Tests show that you can fight deafness by exposing your ears to infrared light.
Applying infrared light to your ears can prevent one of the most common causes of deafness. In addition, you can restore damaged hearing. That’s the idea behind the new US trial.
Previous studies have suggested that infrared rays can prevent the death and repair of hair cells, which are the key to hearing.
Researchers at the University of Miami are currently evaluating the effectiveness of infrared radiation in the ears in reducing the effects of noise exposure.
This is one of the leading causes of deafness, with some 11 million people in the UK experiencing it to some extent.
Most noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is caused by damage and death of hair cells in the inner ear.
Most noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is caused by damage and death of hair cells in the inner ear. Hair cells convert sound vibrations into electrical signals that travel along the auditory nerves to the brain.
We are born with a relatively small number of these auditory hair cells (about 15,000 in each ear), which diminish with age, illness, and loud noise.
The latter “overworkes” the cells and damages them. Human hair cells are irreversible, so once killed they disappear forever.
Currently, there is no cure for this deafness. Some recent studies have focused on infrared or near infrared (NIR). It is already used in medicine for wound healing — it is believed to improve the supply of oxygen-rich blood to the area — and relieves pain.
Studies show that light can both prevent and cure NIHL.
In one of the latest studies reported in the Peer Journal, all mice treated with NIR for 10 minutes before being exposed to loud noises had less deafness than untreated animals. “Our results show that a single NIR pretreatment for at least 10 minutes provides significant protection against noise exposure,” said researchers at the Charite Medical School in Berlin, Germany.
Previous animal studies have shown that NIR also acts as a treatment, significantly reducing hair cell loss when given for up to 12 days and 1 hour daily after exposure to noise.
We are born with a relatively small number of these auditory hair cells (about 15,000 in each ear), which diminish with age, illness, and loud noise.The latter “overworkes” the cells and damages them
In a study published in the Journal of Biomedical Optics in 2012, rats treated with one ear had more hair cells and their hearing after being exposed to loud sounds was light.
It is unclear how light can have such an effect. One suggestion is to interact with a protein called cytochrome c oxidase to increase the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). High levels of this compound have generally been shown to reduce cell death and initiate the cell repair process.
It also causes a reduction in inflammation. This is related to the damage to hair cells caused by noise.
In a clinical trial of 100 healthy people at the University of Miami in the United States, participants were exposed to safe levels of noise four times. They receive 30 minutes of infrared therapy on half visits and fake phototherapy on other visits.
Various tests are performed to assess the effect of light on the behavior of hair cells. It measures otoacoustic emission, the sound produced when hair cells react to noise.
Jaydip Ray, a professor of otology and neurology at the University of Sheffield, said: ‘Infrared neural regulation is a very promising and relatively new concept.
“If successful on a large scale, this could be the primary treatment option for deafness.”
SAccording to a recent military medicine report based on data from four trials, steroids may mitigate the effects of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).
Researchers in the United States have suggested that the drug may work by reducing NIHL-related inflammation and protecting some of the hair cells in the ear.
They also found that high-pressure treatment (breathing oxygen in a pressurized tank) had a similar effect, improving hearing by about 7 decibels. The reason is not clear.
Is Conversation Therapy the Key to Helping Children Overcome Fear of the Dentist? A study at the University of Sheffield offers cognitive-behavioral therapy (shown to relieve anxiety) to 600 children aged 9 to 16 years from 30 dental practice in England and Wales. One in three children are afraid of the dentist.
When your weight turns into real pain in the neck
Poor posture is associated with neck pain, but body mass index (BMI) can also be a risk factor.
A team at the University of Texas A & M in the United States has set out to investigate whether poor posture is the only reason for stiff neck in office workers. The study found that 40 healthy people were exercising to feel tired, mimicking the tension in the neck at work. Weighted helmets increased pressure, the journal Human Factors reports.
Posture and exercise time affected neck strength, but BMI also played an important role. Studies show that weight can change musculoskeletal health.
Enlivening your diet can relieve arthritic joints
Garlic, ginger, cinnamon, and saffron may help treat rheumatoid arthritis, a study published in Nutrients suggests.
Spices have long been used in traditional medicine. Scientists are now exploring the potential benefits of this condition, where the immune system attacks healthy tissues, causing hard, painful joints.
Researchers at the University of Lille in France suggest that spices may help for anti-inflammatory effects and may complement existing drugs for chronic inflammatory diseases.
For example, a ginger compound called shogaol has been shown to reduce swelling, while cinnamon blocks the immune cells that cause inflammation.
Garlic (pictured), ginger, cinnamon, and saffron may help treat rheumatoid arthritis, a study published in the journal Nutrients suggests.
Medical metaphor
A phrase that reveals the scientific truth.This week: Sweetie pie
We often use terms related to sweet foods when referring to loved ones such as sweets, sweet pies, and sugar.
But scientists have shown that this is not just a coincidence. In the 2019 survey, we asked 23 participants to eat rock sweets or tasteless navy beans and answered questions about words such as friendliness and romanticism.
Those who were given sweets understood the romantic language faster and became more involved. Researchers in Psychology Frontier have suggested that the sensory experience of taste can affect our thoughts and emotions.
What’s in it?
This Week: Regain Scalp Solution for Hair Removal
Minoxidil: This chemical is a “vasodilator”, meaning it dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow. When applied to the scalp, increased blood flow is thought to stimulate hair growth.
Ethanol: This is the solvent alcohol. It dissolves all other ingredients so they can be combined.
Propylene Glycol: Organic compounds take the form of a thick, colorless liquid that gives Regain its texture.
Glycols are non-irritating, non-volatile (hard to evaporate) and tend to be non-toxic, making them suitable for use in cosmetics.
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