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Mucor disease in Covid19 patients Black fungus infection Symptoms and other details


Zygomycosis, Known as’Black fungus‘, Is Fungal infectionn This primarily affects people taking other health medications that reduce their ability to fight environmental pathogens. Paranasal sinus Alternatively, the lungs of such individuals are affected after fungal spores are inhaled from the air.

“A set of specific populations and situations will make more people Vulnerable For uncontrolled diabetes, steroid immunosuppression, prolonged ICU stay, comorbidities after transplantation or malignancy, and this infection, including voriconazole therapy. ” Dr. Minal Vohra, a consultant endocrinologist at BeatO.

She added, “Mucormycosis can be induced in humans by the use of steroids, a life-saving treatment for moderate to severe COVID cases. Steroids reduce lung inflammation, but overall Decreases the immune response and significantly increases the sugar content of both diabetic and non-diabetic patients COVID-19 patient. This is especially difficult for people with hyperglycemia who cannot control their sugar content during Covid. “

Symptoms of two types of zygomycosis are commonly observed in Covid-19 patients, whether active, restorative, or post-discharge. This includes Rhino-Orbito-Cerebral Mucormycosis (ROCM) and Pulmonary mucormycosis.

“The timeline for presenting symptoms depends on the patient’s blood glucose status, comorbidities, and steroid use. The disease progresses so quickly that the disease has already invaded the patient’s organs by the time the patient notices the symptoms. In vulnerable people, the suspicion of Mucor’s disease must remain high, “she said.

Rhino-Orbito-Cerebral Mucormycosis (ROCM)

Simply put, ROCM means zygomycosis, where the fungus affects the nose, eyes, and brain. The disease begins in the nose, spreads rapidly along the sinus passages, and infects the orbit (the bone cavity that surrounds the eye) and the brain. Therefore, infections can be divided into three stages.

In the early stages, patients experience either stuffy nose or congestion, runny nose (blood or brown / black) and local pain inside the nose. The patient then begins to develop facial pain, numbness, and even facial swelling.

As the infection progresses and reaches the orbit, the patient begins to experience headache and orbital pain. This means pain in or behind the eyes. Painful blurred vision or diplopia, loss of vision in one or both eyes, partial or complete blindness can also be witnessed.

Toothache, loose teeth in the upper jaw, dysfunction of jaw movement. Paresthesias or abnormal skin sensations such as tingling, coldness, burning sensation, and numbness can occur. Patients also show fever, skin lesions, and black scabs on the skin near the eyes or nose.

Unsteady gait, changes in consciousness, and seizures indicate that the fungus has spread to the brain.

Pulmonary mucormycosis

Pulmonary mucor disease, which primarily affects the lungs and respiratory system, is common in immunocompromised patients who have a reduced ability of the immune system to fight infections and illnesses.

Patients with pulmonary mucormycosis present with symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, and chest pain. Some people also experience hemoptysis. This means that the blood coughs. As the infection spreads, respiratory symptoms worsen and patients may also observe pleural effusions. This means that fluid collects in the outer covering of the lungs.

How to diagnose zygomycosis

If a patient presents with symptoms of zygomycosis, it must be treated as emergency care and a clinical diagnosis must be performed immediately. Suspicious patients should undergo appropriate radioimaging studies.
* MRPNS (paranasal sinuses) with RCOM brain contrast study
* Plain CT chest of pulmonary zygomycosis

Treatment of Covid-related zygomycosis

Mucormycosis is often caused by uncontrolled diabetes or steroid misuse in immunocompromised patients. Therefore, the first step is to control diabetes, maintain wise use of steroids (time, dose, duration) and discontinue other immunomodulators. In particular, the need to control post-discharge hyperglycemia (high sugar content) after Covid-19 treatment is very important for both diabetic and non-diabetic patients.

“If the condition is detected early, mucormycosis can be treated with appropriate antifungal treatment. In most cases, a surgical debridement is ultimately needed to remove the necrotic material in the skin. Requires a team approach that includes infectious disease specialists, mycosisists, histopathologists, intensive care specialists, neurologists, otolaryngologists, ophthalmologists, dentists, surgeons, and radiologists. “She said.


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