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More than Lyme disease: Beware of other tick-borne diseases

More than Lyme disease: Beware of other tick-borne diseases


They are smaller than apple seeds, but can actually fill the wall. Dani isn’t just annoying uninvited guests who hit almost every outdoor barbecue, hike, or backyard hangout in New York. It can also spread dangerous illnesses such as Lyme disease.

Overall Tick-borne disease has more than doubled in the United States According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Lyme disease (transmitted through infected black feet or deer tick bites) accounted for 82% of all cases between 2004 and 2016.There is more than Estimated 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, the CDC, which recognizes that Lyme disease is often underreported each year in the United States, states that the number can exceed 400,000.

However, other types of tick-borne diseases are also on the rise. These lesser-known illnesses are rarer than Lyme disease, but can be more dangerous. It further emphasizes why it is so important to be vigilant to prevent ticks.

“There are less than half the cases of other tick-borne diseases compared to Lyme disease,” said Dr. Richard Ostfeld, senior scientist at the Cary Ecosystem Institute in Milbrook.

He named Babesiosis and Anaplasmosis as two of the most common (non-Lyme) tick-borne diseases in our area. “The problem is that both can be more serious than Lyme. They are more likely to cause hospitalization than Lyme disease,” Ostfeld said. “They are less common, but they are … important diseases in their own right. There are concerns about the patterns of growth they are showing.”

In places like the Hudson Valley, a hotbed of tick-borne diseases, it is imperative to protect yourself from tick bites. And it is important to be aware of the following lesser-known but potentially serious illnesses that can be transmitted by mites and are reported here.

The deer ticks shown here usually refer to black-footed mites (Ixodes scapularis) and western black-footed mites (Ixodes pacificus). This tick is a slow feeder and needs to adhere to the host for 24-48 hours before it can infect Lyme disease. It can also infect anaplasmosis and babesiosis. Deer ticks are smaller than tree mites-nymphs can be as small as poppy seeds, and adults are sesame-sized.

The deer ticks shown here usually refer to black-footed ticks (Ixodes scapularis) And the black-footed ticks in the west (Ixodes pacificus). This mite is a slow feeder and needs to adhere to the host for 24-48 hours before infecting Lyme disease. It can also infect anaplasmosis and babesiosis. Deer ticks are smaller than tree mites — nymphs can be as small as poppy seeds, and adults are sesame-sized.


Anaplasmosis — It is transmitted to humans primarily by black-footed mites and western black-footed mites (also known as deer ticks).People infected with bacteria Anaplasma phagocytophilum You may experience fever, headache, chills, and muscle aches.Case Anaplasmosis peaked in 2017There are 5,762 cases nationwide, down in 2018, and last year’s data are available from the CDC.

Babesiosis — It is also transmitted by black-footed mites and caused by microparasites that infect red blood cells. Infected human reactions range from asymptomatic to life-threatening in people with a weakened immune system. The more common symptoms are described as flu-like (fever, sweating, body pain, nausea, malaise).

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) — Infected by the American dog tick, the Rocky Mountain Wood tick, and the chestnut tick here in the United States.this is One of the most deadly tick-borne diseases If not identified and not treated early with appropriate antibiotics. People infected with RMSF are expected to experience fever, headaches, and rashes. According to the CDC, there were 6,248 RMSFs in the United States in 2017, a slight decrease in 2018.

Tularemia — Infects humans by contact with dog ticks, American dog ticks, ticks, and infected animals. The disease can be fatal to rabbits and rodents on a large scale if it occurs. Symptoms of hare According to the CDC, it can vary greatly from person to person, depending on how the person was infected. In addition to fever, common signs of the disease are skin ulcers and swollen lymph glands where bacteria have entered the body. More serious cases include chest pain and dyspnea, or sore throat and mouth ulcers when infected with contaminated food or water. Tularemia has been reported in all states, but overall cases are rare. Only 229 cases were confirmed in 2018.

If you are bitten by a tick, you can carefully remove it with tweezers, put it in a plastic bag, and store it in the freezer while monitoring the symptoms, Ostfeld said. If you feel sick, you can take the tick to your doctor.

Alertness is the best protection against tick-borne disease, whether Lyme disease or something else. It is because of the additional illnesses in this range that Ostfeld is concerned that he is overconfident in the prevention of ticks. Lime vaccine on the market..

“I’m a little worried that people vaccinated against Lyme disease might mistakenly think they’re protected from all the threats of ticks,” he said. “Then you may relax your vigilance to avoid being bitten by ticks. They may stop. Use of repellents, protective clothing, tick check … Protecting yourself from mites is still important because of other diseases that mites can infect. “

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