College London. “This study emphasizes the importance of initiating a second dose of the vaccine to protect the population.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has always argued that a double dose regimen of both Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna vaccines is best, even with some lawmakers and health authorities. Promoted the United States to move to a single-dose regimen Speed up protection.
However, getting people to get a second shot of the COVID-19 vaccine remains a challenge.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 5 million Americans have missed a second COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna.
Relation: Millions of Americans miss a second “important” COVID-19 vaccination, according to CDC data
According to the CDC, more than 101 million Americans are fully vaccinated, accounting for 30.5% of the total population of the United States. According to the agency, 5 million people who did not receive the second dose within the recommended period corresponded to about 8% of those who received the first dose of the Pfizer / BioNTech or Moderna vaccine, and about 92%. It means that you are vaccinated.
But officials said it was not surprising that people skipped or missed the second dose.
“Overall, this increase in missed secondary doses was expected as the qualifications expanded to more people,” officials said in a statement to FOX television stations last week. “The first group to prioritize COVID-19 vaccination is likely to have been vaccinated at work (health care provider) or place of residence (long-term care facility), reducing barriers and increasing compliance with recommended vaccine schedules. There was a possibility. “
As expected, officials said the exact reason people missed the second shot still needs further investigation.
However, “vaccine hesitation” remains a problem, as the overall pace of vaccination has slowed over the past few The Wall Street JournalThe country managed an average of 3.2 million shots a day in early April. According to outlets, that number has dropped to 2.8 million times a day.
CDC director Rochelle Walensky said the institution is working to educate people about the science, data and safety of vaccines.
“If people are worried about side effects, we can provide data on more than 200 million doses of vaccine and its safety and scrutiny of its safety,” she said. “So we need to meet people where they are, understand why they hesitate, and give them information to fight that hesitation.”
This story was reported by Los Angeles.
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